Motion picture daily (Jul-Sep 1953)

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ABOARD THE LOITATIOH PICTURE OF THE YEAR ! MOST PUBLICIZED ! Just the beginning, coming and current publicity: Cover on Life. Full pages in Life. Cover on Newsweek, big story inside. N. Y. Times Magazine [nationally circulated), publicity spread. Collier's, song layout. Sunday Mirror [nationally circulated), Movie of Week layout. Screenland, cover. Ladies' Home Journal, photograph and copy. Associated Press, publicity layout. Look, cover, inside story. Photoplay, photo layout. American Magazine, colored photo. Coronet, full page Movie of Month. Tempo Magazine, 2 -page layout. King Features Syndicate, feature and art. Motion Picture Magazine, Modern Screen, Movie Spotlight, Screen Stars, Movie Play, all carry stories and art. Space does not permit more details of what will be the greatest publicity barrage of recent years! BIG AD CAMPAIGN! Sensational newspaper display ads. Exciting teaser ads. Fan Magazine full pages in all leading publications. Picture of the Month column in 9 top national magazines. Full page in Look. Other advertising, including ads in connection with Song Contest. SONG CONTEST ! A big National Contest tied in to local level. Blankets America with 80 top radio stations (with some TV promotion). One week of playing records from "Band Wagon" album. Contest with listeners writing in their favorite song and in 25 words or less why they want to see the picture. Prizes for disc jockeys, station managers, public. One of the most complete contests ever staged by films, with special promotional platters, star and songwriter interviews. BAND WAGON' ALBUM ! Available for tie ups. 10,000 dummy covers of M-G-M Records Album. 3 -col. co-op ads and mats. Dealer-exhibitor window contests. Full page trade ad in Record Review. 250 Albums for disc jockeys. FRED ASTAIRE STUDIOS! Posting special photos in all studios nationwide. New York headquarters has sent contest ideas to its affiliates, has purchased hundreds of stills and is using "Band Wagon'* mention in ads.