The Exhibitor (1955)

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MOTION PICTURE EXHItllTOR Novmnbtr t, 191^ ALPHABETICAL GUIDE Since The Sept. 7, Issue To 80 Features Reviewed This Index cover* feature* reviewed thu* far daring the 1955>56 *ea*on In addition to feature* of the 1934-55 •eason reviewed after the i$*ue of Sept. 7, 1955.— Ed.) AIR STRIKE-d7m.-lippert . 4023 AIL THAT HEAVEN AlLOWS-89m.-U-l . 4055 APACHE AMBUSH-«8m.-Columbia . 4021 APACHE WOMAN— 83m.— American Releasing . 4056 B BALLET DE FRANCE-83m.-Lewi5 . 4050 BAR SINISTER, THE-(Wildfire)-88m.-MGM . 4023 BENGAZI-78m.-RKO . 4047 BIG KNIFE, THE-llm.-United Artists . 4034 BLOOD ALLEY-1 15m.Warners . 4035 BRING YOUR SMILE ALONG-83m.-Colombla . 4021 C COUNT THREE AND PRAY-102m.-Columbia 4045 D DEEP BLUE SEA, THE-99m.-20th-Fox . 4038 DESPERATE HOURS, THE-n2m.-Paramount . 4033 DEVIL GOODESS-TOm.-CoIumbia . 4021 DEVOTION-lOlm.-Artklno . 4027 DUEL ON THE MISSISSIPPI-72m.-Columbia . 4037 F FOOTSTEPS IN THE FOG-90m.-ColumbIa . 4022 FORT YUMA-78m.-United Artists . 4047 FURY IN PARADISE-77m.-Oibralter . 4040 G GENTLEMB^ MARRY BRUNETTES-97m.-Unlted Artists . 4035 GIRL IN THE RED VELVET SWING, THE-109m. 20th-Fox . 4047 GIRL RUSH, THE-83m.-Poramount . 4024 GREEN DOLPHIN STREET-141 m.-MGM . 4037 GUN THAT WON THE WEST, THE-71m.-ColumbIa 4022 GUYS AND DOLLS-149m.-MOM . 4054 H HEADLINE HUNTERS-70m.-RepubIle . 4055 HOLD BACK TOMORROW-75m.-U-l . 4050 I DIED A THOUSAND TIMES-109m.-Warners 4050 ILLEGAL-88m.-Wamers . 4027 IT'S ALWAYS FAIR WEATHER-102m.-MGM . 4024 J JAIL BUSTERS-dlm.-AlIied Artists . 4053 K KILLER'S KISS-67m.-United Artist* . 4039 KISS OF FIRE-87m.-U-l . 4026 L LADY GODIVA-89m.-U-l . 4050 LAY THAT RIFLE DOWN-71 m.-Republlc . 4026 LEFT HAND OF GOD, THE-87m.-20th-Fox . 4026 LONESOME TRAIL, THE-73m.-Llppert . 4023 LORD OF THE JUNGLE-69m.-Allied Artist* . 4033 LUCY GALLANT— 104m.— Paramount . 4046 M MADDELENA-ROm.-I.F.E. . 4023 MAN ALONE, A-96m.-Republle . 4034 MAN FROM LARAMIE, THE-104m.-Columbla . 4022 MAN WITH THE GUN-83m.-United Artists . 4047 MeCONNELL STORY, THE-107m.-Warner* . 4027 MY SISTER EILEEN-109m.-Colombia . 4033 N NAKED SEA-70m.-RKO . 4054 NIGHT HOLDS TERROR, THE-86m.-Celumbla . 4022 NIGHTAAARE ALLEY-1 11 m.-20th-Fox . 4039 O OKLAHOMAI-143m.-Magna-Todd-AO . 4051 gUEBN BEB-95ni.-Columbld . UENTIN DURWARD-101 m.-MGM ..4045] REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE-1 11 m.-Warner* . 4055] RETURN OF JACK SLADE, THB-80m.-Allied Artlst*....4053 BOCK 'N' ROLL REVUE-70m.-StucKa . SECOND GREATEST SEX, THE-87m.-U-l . 4039] SEVEN CITIES OF OOLD-103m.-20th-Fox . 4004] SHADOW OF THE EAGLE-93m.-United Artist* . 40261 SIMBA— 98V2m.— Lippert . 4033] SINCERELY YOURS-115m.-Worner» . 4056] SINS OF FOMPEII-70m.Visual Drama . 4040 SPECIAL DELIVERY-86m.-Columbia . 4023 SVENGALI-82m.-MGM . 4037J TALL MEN, THE-122m.-20th-Fox . 4039] TECKMAN MYSTERY, THE-90m.-A**oeiated ArHiH 4027 J TEEN-AGE CRIME WAVE-77m.-Columbia . 4045] TENDER TRAP, THE-1 11 m.-MGM . 4054] TENNESSEE'S PARTNER-87m.-RKO . 4038 THIEVE'S HIGHWAY-94m.-20th-Fox . 4039] THREE STRIPES IN THE SUN-93m.-Colombla . 4053] TO CATCH A THIEF-106m.-Poromount . 4025 TREASURE OF PANCHO VI LU, THE-96m.-RKO . 4038 TRIAL-105m.-MGM . 4024 TROUBLE WITH HARRY, THE-99m.-Paramount . 4046] TWINKLE IN GOD'S EYES, THE-73m.-Republle . 4047] U ULYSSES— 104m,— Poramount . . . ..40251 VIEW FROM POMPEY'S HEAD, THE-97m,-20th-Fox... 4055] W WARRIORS, THE-85m.-Allied Artist* . 4037J WHITE CHRISTMAS-1 20m.-Paramount . 4046 j WILDFIRE-(S«e Bar Sinister, The) PHILADELPHIA STORY, THE-n2m.-MOM . 4037 YOU'RE NEVER TOO YOUNG-1 02m.-7arafiwant.. (The running time carried in this listing represents the latest corrected time of each feature. While every effort is made to keep the listing accurate, features are often subject to editing after being reviewed. Readers are advised to check the time with the local exchange — Ed.) JUST A REMINDER •• These PINK "SERVISECTIONS" are the industry's oldest and most reliable means of establishing a file of reference data that becomes more valuable with each passing month and year. . . . Published every-second-week (26 forms each year) they are compiled and indexed by the Film Season start¬ ing with the first issue of September and ending with the last issue of August. . . . Separately bound and separately numbered, the last page of each form always indexes all Features reviewed since the start of the particular season, and the preceding "SERVISECTION" page on which any review may be found. . . . Reviews of Short Subjects are indexed at regular intervals. ... At the end of each Film Season you will have accumulated a complete and detailed history of all film distributed in it, for your later use in locating reissuable or replayable product. COMPLETE BACK SEASONS — are available to Subscribing Theatres at 52c per set! Sendteelfon Sj 4a60