Motion Picture Daily (Oct-Dec 1956)

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Motion Picture Daily Wednesday, November 7, 1(1 PERSONAL MENTION ryWIEL T. O'SHEA, president of RKO Radio, is in Hollywood from New York for an indefinite stay. • Joseph R. Vogel, president of Loew's, Inc., lias extended his stay at the Coast studios of M-G-M. B. Bernard Kreisler, of International Film Associates, plans to return to New York from his filmselling trip behind the Iron Curtain tow ai d the end of next week. • Emery Austin, M-G-M exploitation head, returned to New York yesterday from Chicago. • Joseph L. Mankiewicz, director, who will start work shortly in Saigon, French Indo-China, on "The Quiet Man," will arrive in New York today from Hollywood. • Bing Crosby has arrived in New York from the Coast. • Eabxe Wakefield, of the magazine "Life," has left New York for the Coast. • John Wayne will arrive in New York today from Hollywood. More Talks on Red Film Sales Set Today A further investigation of Iron Curtain film sales, recently approved by the Motion Picture Export Association's board of directors, will be undertaken today by the MPEA board, according to a spokesman. The directors will also discuss the distribution of extra Belgium import licenses, problems in the Philippines, the foreign market and its statistics for the year, and international film festivals and participation in them by American companies. The MPEA and the Motion Picture Association of America will hold a luncheon today at the Harvard Club in honor of Dr. Goffredo Lombardo, president of Titanus Films and head of the Italian producers association; Franco De Simone, Titanus general manager, and Robert Gordon Edwards, their director of information. A. Horn Services ALBANY, Nov. 6— Funeral services were conducted Monday at Tebbutt Memorial Chapel for Arthur Horn, 68, long-time MGM salesman here. He died Saturday in Albany Hospital after an extended illness. Ernest Sands Edward Hindi y INVOLVED in Warner Bros, change recently: Ernest Sands, who was named head of the company's playdate department, succeeding Edward Hinchy, who resigned. Hinchy, who was with the company for over 25 years, will announce his future plans upon returning from an extended vacation. Sands, who has been the company's New York branch manager, assumes his new post Nov. 19. Schenck Will Get New Loew's Contract Dec. 73 Nicholas M. Schenck, honorary chairman of the board of directors of Loew's, Inc., will receive a new contract with the company following the expiration of his current two-year pact which ends on Dec. 13, it was learned here. He presently receives $2,250 per week but his present contract, entered into when has was president of the company, provided for more than that. Brylawski Again Heads Washington Exhibitors WASHINGTON, Nov. 6.-A. Julian Brylawski has been elected president of the Theatre Owners of Metropolitan Washington for the 34th term. Other officers reelected were: Marvin Goldman of K-B Theatres, first vice-president; Joseph Bernheimer, second vice-president; Harry Bachman, secretary; and Lloyd Wineland, Sr., treasurer. Elected to the board of directors were Orville Crouch, George Crouch, Bernard Lust, Harry Roth and Gerald Wagner. Brylawski is head of the real estate department of Stanley Warner Theatres and heads the legislative committee of the Theatre Owners of America. Criterion on View Charles B. Moss, managing director of the Criterion Theatre, will hold open house for invited industry members today in order that his guests may inspect the refurbished theatre, extensively re-done for the world premiere of "The Ten Commandments" tomorrow night, and in anticipation of the lengthy run for the Cecil B. DeMille production. SBA Says No Loans Yet Asked for Mortgages WASHINGTON, Nov. 6.-Small Business Administration officials said that the agency has not yet received any industry request to grant governernment loans to theatres for mortgage purposes. And they also said again that they doubt very much that such a request would be approved if and when it's made. The Administration does not permit loans for mortgage purposes to any other industry, these officials declared and "we can't make any exception" for theatres. From the start, S.B.A. officials have said the agency might refinance a theatre mortgage where the refinancing is incidental to getting a government loan for modernization or repair work and where it might be necessary to give the agency clear collateral. But they insisted that the agency could not make loans solely to pay off an existing mortgage. Some weeks ago, the Theatre Owners of America and the Independent Owners Association said they would ask S.B.A. to grant loans to pay off mortgages. But the conversations with S.B.A. officials yesterday and today make it clear that the exhibitor groups have not yet approached the agency. S.B.A. officials also said that "a few" theatre loan applications have now been received in agency field offices, but added they do not know what action, if any, has been taken. Some loan applications have been received, they said, from drive-in theatre operators who apparently did not understand that S.B.A. loans were to be restricted to operators of conventional theatres. These applications have been returned, they declared, with an explanation of S.B.A. policy. TV in Australia MELBOURNE, Australia, Nov. 6. —Television has made its official debut in Melbourne and the surrounding areas in Victoria. Two hundred fifty thousand persons saw the official opening of the Herald-Sun Television station' HSV-7. Hyams Joining Figaro Joe Hyams, newspaper contact man in 20th Century-Fox's home office publicity department, has resigned his post to join Figaro, Inc., effective Nov. 26. Hyams, before joining 20thFox, was associated with Hecht-Lancaster and Columbia Pictures. Skouras Conference Twentieth Century-Fox's production and releasing plans for 1957 will be discussed by president Spyros P. Skouras at a press conference tomorrow morning. Warner Stod Sales Listei From THE DAILY Bureau WASHINGTON, Nov. 6.-Jacl Albert Warner sold large holdin their Warner Bros. Pictures coi stock back to the company in $, tember, according to the latest port of the Securities and Exchat: Commission on trading by film ci pany officials in their company stoci The report showed that Jack W ner "sold to issuer" in September 5 000 shares of stock and that a bi account he controls sold another 000. This dropped his personal ings to 147,999 shares, and the holdings to 1,400 shares. Albert Warner was reported as h ing sold back to the issuer M shares, while a trust he contri sold another 4,000 shares. At end of the month, his own hold were reduced to 12,000 shares, the trust holdings to 2,700 slia Reports on other companies' si were in the "minor transaction" § gory. Y. Frank Freeman repoi buying 1,100 shares of Paramc Pictures common, increasing his h ings to 4,400 shares. Herbert Lazarus sold 1,000 shares of Am can Broadcasting-Paramount 1 tres common, dropping his stock o ership to 500 shares. NBC Ups Livingston Alan W. Livingston has been eie ed vice-president, Television Net* Programs, Pacific Division, for N! NEW YORK THEATR i— RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Rockefeller Center GARY COOPER "FRIENDLY PERSUASION Color by De Luxe An Allied Artists Picture and SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATION I Showplace of the Eos FOR YOUI SCREENING Three Channel interlock projection 16, 17V2 & 35 mm tape interlock 16 mm interlock projection 'CUTTING & STORAGE ROOMS MOTION PICTURE DAILY, Martin Quigley, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher; Sherwin Kane, Editor; James D. Ivers, Managing Editor; Richard Gertner, News Editor; Floyd E. S> 1 Photo Editor; Herbert V. Fecke, Advertising Manager; Gus H. Fausel, Production Manager; Hollywood Bureau, Yucca-Vine Building, Samuel D. Berns, Manager; William R. Wei j Editor, Telephone HOllywood 7-2145; Washington, J. A. Otten, National Press Club, Washington, D. C; London Bureau, 4, Bear St., Leicester Square, W. 2, Hope Williams nup, Manager; Peter Burnup, Editor; William Pay, News Editor. Correspondents in the principal capitals of the world. Motion Picture Daily is published daily except Saturdays, days and holidays, by Quigley Publishing Company, Inc., 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, New York 20, Telephone Circle 7-3100. Cable address: "Quigpubco, New York. » Quigley, President; Martin Quigley, Jr., Vice-President; Theo. J. Sullivan, Vice-President and Treasurer; Leo J. Brady, Secretary. Other Quigley Publications: Motion Picture He Better Theatres and Better Refreshment Merchandising, each published 13 times a year as a section of Motion Picture Herald; Television Today, published once weekly as a pa' Motion Picture Daily. Motion Picture Almanac, Television Almanac, Fame. Entered as second class matter Sept. 21, 1938, at the Post Office at New York N. Y. under the at March 3, 1879. Subscription rates per year, $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign; single copies, 10c.