Motion Picture Daily (Oct-Dec 1951)

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AIRMAIL Edition of Motion Picture Daily to be published FOUR days each week — — to be issued every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (except holidays) commencing Monday, October 22, The regular edition will continue to be published every week-day for the New York area, and sent by usual "Second Class" mail to those out-of-town subscribers to whom two to three days' delay in receiving the spot news reports of the industry is satisfactory for their purposes. Complete details will be mailed to all subscribers. One year ago the first AIRMAIL Edition of any trade paper was introduced by Motion Picture Daily, on a once-a-week experimental basis. It was undertaken in recognition of the growing need for a fast news service for alert-minded "Pace-makers" of the industry throughout the nation — executives who are keenly aware of the importance of keeping posted promptly, nowadays, on all happenings which might have a bearing upon decisions for effective action. Never in the 36-year history of Quigley Publications (in introducing almost all cf the new forms of service which have since beccme standard in the motion picture trade paper field) has any innovation met with such immediate and enthusiastic approval from so many of the exhibition Pace-makers. Expressions of thorough endorsement also were received from the major executives in the Production and Distribution fields. During the 12-months' period to date, requests for daily publication of the Airmail Edition have been many and frequent. The number of instances where prompt receipt of the Tuesday news report has been importantly beneficial has left no doubt that this industry now needs the fastest practical means of keeping its leaders properly informed on trade news developments from day to day. In its public relations, too, the industry has been aided by the Airmail Edition. It has helped in keeping columnists of key city newspapers beyond the New York area reliably and promptly informed. The Airmail Edition frequently has been the source for an undistorted concept of the current conditions of the industry. It has often been qu:ted on specific, up-to-date points. The expanded service, in more frequently bringing columnists "news while it is news" for their purposes, will be of expanded value to the industry. Motion Pic hire Daily wishes to express to all who have urged more frequent publication of the Airmail Edirion its appreciation for their progressive attitude during the past 12 months. In entering upon the second year of the Airmail Edition, and expanding it to four successive days per week, the widespread assurance that this is both needed and desired is our guidance in providing this improved service to the industry.