The Exhibitor (1955)

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MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR NT-3 Alex Manos, Manos Circuit, has been recuperating at his wife’s home in Phil¬ adelphia after undergoing surgery there. . . . Wilber Hepp, who operated the Lowrie, is now projectionist, Regent Square. . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Alex¬ ander, RCA distributor, vacationed in the south. ... A new unmounted print of “The Bob Mathias Story” was stolen from the Republic-Acme platform and to date has not been located. ... A closed circuit TV theatre event is scheduled for the night of March 28 at the Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Finkel, local ex¬ hibitor and former chief barker, left for Hollywood to spend some time with their son. Bob Finkel, the TV director. They expect to return in time for the Variety Club convention. . . . Jackie Kahn, former Stanley Warner ad head, and now in business with Joe Feldman, former Stanley Warner executive, has left with his wife and daughter for a two week vacation trip to Miami. . . . Guy V. Ida, who leased the Grand, Mc¬ Donald, Pa., to Bert Steam, Harry Hendel, Ben Amdur, and Jimmy Nash, Sr., has left on a vacation to Florida. The Paramount exchange screening room has been renovated with a new back wall, new port holes, lighting fix¬ tures, screen, and drapes, plus new lenses, apertures, and reflectors. . . . Bill Twig, who left for Cleveland as the new Warners branch head there, and Saul Perlman, who becomes an exhibitor with his taking over the Rivoli, Altoona, Pa., were both tendered a dinner at the Cameo restaurant. Doris and Dewey Moore, he’s the Mel¬ rose manager, have left for Durham, N. C., where Mrs. Moore, a member of the Aspinwall Veterans Hospital nurs¬ ing staff will become affiliated with the Durham Vets hospital. Tom Morris, recently discharged Korean veteran, will return to his old post as Melrose manager. Extended first-runs in downtown Pittsburgh will force a brace of Re¬ public’s new releases into a mass show¬ ing at 12 neighborhood houses. Pictures are “The Atomic Kid” and “Hells Out¬ post.” . . . Carl Poke, local exhibitor, who has been ill with a heart condition, was in the Southside Hospital. . . . Susan Anderson, daughter of Wally Anderson, circuit operator in Northern Pennsylvania, was stricken with a kidney condition and rushed to the Buffalo General Hospital in Buffalo, N. Y. In weather 24 below zero, Wally Anderson drove 200 miles to Buffalo to see his daughter, accompanied by Mrs. An¬ derson. Perry Nathan, National Sci’een Serv¬ ice manager, is vacationing in Florida. Joe Farrell and his associates of the St. Mary’s Drive-In, St. Mary’s, Pa., is now doing his own buying and booking afteibeing with the Lou Hanna buying and booking office for the past six years. . . . C. J. Brown, Temple and Kane, Kane, Pa., exhibitor. Anally returned home after being hospitalized with pneu¬ monia. He intends leaving for Florida to regain his strength. Marc Wolf, prominent Indiana exhibitor, recently turned over Joint Committee on Toll-TV contribution pledges from Indiana exhibitors to William A. Carroll, executive secretary. Allied Theatre Owners of Indiana, who forwarded them to Philip Harling, treasurer. Joint Com¬ mittee on ToIl-TV. Sam Milberg, RKO salesman, was in Kane, Pa., recently and the weather outside was 36 below zero. . . . Dave Weir, Warners West Virginia salesman, recently had an auto smashup and was hospitalized with a severe back injury. . . . Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Rachiel, local theatre owners, returned from Milwau¬ kee, where they attended the opening of the Circle, which they had formerly owned and leased some months ago to a group headed by Frederick C. Miller, who was killed in a plane crash a month ago. Albert K. (Rosey) Rowswell, 71, who for the past 19 years had broadcast the play-by-play description of the home games of the Pittsburgh Pirates base¬ ball club, died unexpectedly at his sub¬ urban home. He was well known in the area not only as a sportscaster, but as a master of ceremonies and speaker at banquets, and was also well known in the film industry. John Rigas, Coudersport, Coudersport, Pa., had to take his wife and baby to Wellsville, N. Y., in 24 below weather to see his mother who became critically ill. . . . Dr. Harry C. Winslow, owner. Park, Meadville, Pa., and also radio station WMGW, was mighty proud of Jack Dolde, former assistant manager, Loew’s Penn, Pittsburgh, was appointed assistant manager, Loew’s, Columbus, Ohio. A native of Pittsburgh, he has just returned from two years’ armyservice, where he was a sergeant in the First Armored Division at Fort Hood, Texas. fight cancer with a CHECK a check to help others... a checkup to help yourself. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Fehrtiurij IG, 1955