Motion Picture Daily (Oct-Dec 1951)

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Did You COMPARE The TOA Convention is over. The men who spoke many words, those who debated, and the many who listened to and pondered upon what was said . . . they have returned to their home territories, near and far throughout the nation. But the echo of thoughtfully uttered words and their sincerity of purpose will linger in the minds of many . . . and out of all of this, the industry must gain through converting the wisest of those words into sound and live action. Recognizing the opportunity for fast, thorough and effective news reporting to the trade, Motion Picture Daily has again demonstrated the particular kind of service that can be supplied only by a daily trade paper that is effectively staffed and equipped to render such service. DID YOU COMPARE— the thoroughness of the news coverage — the editorial weighing of its signicant aspects — the calibre of concise comment on each day's happenings — and the speed of this trade reporting service? Each morning, to all attending the Convention, MPD brought its recorded account of the events of the previous day in clearly set forth words and pictures — and for its thousands of other subscribers, unable to leave their home areas, each day's issue was sped to the mails. MPD did not forget that while the Convention ended Thursday, there was still the job of reporting the events of that important day. The MPD issue of Friday morning devoted over sixteen columns to the subject. Despite the increased press run, requests to purchase extra copies on Friday alone totaled almost a thousand more than we were able to supply. We are happy indeed with the verdict of the many who did compare. x^^^ iPi Iff, m 1LDAI LY 7" NEW YORK, U.S.A. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2S, 1951 Wolf son Heads TOA Foreign Dept. m mm Print Shortage Wm MOTION PICTURE WM " DAI LYE NVw m.kk, kv». nii'Hsinv. suthmbfk a. iw Not Your Enemy / TOA IsTold " I /Is Future Is Sure, MS* | MOTION PICTURE (DAILY 1 OA Belabors \^Z7Z^T\ Protest O^-^rr. . ^ TOA Belabors Sales Policies Of Two Firms By CHARLES L. FRANKS The 0w„ers „, AnK, heard »i»>k,.„ „, I;."; **••* ' !»'" (lie ,,|„h, »™ing them' Na,™7"wni ReadeAsks TOA To Muzzle Press; Is Overruled C^iUer&T^^ Distributor By SHERIVIN KANE »% gmu , :— . ol Theal " ">'"".il c ]„i | Hold Asinr here • , "ll«l<. dll,,,,,. 1 probler Saddler-Pep Film Packs B. O. Punch "^rc,'1::,1:''' » 1° owe dissatisfied \ ,, ,'! r**°>< ol TOA Executive U, ^^,«^<°> Comm. Chairman\Bi^^& of led I TOA boar^whi Swi-Year National Pact for Skouras Charles p. Skouras Is »n "Red in fin3| negotiations" Th,'.r,"', Co™'l°'"T""™"! Pre.enl S r*»'°™ h lions sr. . noROIIi • Nei > Skoui boards of^Ot^'r.nt.^ vht I "mp'.lod. The a,,,,; 1 , bar. "iln^stoai-T"'! "° „";;!■!, *f i»! "Si,™" »i«r . ' '/"'""""'' ""'"J' Morn, V,.','," "won Blank, Tod R Urged by TOA Convention Concern f„. .u. _ . 'lucid „rm from the Si.,t, •f>crs thai '■ N di'li-K,ir,-s 1 'o both TOA " Problem, by the riva, Some of "if latter we're —.'T who said they id.-,. Allied a nvtous non-Allied Illy things Weren't \"h*C *10Usc ncxI Cod, absorbed ihe delec lnK business session it il '■ir< of n half h0ur. ' to Serve TOA on Top COMPO Unit Theatre vw, i-cTth nan"'M ""' 'lwl'|r'' — «-iii*.nipn». liim ^ ^rc;fcMi,S"ell WolUo,,, Wi. ; • & w« »»d i s„i R«ve or » A'''."! "" Hear, ■ad ffiritrS!'*. N »' lf not odoni . '° cor,8ider, Balaban Sees Brighter Era iripjhMr m b> Har,u.v li,,|,,.,ri "'«.'" "i .be ii».;,, ;,r:;,rr?7A «,*»«&***'• '"M iriditsip-..,