Motion Picture Daily (Jul-Sep 1959)

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VOL. 86, NO. 1 MOTION PICTURE DAILY NEW YORK, U.S.A., WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1959 TEN CENTS <^ Legion Outburst 1 Warner Retorts To Communist Implications Objects to All-inclusive ISature of Statements By SAMUEL D. BERNS HOLLY\VOOD, June 30-Jack L. Warner, president of Warner Bros., today hit back at Los Angeles district American Legion Posts which, in a convention resolution last week termed the production community a refuge for Communists because the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences had rescinded its ban on permitting known Communists to receive "Oscars." In addition to repl}dng to the {Continued on page 2) Robert Perkins Retires; Was W.B. Legal Head The retirement of Robert \Y. Perkins as vice-president, secretary and general counsel of Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., was announced yesterday by Jack L. Warner, president. Perkins will continue as a member of the board and as a consultant to the company. The Los Angeles law firm of Freston and Files will become general counsel for Warner Bros., with Her{ Continued on page 2) Robert Perkins See 8,000 Playdates For Title Fight Film Tremendous exhibitor demand for j the Patterson-Johansson heavyweight championship fight film points to a record booking of 8,000 playdates, according to Wilfiam J. Heineman, United Artists Ndce-president in (.Continued on page 9) U.A.^ Sold on ^Solomon and Sheba/ ^7 Million Deal Spending $1 Million to Sell World ir A starting budget of more than $1,000,000 will launch United Artists' global promotion campaign for Edward Small's $6,000,000 production "Solomon and Sheba," starring Yul Brynner and Gina Lollobrigida. Plans for the promotion, involving a special "Solomon and Sheba" unit, were rexealed at a luncheon press conference at the Plaza Hotel here yesterday by King Vidor, director of the UA release; William J. Heineman, vice president in charge of distribution; Arnold M. Picker, vice president in charge of foreign distribution; and Roger H. Lewis, national director of advertising, publicity and exploitation. "Our campaign for 'Solomon and Sheba' is the most extensive, thoroughgoing, pre-selling eflFort that we've ever undertaken," Lewis said. "In terms of money, man-power and activ(Continued on page 4) Two Wall St, Groups Invest in Ziv TV The management of Ziv Television Programs, Inc., yesterday announced that two Wall Street organizations "are making an investment" in the company. No information was available, however, as to how much money ( Continued on page 4 ) 4pprove 'Denim' Theme As Fare for Screen More tlian 150 representatives of civic, social and welfare organizations were in unanimous agreement yesterday that teenage pregnancy and abortion, as depicted in 20th Century-Fox's "Blue Denim," are (Continued on page 9) Russian Film Shown at li/layfair By RICHARD GERTNER Some panoramic views of Russia, its people, cities, and countryside, are contained in "Great Is My Country," the Soviet film which had its first public American showing at the ( Continued on page 4 ) Fox forms International Television Subsidiary Twentieth Century-Fox TV International Corporation has been organized as a new subsidiary of the parent organization it was announced yesterday by Spyros P. Skouras, president o f 20th CenturyFox, and Murray Silverstone, head of the International and Inter Ameri c a organizations. Alan SilAlan Silverbach verbach h a s been appointed managing director of the new international TV operation. The program represents a major (Continued on page 4) REVIEW: Anatomy of a Murdet Carlyle Prod. — Columbia All the fascixation and suspense of a sensational murder case and its trial in court that Robert Traver put into his best-selling novel "Anatomy of a Murder" has been captured bv producer-director Otto Preminger in his film. As a matter of fact, this is one sure instance in which the picture is better and more entertaining in manv respects than the book. . • : ■ The chief reason for the superiorit}' of the film is eas} to spot: It Hes (Continued on page 9) Carter May Buy Republic Control Today Deal Includes All Yates^ And Associates^ Holdings Indications late yesterday were that the long-discussed deal for the purchase by Victor Carter, Los Ang e 1 e s investment broker of Herbert J. Yates' working control of Republic Pictures, will be closed this morning. The deal involves acquisition by Carter of a p p r o X imately 400,000 shares of Republic common, an rm specified number of shares of preferred and a substantial face amount of debentures for a total of about (Continued on page 9) Herbert Yates Two Days of ACE-MPAA Meets End in Silence Two days of informal conferences between American Congress of Exhibitors representatives and Eric Johnston, president of the Motion Picture Association of America, were terminated here yesterday without any disclosure to the trade of progress (Continued on page 9) African Production Firm Purchased by 20th-Fox In a dispatch from Johannesburg, South Africa, the N. Y. Herald Tribune through Associated Press reports the purchase by 20th Century-Fox of African Film Productions, for $2,8005000. The company under Fox ownership will operate imder the name of South African Screen Productions.