Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1948)

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2 Motion Picture Daily Friday, June 25, 1948 Personal Mention PAT CASEY, industry labor relations consultant, has arrived in New York from Hollywood. • Joseph Hazen, Hal Wallis Productions president, left here yesterday for the Coast where he will remain for the summer. Hal Wallis will return to the Coast from here today. • Berry Greenberg, Far Eastern special sales representative for Samuel Goldwyn Productions and Walt Disney Productions, is here for home office talks. • Jerry Pickman, Eagle-Lion assistant advertising-publicity director, will leave New York today for Canon City, Col. Max E. Youngstein, Eagle-Lion advertising publicity vice president, will be on the Coast over the weekend from Des Moines. Charles Simonelli, Universal-International Eastern exploitation manager, returned to New York yesterday from Philadelphia. Walter L. Titus, Jr., Republic division manager, will return to New York today from Cleveland and Cincinnati. • George Glass, Screen Plays, Inc., vice-president, will leave New York today for the Coast. • William Perlberg, 20th CenturyFox producer, is due here today from England. • Al Horwits, Universal-International Eastern publicity manager, returned here yesterday from the Coast. 20th-FoxProductioii Confabs on the Coast Johnston Named to EC A Advisory Unit Washington, June 24. — Eric Johnston, Motion Picture Association of America president, was today given an interim appointment by President Truman as a member of the Public Advisory Board of the European Cooperation Administration. Johnston and the 11 other members of the board will serve until a new board is named by the President next year. The nominations were sent to the Senate on Saturday, but since Congress ended its session without acting on them, the interim appointments were necessary. Headed by 20th Century-Fox president Spyros P. Skouras, home office sales and advertising executives will leave here over the weekend to start a series of conferences on Monday at the studio. Distribution of new product and advertising plans will be discussed. Included in the party which will meet with Joseph M. Schenck, production executive, and Darryl F. Zanuck, production vice-president, are Andy W. Smith, Jr., general sales manager ; W. C. Gehring, assistant general sales manager ; Charles Schlaifer, advertising-publicity director ; Stirling Silliphant, executive assistant to Schlaifer ; Christy Wilbert, advertising manager, and Louis Shanfield, art director. Product to be discussed includes : "The Snake Pit," "That Lady in Ermine," The Shamrock Touch," "Apartment for Peggy," "Martin Rome," "Unfaithfully Yours," "When My Baby Smiles at Me" and "Road House." ITOA Installs Brandt Head for 15th Year At the 15th annual installation luncheon of the Independent Theatre Owners Association at the Hotel Astor here yesterday Harry Brandt was installed as president for the 15th consecutive year. Acting as installation officer was Milton C. Weisman, general counsel of the organization. Others installed were 1st vice-president, David Weinstock; 2nd vice-president, Max A. Cohen ; treasurer, Leon Rosenblatt ; secretary, J. Joshua Goldberg ; sergeant-at-arms, John C. Bolte, Jr. Stamp To Tie In TOA 'Youth Month' Postmaster General Jesse M. Donaldson has authorized a special commemorative postage stamp honoring the Youth of America, his action following a request by Theatre Owners of America's executive director, Gael Sullivan, to tie in with TOA's "Youth Month" program in September. Theatre Grosses (Continued from page 1) Johnston, Dewey Chat; Press Speculates Washington, June 24. — MPAA president Eric Johnston remained in Philadelphia today at the Republican convention. At one point during the day, after the MPAA head had conferred with Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, press dispatches speculated on whether Johnston might be considered as Dewey's running mate. Gellis, Stein Associated Maurice Appleton Gellis, former special assistant to the U. S. AttorneyGeneral in the anti-trust division of the Department of Justice and former assistant corporation counsel of the City of New York, has become associated with New York attorney Monroe E. Stein, who numbers many film companies among his clients. Stein is one of the plaintiff's attorneys in the Fifth and Walnut anti-trust suit which is currently being tried in U. S. District Court here. Convention Telecast (Continued from page 1) satisfied with tonight's show. Images were clear and sharp and reception generally was good, with frequent "angling" of perspectives and shifting of scenes. Convention Hall, from which point the telecast was picked up, is about 15 blocks from the Fox. Before the telecast, the audience saw a special screening of "The Street With No Name." Riffle Leaves Altec Louisville, June 24.— Frank H. Riffle has resigned as Altec Service field manager working out of Cincinnati to join Falls City Theatre Equipment Co. as chief engineer. away the leader last month. In second place, but considerably outdistanced, was "The Iron Curtain," pressed closely by "Fort Apache" and "Miracle of the Bells," which tied for third spot. Meanwhile, the following demonstrated notable grossing strength in several situations: "Sitting Pretty," "Duel in the Sun," "The Naked City," "Lady from Shanghai," "The Sainted Sisters," "Saigon," "The Big Clock," "The Outlaw" and "I Remember Mama." Others turning in better-than-average. grosses in a lesser number of situations were : "Winter Meeting," "Tarzan and the Mermaids," "The Smugglers," "Unconquered," "Black Bart," "Lost Honeymoon," "Song of My Heart," "The Bishop's Wife," "Woman in White," "Always Together," "Caged Fury," "Arch of Triumph," "To the Ends of the Earth," "If You Knew Susie," "The Mating of Millie," "Mourning Becomes Elestra," "Fighting Father Dunne," "All My Sons," "Hazard," "The Fuller Brush Man," "Silver River," "Raw Deal," "Homecoming" and "Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay!" NTFC Chairmen To Meet Here Tonight A meeting of all sub-committee chairmen of the National Television Film Committee has been called for tonight by NTFC chairman Melvin L. Gold. Among the topics expected to be discussed are the new standard exhibition contract, membership drive, selection of legal counsel and other activities. Also attending will be Robert M. Wormhoudt, secretary-treasurer ; Irwin Shane, by-laws committee ; Myron Mills, distribution ; Robert Paskow, television stations committee ; Jay Williams, productions; Sally Perle, press relations. Fabian Theatres' Party John Murphy and Harold Rinzler were awarded first and second prizes, respectively, for low gross scores at the annual Fabian Theatres' golf tournament and party held yesterday at Preakness Hills Country Club at Wayne Township, N. J. Some 200 exhibitors and distributors from the Metropolitan area as well as Philadelphia and Albany, N. Y., participated in the day's activities. A number of other prizes in different golfing categories was also awarded. Majors Sued (Continued from page 1) Theatre in Greenville, and 21 to 30 days or more after the Lake, in the same town. The Paramount is operated by Paramount Richards Theatres, and the Lake by Darden and Presitt. It is charged that the plaintiffs "have repeatedly requested earlier availability from distributing defendants." Don Velde Quits Donald L. Velde has resigned from National Screen Service after eight years. Burton E. Robbins, assistant to Herman Robbins, NSS president, will absorb his duties. NEW YORK THEATRES c — RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Rockefeller Center BING JOAN CROSBY FONTAINE in "THE EMPEROR WALTZ"3 Color by TECHNICOLOR A Paramount Picture SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATION I BITTY MACOpNAlO HUTTON • CAREY » » iimni IEISEN rioDoenoii greatest star' and-song-showl TBef/MieotOHi Released thru RK0 Radio Pictures RKO presents FIGHTING FATHER DUNNE starring PI — PAT O'BRIEN -SSS /.'«« Victoria DAN DAILEY "Give My Regards To Broadway" A 20th Century-Fox Picture in Technicolor On Variety Stage — THE ANDREWS SISTERS DEAN MARTIN and JERRY LEWIS On Ice Stage — CAROL LYNNE ARNOLD SHODA ROXY 7th Ave. & 50th St. : JOHN FORD'S MASTERPIECE "FORT APACHE COOL IN PERSON jr LENA HORNE , Special! It PAUL WINCHELL 9 Extra! Ifi SKINNAY ENNIS A B'way & 51 it SI. and his ORCH. CAPITOL New York." Martin Quigley, President; Red Kann, Vice-President: Mnrtin nJ.™ v?l »™?k„>e^YnT* i°'„.N Y„.Tel£ Circle .7-3100. Cable address: "Quigpubco, bert"v;-Feci.V, AdSinf^a^r^Gus h! * »fe :P »-J" -SuHiX?n.. Vice-President .and 1 .I.o, J ,1; S,, Chicago Bureau, 120 South La Salle Street, Vine Building, William R. Weaver, Editor; ( "s^F^L?li0d*5io? D?.vi,d HaIri?. Circulation Director; Hollywood Bureau, Yuc Editorial Representative. Washington, J. A. Otten, National Press Club Washington b f 1™^ P Advertising Urben Farley, Advertising Representative; Jimmy Ascher, Editor; cable address, "Quigpubco, London." Other Quiglev Publications M^tUnS Goldlr ?qi' Lo"donIWl; H°Pf Burnup, Manager, Peter Burnup, Herald; Theatre Sales; International Motion Picture Almanacf Fame Entered I as second ~ " 7*2^..***** every fourth week as_a section of Motion Picture 3, 1879. Subscription rates per year, $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign; class matter. Sept. 23, 1938, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March single copies, 10c.