The Exhibitor (1956)

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A°ULTs , °Cc/o/m-w . Ur<de>rr* 'ts W/-, ^ondi »°rm hen°9er re/ ®. fon>Hy. Q>l°nships , TAKE ADVANTAGE THE MASS APPEAL of the PICTURE! TEENAGERS praised the sympathetic treatment of their story' IS THE RAGE SPECIAL AI RADIO SPO , TV MATERIAL AI) SPECIAL TRAILE) ARE NOW AVAILABh ,// . p\y WpPed °Ver * * wnafio" * loW °nd OF EVERY AGE! Here's the one picture that's got something for everybody. . . and BOX OFFICE... especially for YOU! U^e what's bd for YOUR marld . . .to > the best job I YOU Box Offi<! ( @0/?Y&C?' your C/^JT. Branch manager. .. he’ll gladly show you these powerful Box Office boosters ) starring SAL MINEO JOHN SAXON LUANA PATTEN I -.q ■ ^ ^ ^ with EDWARD C. PLATTFAY WRAY -ROD McKUEN Diiected by RICHARD BAR1LETT • Written by HERBERT MARGOUS-and WILLIAM RAYNOR • Produced by EDMOND CHEVIE A MNtVERSH-INlWAinMM ^ V{ *****