Motion picture daily (Jul-Sep 1953)

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m THE WAGON M-G-M's TOP TECHNICOLOR MUSICAL BIGGES CRITICS GET ABOARD! "It bids for recognition as one of the best musical films ever made. Take it from us, it's a honey." — BOSLEY CROWTHER, Times "A big load of musical comedy pleasure has rolled into the Music Hall." —OTIS L. GUERNSEY, Jr., Herald Tribune "Highest Rating. A wonderful musical. So many extraordinary qualities one hardly knows where to begin." — WANDA HALE, Daily News "It is the best musical of the month, the year, the decade, or for all I know, of all-time." —ARCHER WINSTEN, N.Y. Post "A pure delight. Here's a 'Band Wagon' you'd be a fool not to hop on." —WILLIAM HAWKINS, World-Telegram "A sure winner." —FRANK QUINN, Daily Mirror "Superior entertainment. Hop on the 'Band Wagon'. You will have a happy ride." — NICK LAPOLE, Journal-American "You'll find a long line around the block, but you'll be glad you waited." —BILL LEONARD, CBS 'A wonderful musical. Don't miss it." —TEX and JINX, NBC