Motion Picture Daily (Jan-Mar 1952)

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Tkorsajy, January 24, 1952 MOTION PICTURE DAILY 5 Complete Results of 1951 Television Poll More Local TV Programs Praised By Editors; More Editors Doing the Praising About double the number of local television programs mentioned by newspaper and magazine television editors and columnists in the 1950 poll were accorded special mention in the 1951 poll. Also, the number of televis'on editors and critics voting increased by about 25 per cent in 1951 over the previous year's poll. Evidences, apparently, of television's continuing expansion. In New York, WPIX won local commendations for its coverage of current events. Elsewhere in the East, WBAL, Baltimore, was cited for Prosperity Parade, and local plaudits went to Polka Revue, WEWS, Cleveland; Duquesne Show Time, Homestead, Pa.; Three to Get Ready, Philadelphia, and Charade Parade, Syracuse, among others. Middle West local mentions included America at Church, WENR, Chicago; Melody Time, Kansas City; Two for the Show, with Marjorie Meinert, Davenport, la.; Press Conference, Detroit, and the St. Louis Symphonette, St. Louis. Success Story is liked locally in Los Angeles, the critics say; Science in Action, in San Francisco; Rainier Ranch, with Texas Jim Lewis in Seattle; Fashions in Motion, Houston; Music City, U. S. A., Nashville, and Frosty Frolics, Pasadena. COMPLETE results of the voting by American newspaper and magazine television editors and columnists in Motion Picture Daily's third annual television poll for Fame are published herewith. Sponsors, agencies, networks and telecast time (E.S.T.) are given for first place winners ; network only for others. BEST NETWORK PROGRAM 1. Your Show of Shows (R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. — WilHam Esty Co. ; Benrus Watch Co. — J. D. Tarcher Co. ; The S.O.S. Co.— McCann-Erickson ; Lehn & Fink — Lennon and Mitchell ; Eversharp — Blow Co. ; Libby, McNeill & Libby — Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn; NBC-TV, Saturdays, 9:0010:30 P.M.). 2. Colgate Comedy Hour (NBCTV). 3. Kukla, Fran & Ollie (NBC-TV). BEST TELEVISION PERFORMER 1. Jimmy Durante (rotating schedule on All-Star Revue; Pet MilkGardner Advertising, Inc. ; Snow Crop Frozen Foods — Maxon Agency ; Kellogg Foods — Kenyon & Eckhardt — NBC-TV, Saturdays, 8:00-9:00 P.M.). 2. Sid Caesar (NBC-TV). 3. Milton Berle (NBC-TV). MOST PROMISING MALE STAR 1. Herb Shriner (Cluett, Peabody & Co. — Young & Rubicam — ABCTV, Thursdays, 9:00-9:30 P.M.). 2. John Forsythe (NBC-TV guest star). 3. Bob (Elliott) & Ray (Goulding) (NBC-TV). MOST PROMISING FEMALE STAR 1. Lucille Ball (Philip Morris & Co. -Blow Co.; CBS-TV, Mondays, 9:00-9:30 P.M.). 2. Dinah Shore (NBC-TV). 3. Maria Riva (CBS-TV). BEST DRAMATIC PROGRAM 1. Studio One ( Westinghouse Electric— ^McCann-Erickson ; CBS-TV, Mondays, 10:00—11:00 P.M.): 2. Philco-Goodyear TV Playhouse (NBC-TV). 3. RobertMontgomeryTheatre (NBCTV). BEST VARIETY PROGRAM 1. Your Show of Shows (NBC-TV. See Best Network Program). 2. Toast of the Town (CBS-TV). 3. Texaco Star Theatre (NBC-TV). BEST COMEDY SHOW 1. Your Show of Shows (NBC-TV. See Best Network Program). 2. Colgate Comedy Hour (NBCTV). 3. Red Skelton Show (NBC-TV). BEST COMEDIAN 1. Sid Caesar (Your Show of Shows — NBC-TV. Sec Best Network Program) and Jimmy Durante (AliStar Revue— NBC-TV. See Best Television Performer). Tie 3. Red Skelton (NBC-TV). BEST COMEDIENNE 1. Imogene Coca (NBC-TV — Your Show of Shows. See Best Network Program). 2. Lucille Ball (CBS-TV). 3. Martha Raye (NBC-TV). BEST CLASSICAL MUSIC PROGRAM 1. Voice of Firestone (Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. — Sweeney & James Co.; NBC-TV, Mondays, 8:309:00 P.M.). 2. Ford Festival (James Melton) (NBC-TV). 3. NBC Symphony Orchestra (with Arturo Toscanini) (NBC-TV). BEST POPULAR MUSICAL SHOW 1. Fred Waring Show (General Electric Co. — Young & Rubicam; CBSTV, Sundays, 9:00-10:00 P.M.). 2. Paul Whiteman Revue (ABCTV). 3. Dinah Shore Show (NBC-TV) and Your Hit Parade (NBC-TV) Tie. BEST EDUCATIONAL OR PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAM 1. Meet the Press (Revere Copper and Brass Co. — St. Georges & Keyes; NBC-TV, Sundays, 4:004:30 P.M.). 2. The Nature of Things (Dr. Roy K. Marshall) (NBC-TV). 3. . Johns Hopkins Science Review (DuMont). BEST QUIZ SHOW 1. You Bet Your ,Life, (Groucho ]\^arx) (DeSoto-Plymouth Dealers —Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn; NBC-TV, Thursdays, 8:008:30 P.M.). 2. What's My Line? (CBS-TV). 3. Who Said That? (NBC-TV). BEST CHILDREN'S PROGRAM 1. Kukla, Fran & ■ Ollie (Radio Corp. of America-J. Walter Thompson ; Mondays ; National" Biscuit Co. — ■ McCann-Erickson, Tuesdays and Thursdays ; NBC-TV, ' 'weekdays, 7:00-7:15 P.M.).' ..i ■ ; 2. Howdy Doody (NBC-TV). ^ ' 3. Super Circus (ABC-TV).' !• BEST MASTER OF CEREMONIES 1. John Daly (It's News to Me— Gen eral Foods Corp. — Young & Rubicam ; CBS-TV, Mondays, 9:3010:00 P.M.). 2. Ed Sullivan (CBS-TV). 3. Arthur Godfrey (CBS-TV). BEST TV ANNOUNCER 1. George Feneman (You Bet Your Life. See Best Quiz Show. NBCTV). 2. Dennis James (ABC-TV; NBCTV). 3. John Daly (CBS-TV). BEST NEWS COMMENTATOR 1. John Cameron Swayze (Camel News Caravan ; R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. — William Esty Agency; NBC-TV, weekdays, 7:458:00 P.M.). 2. Douglas Edward (CBS-TV). 3. Lowell Thomas (CBS-TV) and Edward R. Murrow (CBS-TV) (tie). BEST SPORTSC ASTER 1. Jimmy Powers (Cavalcade of Sports, Gillette Safety Razor Co. — Maxon, Inc.; NBC-TV, Fridays, 10:00-10:45 P.M.). 2. Mel Allen (Non-exclusive). 3. Ted Husing (CBS-TV). BEST SPORTS PROGRAM 1. Cavalcade of Sports (See Best Sportscaster. NBC-TV). ■ 2. Westinghouse Football Round-Up (Mel Allen— CBS-TV, seasonal). 3. Greatest Fights of the Century (NBC-TV). BEST DAYTIME PROGRAM 1. Kate Smith Show (Cannon Mills — N. W. Ayer & Sons; Chesebrough ' Mfrg.; Co. — McCann Erickson ; Dtafkee Foods — Meldrum & Fewsmith ; Gerber Products — Federal Advtg. ; Glidden Co. — Meldrum & Fews.mith ; Hunts Foods — Young & Rubicam ; Andrew Jergens — Robert W. Orr & Associates ; Knomark Mfrg. Co.— Emil Mogul Co. ; Pillsbury Mills— Leo Burnett Co. ; Procter & Gamble — Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample ; Simmons Co. — Young & Rubicam ; Simoniz Co. -^Sullivan, Stauf¥er, Colwell & Baj)-le's'; Singer Sewing Machine — Yobng & Rubicam; NBC-TV " weekdays, 4:00-5:00 P.M.) 2. Garry Moore Show (CBS-TV) 3. Steve Allen Show (CBS-TV) NBC-TV Captures 17 of 23 'Firsts'; Sweeps 5 Divisions NBC-TV outshone its network competitors by far in 1951, in the opinion of the television editors and columnists of American newspapers and magazines who voted in the third annual Motion Picture DAihY-Fainc television poll. NBC-TV programs and performers were voted 17 first places, one involving a tie between two NBC-TV personalities, to five firsts for CBS-TV and one for ABC-TV. NBC-TV also had the greatest number of second and third places in the poll. The second place score was : NBC-TV, 11; CBS-TV, eight, and ABC-TV, two. Third place tally: NBC-TV, 14 with two ties ; CBS-TV, eight with two ties ; ABC-TV, two, and DuMont, one. NBC-TV captured first, second and third place in five separate categories, Best Network Programs, Best Television Performers, Best Comedy Show, Best Comedian and Best Classical Music. CBS-TV swept two entire divisions — Best Mystery Programs and Best Master of Ceremonies. Critics Find Only Three New TV Stars Whether or not it is indication of television's complacency, lack of ingenuity, enterprise, or whatever, television editors and columnists participating in the third annual Motion Picture DAiLY-Fajrei? television poll found only three new performers on whom to bestow their ballot accolades in 1951, as compared with 1950. The three new performers whom the editor-critics singled out for praise were Jimmy Durante, Lucille Ball and Dinah Shore. Also, in voting the NBC Symphony Orchestra a place among the winners in the Best Classical Music division, the balloters singled out Arturo Toscanini for individual mention. All other performers and programs which won top places in the 1951 poll were contestants or eligibles in television the previous year. In categories other than performers or programs, such as Best Master of Ceremonies, Best TV Announcer, etc., 1951 winners who did not figure in the 1950 poll's top places, nevertheless were on TV in the earlier year. They include John Daly, George Feneman, Jimmy Powers, Herb Shriner and others. BEST MYSTERY PROGRAM 1. Man Against Crime (R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. — William Estv ; CBS-TV, Fridays ; 8 :30-9 :0O P.M.) 2. Suspense (CBS-TV) 3. Danger (CBS-TV) and Lights Out (NBC-TV) tie. BEST COMMERCIAL PRESENTATION 1. Lucky Strike (on Robert Montgomery Theatre, American Tobacco Co. — Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn; NBC-TV, alternate Mondays, 9:30-10:30 P.M.) 2. Radio Corp. of America and National Biscuit Co. (on Kukla, Fran & Ollie) (NBC-TV) 3. Arrow Shirts (Herb Shriner Time) (ABC-TV)