The Exhibitor (1955)

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(i i. ted exclusively to the jtre structure, its design, l^tfuction, furnishings, itenance, and spedalized ipment, with a special secfor drive-ins, devoted to lesign and operation. irber. Editor November 9, 1955 ^9^ 'S^l s>?S5^i r ''V' '~i -y: r-i -i ■■■=^ ^ 'fsmt' ^-:r ^ ia\ ? A_j 1*'' "M i-! ' 9^. 1S^ Pw^ An inleresting example of new indoor theatre construction in France is the recently opened Capitoie, Toulon. The designer has made a generous use of glass on the front to give a cheery and open appeoiw ance. The theatre can hold 1300, and is fully equipped with Westrex prelection and sound equipment. IN THIS ISSUE: TODD-AO SOUND INSTALLATION Page 5 THEATRE FLOOR CARE Page 6 RECOLOR THEATRE CARPETS Page 8 ADMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM Page 10 NEW PRODUCTS