Motion Picture Daily (Jan-Mar 1957)

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MOTION PICTURE DAILY > fcjfe Unit Meets [evision in ^bpeal Board Reaffirmed > 81, NO. 32 J — NEW YORK, U.S.A., FRIDAY, FERRUARY 15, 1957 TEN CENTS r\\ip Holds Review 'Present Machinery ii Production Code committee of > lotion Picture Association of uca has reaffirmed its recomJition that the code appeals I be revised to include repre■;ves of independent distributors Inhibitors besides MPAA produ ■ j amber companies. ■ committee met here yesterday ■iew the administrative and ap|{ machinery of the Production B The group is composed of nu Balaban, A. Schneider, Daniel ffi>hea, Eric Johnston, and Keniblark. The working committee iOirk, Sidney Schreiber, Robert 1, Paul Quinn and Ray Bell. 1 revamping of the appeals H( machinery will now be carried wd by the committee, which has :t{;t for a number of weeks, since Continued on page 2) i Governor Gets Bill ^Tax-Supported TV Special to THE DAILY jrl LAKE CITY, Feb. 14 The egislature today passed the bill vould allow counties to levy :o provide television to citizens ying areas. The measure passed houses by heavily favorable K The bill now goes to Gov. |p D. Clyde. I controversial bill would allow I ( Continued on page 4 ) wil Is Promoted l.New IATSE Post Special to THE DAILY LADELPHIA, Feb. 14-Walter fM, an international representaf the IATSE since 1954, has promoted to the office of asinternational president. His aplent, made by international snt Richard F. Walsh, was an5d today following a unanimous {Continued on page 2) Distribution Acts UA 'Greatest YearForeseen Arbitration Meeting Scheduled Feb. 26 (Picture on Page 2) United Artists is now in the "strongest product position in its 38-year history" and 1957 "will be its greatest year," William J. Heineman, UA vicepresident in charge of distribution, said yesterday at the "opening session of the company's 1957 sales convention here. In support of the product statement, he told the assembled district managers and sales officials from every territory in the United States and Canada that UA will place 23 new features into release from March through July. The list will include ten "top pictures"— the largest number of this calibre UA has ever released in a fivemonth period, he declared. "In the six years since Arthur Krim ( Continued on page 2 ) Wisconsin Allied Will Aid in Sweepstakes Special to THE DAILY MILWAUKEE, Feb. 14.-Wisconsin Allied will cooperate with COMPO in promoting the Academy Award Sweepstakes, Ben Marcus, Wisconsin Allied president, and a former Allied States president, told a meeting of distributors and exhibitors here. He pointed out that although national Allied is not affiliated with COMPO, Wisconsin Allied has cooperated with COMPO "when it has proven beneficial to the industry." He added that the Sweepstakes is "the first time in the history of the Academy that any(Continued on page 4) Final Para. News Today issue its ross the 60% of Canadian Theatre Seating Capacity To Be Represented in Academy Sweepstakes Special to THE DAILY TORONTO, Feb. 14-Almost 60 per cent of the total seating capacity of Canadian theatres will be represented in the Academy Award Sweepstakes, according to H. C. D. Main, national co-ordinator appointed by the Canadian Motion Picture Industry Council, he said that while not all returns are in yet, he expects that nearly 500 theatres of a potential of 1500 of all types of theatres would be working on the promotion. In Canada, five Oldsmobiles are being given away through the theatres, with the co-operation of General Motors of Canada. Forming the backbone of the campaign is the co-operation of all the major theatre chains, Main said. MPAA Board, Sales Managers Will Also Discuss Business Building Proposals By LESTER DINOFF The board of directors of the Motion Picture Association of America, and the national distribution committee of the MPAA will meet here on Feb. 26 to take up exhibition requests for a joint meeting to formulate an industry arbitration system without film rentals and sales policies. A meeting of the company heads which had been scheduled for next Monday had to be postponed to the 26th because a number of the MPAA directors said they would be unable to attend. Cancellation notices and the scheduling of the new meeting date were sent out by the MPAA late yesterday afternoon. The sales managers committee meet( Continued on page 4 ) Ralph Cohn Appointed To Columbia Board Ralph M. Cohn, vice-president and general manager of Screen Gems, a subsidiary of Columbia Pictures, has been elected to the board of directors o f Columbia, according to an a n n ouncement yesterday b y Harry Cohn, Columbia presid e n t. Ralph Cohn fills the vacancy left by the death of his Ralph Cohn father, Jack. Ralph Cohn began his career in the industry with (Continued on page 4) Paramount Newsreel will last edition to theatres a country today. As announced previously by Paramount the film laboratory operating in connection with the newsreel here will continue to function. It will process Paramount product and will be available for outside accounts. The Paramount reel is the second (Continued on page 4) Latta Here To Meet On WB-ABPC Merger Further conferences on the consolidation of Warner Brothers and Associated British Picture Corp. will take place here next week following the arrival here late today of C. J. Latta, (Continued on page 2) Television Today -r