Motion Picture Daily (Oct-Dec 1955)

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Motion Picture Daily Friday, December 9, 19;i PERSONAL MENTION GEORGE LEWIS, secretary of Technicolor, Inc., will leave New York by plane tomorrow for I [ollywood. • Paul Montague, Allied Artists Midwest press representative, will arri\e in New York tomorrow from Chicago. • Herman M. Levy, general counsel of Theatre Owners of America, was in Hartford yesterday from New York. William B. Zoellner, head of M-G-M short subject sales, will arrive in Dallas today from New Orleans. Charles Levy, 20th Century-Fox national magazine contact, has returned to New York from Hollywood. • Dan e Cantor, RKO Radio exploitation manager, returned to New York yesterday from Lexington, Ky. • Morris Keppner, of the Bumside Theatre Corp., East Hartford, Conn., lias returned there from New York. • Arthur Canton, M-G-M Eastern press representative, will return to New York today from Buffalo. • Harold Cohen, distributor, and Mrs. Cohen have arrived in Hollywood from New York. • Bernard Menschell of Bercal Theatres, Inc., Hartford, has returned there from New York. • Vic Damone left New York for London yesterday via B.O.A.C. Monarch. • Sam Zimbalist, producer, returned to the Coast yesterday from New York. Regional Director Mayer Sees 13% Increase in Loew Far and Near East Gross N.Y. Censor Board Approves 'Arm! Otto Prerninger's production of "The Man With The Golden Arm," which has been refused a Production Code seal because of its narcotics theme, has been "approved as submitted" by the Motion Picture Division of New York State's Department of Education, a representative of United Artists declared yesterday. The Catholic Legion of Decency, which has also viewed the controversial motion picture which UA is distributing, has not as yet announced its approval or disapproval of the film, tlx UA official said. By LESTER DINOFF Loew's International business throughout the Near and Far East will increase at least 15 per cent in the 1955-56 fiscal year which commenced last Sept. 1, according to regional director Seymour Mayer, who yesterday disclosed that at present 620 theatres in the t erritories which fall within his realm are now equipped with P e r specta s o u n d equipment. Mayer stated that M-G-M films, such as "B lack board Jungle," "Love Me Or Leave Me," "The King's Thief" and "Trial," are doing "top business, thereby allowing me to forecast an excellent year for the company." He declined to state what Loew's International would gross in the Near and Far East, but said that the current fiscal year should end up "at least 15 per cent ahead of the 1954-55 comparable fiscal year." Seymour Mayer Sharp Dividend Rise By Industry Firms From THE DAILY Bureau WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-Publicly reported cash dividends paid by industry firms amounted to $23,580,000 for the first 10 months of 1955, the Commerce Department reports. This compares with $19,847,000 reported paid in the first 10 months of 1954. In October of this year industry companies paid out $1,695,000, compared to $1,241,000 paid out in the same month last year. Companies Study Permit Formulae Two in Egypt, 2 in India The Loew's International executive reported that the company "would like to expand its theatre operations, but is hindered by governmental restrictions in a number of countries." Mayer said that Loew's International now has two theatres in Egypt and two in India. Commenting on Perspecta sound, Mayer declared that the sound system "is universally accepted in the Near and Far East. Every major circuit account has Perspecta equipment." Mayer also said that South Korea is "shaping up into a very good market" for the company despite the limited number of licenses which are given to Korean film importers. Mayer explained that the company doesn't have its own distribution organization in South Korea due to a governmental edict which requires a Korean national to have 51 per cent interest in a foreign company which wants to do business in that country. Hopes for Global Plan Commenting on the Motion Picture Export Association's committee which is seeking to devise a global license formula, Mayer said that "such a plan is highly desirable." He hoped that something could be formulated along these lines so that foreign nations, like Japan and Italy, wouldn't have to allocate the number oi import licenses. Results of the tests conducted with various proposed world formulae for the division of permits are now in the hands of the film companies for study, it was learned here yesterday. The tests, recently completed by the Motion Picture Export Association, will augment the work done with various formulae by individual foreign departments, it was explained. It is hoped by proponents for a world formula that the past and current work will evolve into one agreeable world formula, a step urged by MPEA president Eric Johnston and company presidents. MPEA quarters denied a report that work on the world formulae has hit an impasse and is in the lap of company presidents. These sources stated that the next meeting of the 10-man committee, composed of representatives from all the MPEA companies and set up to work on the project, is awaiting the return here from Europe of Arnold M. Picker, United Artists vice-president in charge of foreign distribution. Picker, is due back next Thursday. Flinn East Sunday On 'Gunpoint' Plans HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 8.-John C. Flinn, Allied Artists advertising-publicity director, will leave here by plane on Sunday for New York, where he will confer with Morey R. Goldstein, general sales manager, and Martin Davis on release and promotional plans for "At Gunpoint." . . . NEWS ROUNDUP Popcorn Assn. Renamed Within a few weeks, Internation Popcorn Association will change i| name officially to Popcorn and Co cessions Association. Thomas J. Si; livan, executive vice-president of ti organization, said it will be the san organization, but with a broader hoi zon calculated better to serve tl popcorn and concessions industries. Gulf States Meeting Slated Allied Theatre Owners of Qui States has made arrangements will the Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans, f«] their 1956 annual convention, whicl is slated to be held March 12-13. | Premiere to Aid College The Dec. 26 opening night pe: formance of "Oklahoma!" at tl McVickers Theatre, Chicago, will 1 a benefiit for Northwestern Univei sity Medical School. The evening being underwritten by Joseph Gui bault, president of Oklahoma Oil. Kiddie Party in Houston Theatre owners and managers Houston have joined with the Eight Marine Corps Reserve and the Ja\ cees in their third annual Christma toy drive for less fortunate childrev now copyrighted as "Toys for Tots.1 From Dec. 14 through 21 each chili bringing a good used toy to a theatr will be given in excange a free thea tre pass. There will be container in all theatre lobbies. Relight Alabama Theatre The Coosa Theatre, renovated, ha: been' reopened in Gadsden, Ala., b\ M. C. Moore, a 40-year veteran o. the theatre business, who came fron Jacksonville, Fla. Moore is past presii dent of the Southeastern Theatre; Owners Assn. NEW YORK THEATRES RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL — Rockefeller Center "KISMET" in CinemaScope and Color starring' HOWARD. KEEL . ANN BLYTH DOLORES GRAY . VIC DAMONE AN M-G-M PICTURE and The Music Hall's Great Christmas Show •MOTION PICTURE DAILY, Martin Quigley, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher; Sherwin Kane, Editor; Raymond Levy, Executive Publisher; Al Steen. News Editor; Herbert V. Fecki Advertising Manager: Gus H. Fausel. Production Manager; Hollywood Bureau, Yucca-Vine Building. Samuel D. Berns, Manager; William R. Weaver, Editor, Telephone Hollywood 7-2145 Chicago Bureau, 120 South I.aSille Street, Urben Farley, Advertising Representative. Telephone Financial 6-3074: Washington. J A. Otten. National Press Club, Washington, D. C ; London Bureau, 4 Golden S'luare. Hope Williams Burnup, Manager; Peter Burnup. Editor; William Pay, News Editor. Correspondents in the principal capitals of the world. Motio Picture Daily is published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, by Quigley Publishing Company. Inc., 1270 Sxth Avenue. Rockefeller Center, New York 20. Telephone Circle 7-3100. Cable address: "Quigpubco, New York". Martin Quigley, President; Martin Quigley, Jr., Vice-President; Theo. J. Sullivan, Vice-President and Treasurei : Raymond Levy Vice-president; Leo J. Brady. Secretary, Other Quigley Publications: Motion Picture Herald Better Theatres and Better Refreshment Merchandising, each published 13 times a year a: a section of Motion Picture Herald; Television Today, published once weekly as a part of Motion Picture Daily, Motion Picture Almanac, Television Almanac, Fame. Entered as second class matter Sept. 21, 1938, at the Post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription rates per year. $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign; single copies, lOe.i