Motion Picture Daily (Oct-Dec 1960)

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[ly, November 18, 1960 Motion Picture Daily i ft M. "iftiitfiiiiiii f " h ■■J \J E STARS Elizabeth Taylor as Gloria, rouses Eddie Fisher as Steve, her friend and confidante. Laurence Harvey as Weston Liggett, frustrated socialite, has his first difference with Dina Merrill, his wife, over his deepening love for Miss Taylor. iviiss layiur unu — — * part of it on his yacht, as lovers while his wife is aw;iy in the country. (Continued from opposite page) [ddie Fisher has made many records and is a popular figure with J jockeys He makes his dramatic debut in this picture and it is a one. This suggests obvious tie-ups with local disc jockeys involving tests with passes as prizes, etc. Wiere a local television station has a live show at any time ot the or night, arrange for an Elizabeth Taylor Look Alike contest. | posting paper on "Butterfield 8" looks exceptionally good. We gest the use of one sheet posting at transportation centers and in imuter areas. The six sheet should be used where possible. fety Council Tie-up i scene in the picture in which a policeman warns Miss Taylor not "drive her troubles away" followed by the tragic climax in which i does exactly that and is killed suggests angles for a tie-up with local vspapers, police or safety council people on safe driving. Vlatchbooks with a cover imprint featuring the telephone number title 1 a line "every man wishes he had a telephone number like this, stribution of the matchbooks is assured through cigar stores, restaurs, hotels, bars, etc. Make sure they are distributed at the best times Excellent stills are available for tie-ups with furriers, furniture stores, men's lingerie shops, perfume, music stores, sporting goods stores lere is a skeet shooting sequence in the picture), jewelry shops, hair .ssers, dresses and housecoats. The special stills show all the stars and dure the merchandise indicated. In this connection the Helen Hose wns worn by Miss Taylor are the basis for a new Helen Rose retail e of gowns. Merchandising tie-ups are indicated. •ailers Available The production trailer on "Butterfield 8" is effective with real hard ling dialogue. A teaser trailer in color also is available through 'itional Screen Service. „ Music from the picture titled "Gloria's Theme from Butterfield 8 being recorded by major companies and showmen should watch tor cord releases for tie-ups. Sports cars suggest a big area of exploitation Miss Taylor -drives a mbeam Alpine in the picture and Harvey drives a Mercedes Benz. :e your local dealer for cooperative tie-ups. A possible street stunt is to have a man in full dress suit, made up with , stick smears, appearing slightly disheveled and inebriated, waUang rough heavy pedestrian traffic with a sign on his back reading, What girl! Elizabeth Taylor, that is. In "Butterfield 8" now at the ieatre." • • • The New York opening, at the Capitol Wednesday was preceded by powerful publicity and advertising^ campaign, heightened by a series f personal appearances and promotions. Dina Merrill participated in a round of interviews, radio appearances, and TV guest shots on behalf of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer release. An Elizabeth Taylor Look-A-Like Contest flooded the Capitol with entrants. The winner will receive a Helen Rose dress inspired by her design for Elizabeth Taylor in the film. Mercedes Benz and the Sunbeam Alpine, two cars that are prominently displayed in "Butterfield 8," are both actively promoting the film. A cavalcade of Mercedes town cars and convertibles, appropriately bannered, toured New York's busiest sections on opening day Displays in the Mercedes showrooms and the Alpine showrooms added still further to the promotion. General Photo Laboratories, which processes close to 1UU,UUU packages of amateur films a week, is enclosing a personal endorsement and recommendation to see "Butterfield 8" in all their envelopes. TlEmUPS (continued) — * AUTOMOBILES DRESSES HAIR STYLES BANTAM BOOKS 1 1