The Exhibitor (1955)

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NT-4 MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR Cancer strikes 1 in every 4 Americans. It strikes with vicious swiftness. Too often it is discovered — too late. To protect yourself and your family, have a thorough medical examination every single year without fail. Six months after such an exam¬ ination, every woman over 35 should return tor a pelvic checkup. Every man over 45 should have a chest X-ray twice each year. Many can¬ cers can be conquered if caught in time! STRIKE BACK AT CANCER... MAN'S CRUELEST ENEMY Give to AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY HYUnSG TUll UA — student booker Tom Kneitel was scheduled to attend the Stanley Kramer him celebration at New York University. Boxoffice analyst Filler has resigned her job in favor of a life of marital bliss. 20rii-FoN — Condolences to print booker Bill Tavernise upon the death of his mother. . . . Martin Moskowitz, division manager, is off for an early vacation. . . . Salesman Moe Kurtz recently journeyed to Syracuse. N. Y., for a visit with his daughter. RKO — Switchboard operator June Jacobson will hoiieymoon in Florida with husband to be Milton Schnur. . . . Office manager Frank Drumm is out due to illness. . . . Statistician Bud Giles, assist¬ ant coach of the St. Clares of Rosedale basketball team, announces that his team won the major division championship in the Brooklyn C.Y.O. league. Bud cele¬ brated a birthday. MGM — Rea Fischel, assistant cashier, celebrates a birthday on May 10th. . . . Switchboard operator Mae Pannese is to have an operation which will keep her away from work for some time. She is temporarily being replaced by Loretta Pedersen. . . . Lucy Aviles expects to be married by May 4. . . . MGM employees celebrating birthdays in early May include contract department head Harriet Allen, examiner Charlotte Carvan, and Mae Pannese. Coi.r.Miii.v — Pete Casini is the new office boy. . . . Cashier’s clerk Bob Mucci is Syracuse The sports car race which Ralph Stitt and Ralph Rubin engineered recently with the engagement of 20th-Fox’s “The Racers,’’ Schine’s Paramount, was nothing short of sensational. They got grand cooperation from the Central New York Sports Car Club, from one of the local newspapers and from WSYR-TV. John Duvall, official starter, Watkins Glen Doris Day is seen as she arrived in New York from Hollywood recently en route to Europe for a short holiday before starting in Paramount’s “The Han Who Knew Too Much.’’ to wrestle for his “Y” chapter in the New York-Chicago finals. . . . Booker’s clerk John Pascol was home ill. l’.\i!.\.\i(u.\ r — Ledger clerk Eileen Seidman returned from a Florida honeymoon. . . . The Paramount office was in the process of being repainted. . . . Gloria Genovese, branch manager’s secretary, went to Europe for an April vacation . Il.vMiii.i.N' 'hot Ni)^ — Bell was to release six features by May. . . . U-I cashier Walter Bernard is speedily recovering from his illness and should be back at work in the near future. . . . Harold Rosenberg, student booker at Warners, was to be married April 3 and then a Florida honeymoon. Upon his return, he will be stationed at the Warners Boston exchange. . . . Warner typist Elithia Lynch was engaged on Easter Sunday. . . . MGM’s Gladys Brownstein and U-I’s Dick Feinstein were coupled in matri¬ monial bliss. ... U-I salesman Phil Winneck and wife were recently paid a visit by their grandson. The eight year old flew alone to New York from Washington. . . . The baby daughter of booker Hank Feinstein recently paid a visit to the AA office. . . . Recently married was the son of Jack Rochelle, owner. Park, Rockaway Park. . . . An April vacation for Bell booker Rose Allison. . . . Realart’s Ben Levine is to celebrate a birthday on April 28. . . . RKO theatre booker Archie Berish was back after an attack of grippe. . . . The Booker’s Club theatre party will be on April 21 and is completely sold out. . . . Booker Gene Newman, Paramount, is proudly displaying the watch he received for becoming a member of his company’s 25 year club. . . . Condolences to general manager Larry Morris, B. S. Moss Circuit, and former Warners booker Arnold Jor¬ dan upon the loss of their fathers. . . . exhibitor Harvey English, Hancock, N. Y., died. — D. T. Speed Races officiated. There was a public address hook-up at the starting table and he talked for nearly three hours and kept the public interested all about why they should see the film. WSYR-TV sent a photographer to cover the event and he took around 200 feet of film at the start, out on the course, and at the final awarding of trophies. There v;ere 52 cars competing and “the racers” were serious about the whole thing, as well they might have been, with such handsome trophies for prizes, inscribed by Kirk Douglas. The start and finish of the race was in front of the theatre. Approximately 75 drivers of Jaguars, MGs, Thunderbirds, Corvettes and other sports cars participated. The promotion brought crowds to the theatre and stimulated a considerable amount of interest in the film.’s engagement. Utica Lincoln, neighborhood theatre, had a grand reopening Easter Sunday. . . . Stanley Warner Avon held a contest to select Utica’s “Little Davy Crockett” in connection with the run of “Davy Crock¬ ett.’’ Mrs. Otilie Fearing, manager, arranged the promotion. . . . Kallet’s Drive-In, Cary’s Corner, reopened Easter Saturday. April 20, ]!>5r)