Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1950)

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Motion Picture Daily Wednesday, April 26, 11 Aren't You Overlooking Something? Papa picks up the tickets, but Mama picks the picture. For this is Mama's "night out." If Papa had his way, he'd stay home and read the newspaper — or watch the fights on television. To have more Papas pick up the tickets for your pictures, it's up to you to reach more Mamas with your advertising. McCall's is the proper place to do this — trafficwise and cost-wise. For with its new editorial formula, introduced in the March issue, women are now reading McCall's more thoroughly than ever before. That means they'll pay more attention to your message, too. If you haven't seen a McCall's representative recently, better see one soon. NO OTHER PUBLICATION in the field has so consistently, year after year, recognized the importance of the motion picture industry to its millions of movie-going readers. WORKERS GIVE A PITCH TO BOS WHO STARTED TO GIVE THEM ONi H. J. Williams Named In Percentage Suits Oxford, Miss., April 25. — Homer J. Williams, operator of the Grenada and Pix theatres in Grenada, Miss., was named as defendant in four percentage actions filed here by Columbia, Universal, Loew's and Warner, each filing a separate suit. Complaints allege damages due to under-reporting receipts on percentage pictures. The law firm of Wells, Wells, Newman and Thomas of Jackson are the attorneys for each distributor, with Sargoy and Stein, New York, of counsel. $325,000 to Promote Kramer's 'The Men' With an advertising and promotion campaign keyed to the level _ of its world-premiere booking at Radio City Music Hall in mid-July, Stanley Kramer's new film, "The Men," will be backed by a top-level ad-exploitation budget of $325,000, it was _ announced here by Howard LeSieur, director of advertising-publicity for United Artists, and George Glass, vice-president of Stanley Kramer Productions. The budget also provides for a special field force to be recruited in New York. Set Committee for Allied States Meet Washington, April 25. — A fiveman committee has been named by Allied States Association to oversee preparations for Allied's 1950 convention in Pittsburgh this fall. The committee consists of Trueman Rembusch, Charles Niks, William Ainsworth, Stanley Kane, and Abe Berenson. The Magazine Close to 4,000,000 Women MGM Shifts Department Dr. Leo A. Handel, director of the Motion Picture Research Bureau, yesterday announced the transfer of the headquarters of his organization from New York to Los Angeles. Dr. Handel's current contract with MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, which expires at the end of April, provided for the exclusive services of his bureau and the future arrangement with M-G-M will permit him to conduct research studies for other clients in addition to M-G-M. Schary Assigns Deutsch Hollywood, April 25.— Dore Schary vice-president in charge of production at M-G-M, has assigned Helen Deutsch, novelist and magazine writer, to write the script for "The Plymouth Adventure," a novel by Ernest Gelber which Schary will produce with William Wellman directing. The novel is the May selection of the Literary Guild. Miss Deutsch is in New York on vacation. Coy 'Not Available' Washington, April 25.— Federal Communications Commission Chairman Wayne Coy said today he did not expect to be "available for reappointment" after his present term ends on June 30, 1951. Minneapolis, April 25.— In a t of circuit cities, which started out a pitch for better box-office busir during its annual May-June dr Minnesota Amusement Co. rsfsin Harry B. French has compf leH a ! ries of conferences with i-JSw J ployes which wound up with a s prise angle to the pitch. Always le ing on optimism, French and Cha; Winchell, Maco vice-president, star the tour to arouse enthusiasm in 1 atre employes who, they feai might have become imbued with j simistic reports of TV competiti! some low quality pictures and eJ nomic and unemployment dang' What they encountered was 1,800 < ployes reversing the tables and giv the Maco executives a pitch on ent siasm, confidence in forthcoming pr uct and glowing hopes for record b office grosses. So they all got in act and French reported the resp' at each meeting was "nothing s of terrific." French told the Maco employe.' wasn't "afraid" of TV competition, . considered it a challenge to the mot picture industry. He said the cin expects to use TV to the limit. Rathvon Group Sei British Musical London, April 25. — Marcel Hi man, independent producer, has cm pleted negotiations with Robert CI of Associated British Picture Cc for production of "Happy Go Love' Technicolor musical to be direc by Bruce Humberstone and starr David Niven, Vera Ellen and Ce Romero. Shooting starts May 3 at ABP Elstree studio. The deal was through N. Peter Rathvon's prodl tion financing group, who reporte j will have Western Hemisphere tribution rights. Associated Briti Pathe will handle distribution in Eastern Hemisphere. Exhibitors Set Wor Parley on Televisioi London, April 25. — The Cinema graph Exhibitors Association has cepted an invitation to send repres tatives to an international assem to "discuss the problem of televis and its consequences on cinematogr; exhibition." The assembly, sponsored by Belgium Cinematograph Associati; will be held in Paris, May 9-11. G officers and Leslie Knopp, the As;, ciation's technical adviser, will atte 'Outlaw' at RKO Theatr Howard Hughes' "The Outfall as been booked to play the ent RKO Metropolitan circuit start Thursday, May 4. This RKO Ra release will play all RKO theat* in Manhattan, Bronx and Westches starting May 4 through May 8. C week later, May 11 through May "The Outlaw" will play all RKO | atres in Brooklyn, Queens and Lc Island. New Canadian Society Ottawa, April 25. — Formation the Canadian Film Institute, whwill merge the National Film Soci< and other similar organizations, 1 been announced by Gordon Adamsi executive officer of NFS.