The Exhibitor (1956)

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Colonial Theatre studied them all, then chose Bodiform® Chairs! m 8 1 »e NORTH REDp PHILADELPHIA Comply p«nnsyl^ Edward C philad®lphi ^r^ntlorj ^DELPHi^ Bodiform Thr«»riing th. r.«» „M. Siting C-Sr^ufaclurlng iinv.r. .t.? i”p°rta nt to t,‘ oth.r chang.a In our lnoJ-ui«d of th. results. Cron, thsss ch*A*,'!hl Evsn tha aetlv £ a5P«d and accuracy, h unusual *P personal assistance^ th, jotlatdon 5f °Ul ' Lis inVpisfact°ry complete Oantlam,n! °ur d,C{or°our0 Colonial Sf”. /actor. lnvolvad v. decld«d V^ts^atd^ttstan' %££ c^or high T.arrTttd1^ St'pS.M4 < ch* of servic* We axpaoh “^Vind most «*" lnsiallaclon^as P— d th.4 Installation to It. . r.gards. «• rl wa th b*»b rat® Slncaraly » COLONIC W» SQffiNT The Colonial Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa.; Management: Colonial Amusement Co., Inc.; Seating: American Seating Bodiform Chairs, No. 16-001, End No. 123. Colonial Amusement Company, Inc., Philadel¬ phia, made a careful study of theatre chairs before remodeling the 1,034-seat Colonial Theatre. Their choice: American Seating Bodiform Chairs, on the basis of quality and comfort . . . backed by American Seating’s outstanding record and long experience in theatre seating. The Colonial Theatre is one of thousands of theatres throughout the nation that have selected the inviting, luxurious comfort of new American Seating Bodiform Chairs. They all applaud the spring-arch seats, upholstered with lull-rubber pad and an extra thickness along front and rear edges for added softness: the backs, designed to fit the body contours per¬ fectly; the automatic, silent, 34-safetyfold seat action that allows more room for passing and easier housekeeping; the wide selection of chair styles, aisle standards, and upholstery fabrics that fit their decorating schemes. For full information on Bodiform Chairs for your theatre, contact an American Seating representative today. WORLD’S LEADER IN PUBLIC SEATING Grand Rapids 2, Michigan. Branch Offices and Distributors in Principal Cities. Manufacturers of Theatre, School, Church, Audi¬ torium, Stadium, Transportation Seating, and Folding Chairs. ALSO DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY