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Monday, June 4, 1951
20th-Fox Divestiture, As Proposed by Decree
Calexico: Condi
ingame or San Mateo. onal divestiture or product limitation tor Compton: Conditional dives
the Capitol.
titure or product limitation for the lower. Culver City: Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Culver.
El Centra: Conditional divestiture of the United Artists. Ford City: See provisions relating to Taft-Ford City. Fresno.: Wilson or Crest or Kineraa or Tower, within three months. If the Tower is sold, NT shall also divest under certain conditionseither the Wilson or Crest or Kinema. Glendale: Conditional divestiture of Alex or Glendale. Conditiotnal divestiture or product limitation of one theatre in Glendale. Hanford: Fox or Ritz. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on one other theatre. Hermosa Beach: See Redondo. Huntington Park: Conditional divestiture or product limitation of the California and Lyric. Inglewood: Conditional divestiture of Academy or Fifth Avenue or Fox. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on one theatre.
Lindsay: Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Lindsay. Lodi: Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Lodi or State. Long Beach: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Egyptian.
In Los Angeles
Los Angeles: Wilshire area: Wilshire or Uptown or Carthay Circle or Belmont. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on additional theatre. Westchester district: Conditional divestiture or product limitation of the Loyola. Los Angeles zones: Conditional divestiture or product limitation of the Florence, Gentry and Embassy. Divestiture of the Ravenna or Parisian or Melrose. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Fairfax and La Brea. Conditional divestiture of a first neighborhood run theatre in the Fairfax area. Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Westlake. Conditional divestiture of the Filmarte or Hollywood. Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Figueroa.
Divestiture of the Arroyo or Starland. Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Mesa and Highland. Conditional divestiture for the Stadium or Lido, or under another provision, conditional divestiture or product limitation for one of these theatres. Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Larchmont and Boulevard. Divestiture of the Rivoli or Western. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on two additional theatres in the Rivoli-Western area. Conditional divestiture of the Carmel, or under another provision, either conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Carmel.
Manhattan Beach: See Rodendo. Millbrae: See Burlingame. North Hollywood: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Studio and El Portal. Divestiture of property located at Lankershim Blvd. and Kittridge.
Others in California
Oakland: Central and one of Fox, Paramount, Orpheum, Grand Lake or Franklin. If Franklin is divested, conditional divestiture of one other theatre and/or conditional divestiture or product limitation on one other theatre. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on Grand Lake, if Franklin is divested. Oakland zones: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Senator, Parkway and Palace.
Ocean Park: Dome or Rosemary. Ontario: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Granada. Pasadena: One o Academy, Pasadena, Uptown or State, and one of Park, Strand or Washington. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on Uptown and two additional theatres. Paso Rcbles: T & D or Hiho. Pomona: Conditional divestiture of Fox or Sunkist. Redland Loma. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on additional theatre.
Redbndo: Fox Redondo or Strand. Conditional divestiture of an additional theatre in Redcndo or of the Hermosa m Hermosa Beach or the Lamar in Manhattan Beach. Richmond: Liberty and the San Pablo Avenue lot. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on additional theatre Sacramento: Conditional divestiture of Senator or Crest or Capitol. _ .
Salinas: Conditional divestiture of fcox or Alisal and conditional divestiture or product limitation on an additional theatre. San Bernardino: Fox or California or West
( Continued from page 1 )
Coast. San Diego: Conditional divestiture of the Fox or Orpheum or California.
San Diego Zones: Conditional divestiture or product limitation of the Adams, Loma, Balboa and State. Divestiture of the North P'ark or Crest or Egyptian. San Luis Obispo: Conditional divestiture of Fremont or Elmo. San Mateo: Regent. See also provisions on Burlingame. San Pedro: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Strand. Santa Monica: Conditional divestiture of Criterion or Wilshire and/or one other theatre. Santa Paula: Fox or Tower (Purchaser to have choice under ronditions outlined under Yuma.) Sherman Oaks: Conditional divestiture of property located at Langdon and Ventura Boulevard. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the La Reina.
Stockton: Conditional divestiture of the California or State, or under other conditions, divestiture or product limitation on California or State. Conditional divestiture of a theatre if National replaces the burned-down Rialto. Studio City: See North Hollywood. Taft-Ford City: Property at Main and Sixth Streets. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Fox. Turloek: Turlock or Fox. Vallejo: Valmar. Conditional divestiture or product limitation of Hanlon or Senator.
Van Nuys: Conditional divestiture of Van Nuys or Rivoli. Visalia: Conditional divestiture or product limitation of the Fox. Watsonville: Conditional divestiture of California or State. Westwood: Conditional divestiture of one theatre and/or conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Village or Bruin.
West Los Angeles: Nuart or Tivoli. Wilmington: Avalon or Granada. Property located at Pacific Coast Highway and Broad Avenue.
Colorado and Idaho
Colorado: Boulder: Buffalo. Conditional divestiture of the Boulder or Isis. Canon City. Rex and Skyline. Delta: Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Egyptian.
Denver: Downtown: Two of the Denver Paramount, Tabor, Rialto and Isis. Condi tional divestiture or product limitation on one additional. Adjacent Areas: Esquire or Webber or Aladdin. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Esquire Webber and Aladdin. Conditional divesti ture of the Welton. Denver Competitive Areas: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Ogden, Bluebird, Fox (in Aurora) and Mayan.
Durango: Kiva or Durango, with conditional divestiture of additional theatre Florence: Rialto. Fort Collins: Conditional divestiture of American or Lyric. La Junta: Fox or Mesa. Conditional divestiture or product liimtation on La Junta. Leadville: Elks Opera House.
Longmcnt: Fox or Longmont. Montrose Fox or Rex. (Purchaser to have choice i Montrose designated under conditions outlined under Yuma.) Sterling: Fox or Amer can. Trinidad: Conditional divestiture of Fox or Rialto. Walsenburg: Fox or Rialto. (Purchaser to have choice under conditions outlined under Yuma.)
Idaho: Caldwell: Conditional divestiture of American and/or Fox. Nampa: Cond tional divestiture or product limitation on Majestic or Adelaide. Pocatello: Conditional divestiture of Capitol and/or Chief or O pheum.
111., Ia., Kansas,
Illinois: Belleville: Conditional divesti ture or product limitation on the Lincoln or Illinois. Benton: Capitol or Star. Centralia Illinois or Grand. Du Quoin: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Grand. Jacksonville: Illinois or Times
Marion: Plaza. Conditional divestiture o product limitation on the Orpheum. Mount Vernon: Granada or Plaza. West Frank fort: Strand or State.
Iowa: Council Bluffs: Conditional dives titure of Strand.
Kansas: Arkansas City: Conditional d vestiture of Burford or Star. Atchison Fox or Orpheum. Chanute: Jayhawk. Con ditional divestiture or product limitation on the Peoples. Clay Center: Conditional d vestiture or product limitation on the Rex Coffey ville: Midland or Tackett. Con c.ordia: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Grand. Dodge City: Dodge and/or Crown. Conditional divestiture of the Cozy. El, Dorado: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the El
Dorado. Emporia: Granada or Strand. Fort cott: Empress or Liberty. Hays: Fox or Strand. If Strand is conerted to non theatrical purposes. Fox may under certain conditions be retained. Hutchinson: Fox or Midland. Iola: Conditional divestiture of Iola or Uptown. Johnsen County: See Kansas City, Mo. Liberal: Conditional divestiture of lucker or Plaza. Lyons: Conditional divestiture or product imitation on the Lyons.
IViarysville: Conditional divestiture or pro-duct limitation on the Liberty. Newton: Conditional divestiture of the Regent or Chief. Ottawa; Plaza or Webster. If the Webster is sold, tne Plaza under certain conditions must either be sold also or subjected to a product limitation. Pittsburg: Colonial or Midland or Cozy. Salina: Waton or Strand or Jayhawk. If the Jayhawk is sold, one other theatre may nave to be sold under certain conditions.
Topeka: Conditional divestiture of Jayhawk or Grand or Orpheum. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on tne Gem. Wellington: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Regent. Wichita: Miller or Palace or Orpheum or Wichita. Conditional divestiture of up to
M orison Hails Decree As Gov't Victory
Washington, June 3. — H. Graham Morison, assistant Attorney General in charge of the anti-trust Division, hailed the proposed 20th Century-Fox consent decree as the "fourth major step" in the Justice Department's drive to break up the power of the original "Big Five" film companies.
He referred to the fact that consent decrees had already been signed by Paramount, Warner Brothers and RKO. With the Fox decree out of the way, only Loew's of the ' Big Five" has not yet agreed to a divorcement and divestiture proposal, and it is actively negotiating now with the government.
TOA Survey
(Continued from page 1)
be so that they can plan accordingly."
Fabian mailed questionnaires to TOA members at the weekend. The forms, which are not to be signed since the information provided by the individual exhibitor is to be treated as "confidential," call for statistical itemization of needs with respect to curtains, carpet cleaners, ladders, doors, popcorn machines, automatic changemakers, soda fountains, vending devices, beverages, and scores of other items including projection and sound equipment.
two more of Boulevard.
these theatres and of the
Other States
Michigan: Hancock: Kerredge or Orpheum. Iron Mountain: Braumart or Colonial.
Missouri: Bocnville: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Lyric. Brcokfield: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Degraw. Cape Girardeau: Conditional divestiture or product limitation of the Broadway or Orpheum. Carthage: Tiger or Crane.
Excelsior Springs: Beyer or Siloam. If the Siloam is sold, the Beyer under certain conditions shall be sold or subjected to a product limitation. Joplin: Either the Fox or Paramount; or the Orpheum, and also the Fox or Paramount under cerT tain conditions. Kansas City: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Fairway. Conditional divestiture of the Plaza, or under other conditions, divestiture or product limitation.
Kansas City Zones: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Linwood. Divestiture of Warwick or Madrid, with conditional divestiture or product limitation on the one retained. Divestiture of Isis or Apollo or Rockhill with conditional divestiture of one additional theatre in this area, conditional divestiture or product limitation on another, and conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Rockhill if initially retained. Divestiture of the Circus. Conditional divestiture of the Vista or Gladstone. Divestiture of Brookside or Waldo. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Lincoln. Or in lieu of all these provisions, divestiture of the Isis or Apollo; Rockhill or Vista; Brookside or Waldo; Warwick or Madrid; and Circus.
Kirksville: Conditional divestiture of the Kennedy or Princess. Lexington: Main Street or Eagle. Mofeerly: Conditional divestiture of the Fourth Street or Grand.
Nevada: Conditional divestiture of Nemo or Star. Sedalia: Conditional divestiture of Fox or Liberty. Springfield: Fox or Gillioz or Jewell. Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Landers and Kickapoo.
Montana: Billings: Fox or Babcock and Lyric or Rio. Butte: Montana or Rialto or Fox. Great Falls: Grand. Conditional divestiture of Liberty or Rainbow. Helena:
Marlow or Antlers or Vigilante. (Purchaser to have choice under conditions contained under Yuma.) If the Antlers or Vigilante is sold, the Marlow under certain conditions must be sold or subjected to a product limitation. Lewistown: Conditional divestiture of Judith or Broadway. Missoula: Fox or Wilma.
Nebraska: Alliance: Alliance or Rialto. (Purchaser to have choice under conditions outlined under Yuma.) Beatrice: Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Fox. McCook: Fox or Bison.
North Platte: Paramount or Fox. This may be converted to non -theatrical purposes, in which case the retained theatre must under certain conditions be sold or subjected to a product limitation. Sidney: National may acquire an additional 1,000seat theatre. In that event, the Fox must be converted to non-theatrical purposes or old. Moreover, the additional theatre must be sold or subjected to a product limitation unless certain competitive conditions are met.
New Mexico: Hot Springs: El Cortez and El Rio. Las Curces: Conditional divestiture of Rio Grande or State. Las Vegas: Serf or Coronado.
Oregon: Portland: Conditional divestiture of Paramount or Orpheum and Mayfair.
Washington: Bellingham: Conditional divestiture of Mt. Baker or American. Bremerton: Two of the Admiral, Rex, Rialto and Bay. Everett: Conditional divestiture of the Everett or Granada. Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Balboa. Spokane: Conditional divestiture of the Fox or Orpheum or State. Vancouver: Conditional divestiture of Castle or Kiggins. Wenatchee: Conditional divestiture of Liberty or Rialto.
Wisconsin: Beaver Dam: Odeon or Wisconsin. Janesville: Jeffris or Myers and Apollo. Madison: The existing interest of National in the Orpheum, Parkway, Madison and Strand shall be terminated within six months. National may acquire the outstanding interest in one or more of these, but if it does, it must divest itself of the Orpheum or Parkway or Strand. In no event may it retain an interest in more than two' of the Orpheum, Parkway and Strand.
Milwaukee: Conditional divestiture of the Wisconsin or Palace or Strand. Milwaukee Zones: Two of the Shorewood, Oakland, Jackson, East and Astor. Conditional divestiture or product limitation on the Garfield. Divestiture of the Uptown, Venetian or Parkway. If the Parkway is sold, the National must either sell or take a product limitation on the Uptown or Venetian if certain conditions are not met. Conditional divestiture or product limitation for the Varsity, Paradise and Allis. Divestiture of the Lincoln. Divestiture of the Riviera or World, conditional divestiture of the Kosciuszko.
Port Washington: Ozaukee or Grand. Stevens Point: Fox or Lyric.
Wyoming: Cheyenne: Lincoln or Paramount or Princess; and Strand. Laramie: Fox or Wyo. Rawlins: Strand or Elk. Rock Springs: Conditional divestiture of Rialto or Grand. Sheridan: Orpheum or Wyo.
National represents that it has already disposed of the De Anza Theatre, Riverside, Calif.; O-bispo Theatre, San Luis Obispo, Calif.; Broadway Theatre, Santa Ana, Calif., and Valley Theatre, Menasha,