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Motion Picture Daily (Jul-Sep 1956)

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Motion Picture Daily Monday, July 9, 15 PERSONAL MENTION DAUL RAIBOURN and Jerome *■ Pickman, Paramount vice-presidents, and Sro Blumenstock, advertising manager, have returned to New York from London via B.O.A.C. • P. T. Dana, Universal Pictures Eastern division manager, will leave New York today for Philadelphia, New Haven and Boston. • Roy Winkler, vice-president of Buchanan & Co., and George Richardson, account executive, returned to New York on Saturday from England via B.O.A.C. • Arlene Francis has left New York for London via B.O.A.C. Joshua Logan, accompanied by Mrs. Logan, has left the Coast for Japan. • Lewis Horowitz, of the Washington Circuit, Cleveland, has left there for Florida and Mississippi. • Douglas Travers, RKO Radio production executive, returned to the Coast on Friday from New York. • John Huston will leave New York today for the Barbados via B.O.A.C. • Jeff Livingston, Universal Pictures advertising manager, is in Europe from New York. Audio Devices to Trade Stock on Amer. Exchange Capital stock of Audio Devices, Inc., manufacturers and distributors of sound recording materials, will be traded, commencing today, on the American Stock Exchange, it was announced by president William C. Speed. The exchange's board of governors has approved an original listing of 619,957 shares of capital stock of Audio Devices and awarded the company an identifying ticker symbol of "AUO." The company, during 1955, reported an overall gain of 42 per cent in sales for its Audio tape and Audiofilm. Total sales in 1955 reach $3,472,871, compared with the previous year's high of $2,453,750. Net income of Audio in 1955 after tax reserves was $219,955 or 35.5 cents per share compared with $58,906 and 10.5 cents per share in 1954. Circuit Executive Urges Central Exhibition Fund From Tax Repeal Benefits For Ad Campaign Special to THE DAILY MINNEAPOLIS, July 8— Funds which will be received from a possible repeal of the remaining Federal admission tax, if such a repeal is enacted by the Congress, should be funnelled into a common exhibition fund to be used exclusively to sell motion picture __ entertainment to the public, according to Leo Ross, president of Home Theatres of Minnesota. Ross, in outlining his plan, advocated that such funds be channelled to a central committee set up for the purpose and independent of any existing exhibitors or industry organizations to set up a campaign on a nation-wide basis for "selling motion pictures to the public." Sees an Emergency Calling attention to the fact that the present industry situation "is so serious that unless we get some help from some source we will be out of business in six months," Ross said that "we need $200,000,000 annually to advertise nationally the idea that it is good for the public to go to a theatre and see a good movie for 60 or 70 cents— and there are no really bad shows. Get them back into the theatre and our ills will be cured." Exhibition and distribution have been fighting each other for many years to no avail, the Minnesota exhibition official said, adding that the big trouble is that both phases of the industry "are in the same boat due to the lack of box office receipts. We don't have enough money to pay our running expenses. We can't expect the government or the film companies to subsidize our losses. This business will go out of business if we do not get the public back into the theatres." Tax Repeal Essential Ross pointed out that the "trick is to get $200,000,000 per year. Today we are paying that to the government in admission tax. If we could get that repealed, we could put that money in a pot for an advertising campaign on a local and national basis. "If we individually get our share of the tax, it would still do us no good, but with group participation it could help all exhibition. It is important that the Federal tax on admissions be repealed, but not unless we use it constructively for an advertising campaign which would help us all," he stated. Haden, Circuit Head, Dies Llewellyn P. Haden, 41, president of Jefferson-Lafayette Theatres, Inc., Charlottesville, Va., and also president of the Charlottesville Woolen Mills, died last week at his home in that city. He is survived by his widow, two sons and a daughter. Goldwyn Reports On Sailing Incident Motion picture producer Samuel Goldwyn, currently enroute to Europe aboard the Queen Mary, acted as a "leg man" for newspapers who were chasing down reports that a man fell overboard from the Cunard line in New York's Lower Bay. The Captain refused to answer questions. Goldwyn, and his wife, contacted on the ship-to-shore telephone, reported to the newspapers that the missing man was a steward or "steward's man" who had accidentally fallen over the side. Integrate RKO Studios for TV The integration of production facilities of the RKO Pathe studios in the East and West for the making of films for tv by RKO Pathe-TV, a division of RKO Radio Pictures, has been achieved after two weeks of conferences at the New York office. Under the new system, the New York RKO Pathe Studio production staff will have access to the optical and camera effects department of the Coast studio, as well as personnel and technical facilities of the art and hairstyling departments and the 10 sound stages. Also for Outsiders The move, according to Fred Ahem, supervisor of television operations, "will not interfere with the continuing production at both studios of commercial and industrial motion pictures." He added that the facilities of RKO Pathe-TV in the East would be available to outside tv film producers when not being used by RKO. Coast Unions" May Wages Rose to $130 Weekly HOLLYWOOD, July 8-Craft union workers in the studios averaged $130 weekly earnings during May, according to the State Division of Industrial Relations. This compares with $128.19 in May of last year. The work week averaged 41.1 hours in May, compared to 43.5 hours in May 1955. Cinerama Galls in Outstanding Bonds; Pays Off Bank Loar : la I Cinerama Productions Corp. called in for payment all of its maining outstanding debenture bon totaling $198,000, and has paid a $100,000 loan at the Marine Ml land Trust Co., it was announc by Irving N. Margolin, vice-presidi and treasurer. Margolin said that all of the C erama Production's debenture bon totaling $986,800, will now have be paid off, including the series bonds of $600,000, series "B" bor, of $86,800 and series "C" bonds $300,000. The company, which had borrow $100,000 from the Marine Midla, Trust Co., paid off this amount full shortly before its due date June 30, 1956, Margolin said. i b & Only One Loan Outstanding The sole bank loan which Cir rama Productions currently has oi standing is that of $200,000 at tl Bankers Trust, Margolin said, add! that this loan is guaranteed by Lov B. Mayer, chairman of the board directors of the corporation. The company has arranged wi Stanley Warner and Stanley Warr Cinerama Corp., which have the ] sponsibility for exhibiting and pi ducing in the Cinerama process, f a current distribution of a part of ti net income to each of them from t! first 15 theatres in the U. S. ai Canada, Margolin said. He said th previously, all net profits were ust for recoupment of exhibition and pi duction charges and costs, except f certain payments to each in ord for Cinerama Productions Corp. pay off certain of its debts and me other expenses. TO A Mails Invitations Theatre Owners of America h mailed invitations to some 50 t( showmen and theatre promotion e ecutives, all members of the nation exhibition group, to attend its sho\ manship forum at the Edgewat Beach Hotel in Chicago, July 30-3 NOW BOOKING! FEMALE JUNGLE with JAYNE MANSFIELD "The Most Publicized Girl in the World' and LAWRENCE TIERNEY and OKLAHOMA WOMAN In SUPERSCOPE Starring PEGGY CASTLE and KATHY DOWNS N. Y. Exchange Territory: GEORGE J. WALDMAN 630 9th Ave. Phone: CI 6-1717 MOTION PICTURE DAILY, Martin Quigley, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher; Sherwin Kane, Editor; Raymond Levy, Executive Publisher; James D. Ivers, Managing Editor; Rii ard Gertner News Editor; Floyd E. Stone, Photo Editor: Herbert V. Fecke, Advertising Manager; Gus H. Fausel, Production Manager; Hollywood Bureau, Yucca-Vine Buildir Samuel U. Herns, Manager; William R. Weaver, Editor, Telephone HOllywood 7-2145 ; Chicago Bureau, 120 South LaSalle Street, Urben Farley, Advertising Representative, Te phone financial 6-3074; Washington, J. A. Otten, National Press Club, Washington, D. C; London Bureau, 4, Bear St., Leister Square, W.C. 2, Hope Williams Burnup, Manage Feter Burnup, Editor; William Pay, News Editor. Correspondents in the principal capitals of the world. Mot:on Picture Daily is published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and he clays, by Uuigley Publishing Company, Inc., 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, New York 20, Telephone Circle 7-3100. Cable address: "Quigpubco, New York". Martin QuigU president; Martin Quigley, Jr., Vice-President; Theo. J. Sullivan, Vice-President and Treasurer; Raymond Levy, Vice-President; Leo J. Brady, Secretary. Other Quigley Publii m :u a ° Flcture Herald, Better Theatres and Better Refreshment Merchandising, each published 13 times a year as a section of Motion Picture Herald; Television Toda published once weekly as a part of Motion Picture Daily, Motion Picture Almanac, Television Almanac, Fame. Entered as second class matter Sept. 21, 1938, at the Post Off) at JNew York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates per year, $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign; single copies, 10<f. K 1 Si'!