Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1959)

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oril 17, 1959 Motion Picture Daily 7 crimination on Allied to Weigh MP A Group UA's Grosses See': Heineman J. Heineman, United Art {Continued from page 1) {Continued from page 1) resident in charge of dis a report on the meeting of the ACE tuting zone-wide competitive hirlrlimr jag our hones .and _asDi£ations to e -oss, Krim 9,300,000, over the )rrespond'ded, since salthy inIthe U.A. pgress unit is conhe said, [e will be f" inet earnross reve358. iates the lun asident of Ilya LoFilms, a Golden, Df opera:ive vices Televiein, vicerepresents company's wth story ms, Krim | than re>duct anlago— "We ed to de 0 changes 1 Young:rt Blum ! of West \i for Eu esent in, board an, viceftribution; dent in in; Roger -exploitag, execn: Nathand David o Young 1) |Iay is the this ocs friends he way," president. that we I do, the valuable 5th anni;.i've done ,:iner, respectively, actmg |city representatives. will leave here tomorrow I'ork. Rosenfield and Ferguy plane late today. four times over. Other members of the management team are William J. Heineman, vice-president in charge of distribution, Max E. Youngstein, vicepresident, Arnold M. Picker, vice-president in charge of foreign distribution, and Seymour M. Peyser, vice-president and general counsel. V_z Lll 11 fi i , vice-prespuijjuae in getting together today is to say 'thank you' to the trade press. We are grateful for all the help you have been to us during our growth from insolvency to our present healthy condition."