Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1954)

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A SALUTE to GENERAL FOODS ASCAP — The Thirty-five hundred members of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF COMPOSERS, AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS, will long remember with pride and gratitude the evening of Sunday, March 28th, 1954. The hour and one-half televised tribute, so warmly deserved, to ASCAP members ROGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN presented before a nation-wide audience, unprecedented in the annals of televised entertainment, performed a two-fold public service: As it channeled inspiration and enjoyment into the American home, it brought inspiration and resolution to fellow composers, authors and publishers of ASCAP to the end that our members will never rest their creative labors in their search to bring words and music into the homes of not only the 160,000,000 lives of our good people, but indeed the peoples of the world. If songs are ambassadors of good will — and they are — then Rogers and Hammerstein are truly Ministers with Portfolios bulging with harmony for a troubled world. Understandably then, and with good reason, we salute GENERAL FOODS on its Twenty-fifth Anniversary, the ASCAP — licensed telecasters who with miraculous perfection bore the enchanting artists into your presence, and above all RICHARD RODGERS and OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II for their genius that through the years has so richly endowed the ASCAP repertory. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF COMPOSERS, AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS 575 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y.