The Exhibitor (1956)

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26 MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR . ' ' A with no investment on your port of money, time or effort • . . BERLO WILL INCREASE YOUR NET REFRESHMENT PROFITS! Whether you operate an indoor or drive-in theatre ... in a big metropolitan area or a small neighborhood community . . . you’ll earn more actual net profit when Berio operates your refreshment stand than you can earn running it yourself! . . .You and your money will be completely free to operate and promote your theatre FULL TIME! BERLO TAKES CARE OF EVERY PROBLEM YOU HAVE . . . all YOU do is CASH IN on net profits every month! • BERLO hires and trains your sales people — and supervises them. • BERLO pays all salaries, social security, workman's compensation and unemployment taxes . . . does all your bookkeeping! • BERLO buys, installs and services all finest concession equipment. • BERLO, with over 40 years of successful vending experience knows what sells best and how to feature if for fast turnover! • BERLO buys and stocks only first-quality merchandise . . . delivers it promptly . . . and keeps stocks tasty-fresh! • BERLO supplies you with everything . . . from candy machines to com¬ plete Lobby Shops. • BERLO pays for dramatic, hard-hitting sales promotion. • BERLO gives you $1,000,000 worth of public and product liability insurance. LET US PROVE OUR STORY IN TEN MINUTES! Qmerica’s Best Concessionaire Delivers The Highest Per-Capita Sales In The Entire Amusement Field • Write or Call Collect . . . NOW I PEnnypacker 5-5966 (Philadelphia) .. I. ; , ■ • "■■■ BERLO VENDING COMPANY A Division of A.B.C. Vending Corp. 333 SOUTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA 7, PENNA OFFICES EVERYWHERE — _ .~A Variety Tent Plans CP Telethon Drive New Orleans — Henry G. Plitt, cam¬ paign chairman, United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater New Orleans, an¬ nounced that a Telethon with a goal of $160,000, sponsored by the Variety Tent 45, will be staged at the Auditorium on Dec. 15 and 16 starting on Saturday night at 10 o’clock. It will be presented through the facili¬ ties of WJMR-TV with prominent motion picture, television, and stage celebrities to assist in the raising of funds. Tenta¬ tively scheduled are Anita Ekberg, Bob Hope, Forest Tucker, Fran Warren, Vivian Blaine, Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra, and an assemblage of local show folks. The public is invited to attend the actual telethon free of charge. Plitt added that volunteer assistance has been pladged by three prominent women’s organizations here, Woman’s Auxiliary of Tent 45, Women of the Motion Picture Industry, and the New Orleans section of the Council of Jewish Women. Proceeds of the benefit performance will be used to carry on the numerous func¬ tions of the association in New Orleans and surrounding area. stone’s Films-A-Float offices in the In¬ ternational Trade Mart. . . . The Gaiety, in the French Quarter, which catered to family trade under the management of veteran exhibitor Frank Ruffino, is now under new management, specializing in burlesque and other sensational product. . . . The J. G. Broggi Exhibitors’ Service acquired buying and booking for the Printz, Basile, La., managed by O. J. Meyers . A. L. Royal Theatres, Merid¬ ian, Miss., purchased the Ritz, Hattiesburg, Miss., from G. T. Edwards. . . . The WOMPI will distribute dolls to 225 orphan girls to be entertained at the club’s Christmas party in the Imperial. . . . Rose Mae Boudreaux is the new secretary to Joy N. Houck. . . . Betty Loup recently took over secretarial duties in the Woolner offices. . . . The Folly, a United Theatres unit, and the Abalon, operated by Lewis Watts, both in Algiers, La., donated the facilities, staff, and program for a recent Saturday kiddie matinee for which admis¬ sion was nonperishable groceries to be distributed to the indigent at Christmas. . . . The Norman, Bay, Ark., owned by L. N. and E. H. Hynes, was destroyed by fire. New York Harry M. Kalmine, vice-president and general manager, Stanley Warner The¬ atres, and Bernard G. Kranze, vice-presi¬ dent, Stanley Warner Cinerama, flew to Havana to make a Cinerama survey. . . . Joe Friedman, Warners home office field exploitaticn staff, became the father of a girl, born to Mrs. Friedman at Perth Amboy General Hospital. . . . Chesapeake Industries, Inc., now has its executive and general offices at 485 Lexington Ave¬ nue. . . . Ed J. Cantor, who retired from his duties as a motion picture publicist because of a paralytic stroke, became a grandfather for the second time. He is grateful to Motion Picture Pioneers and Variety Club for interest in his welfare. He resides at 1416 Stebbins Avenue, Bronx 59. (Continued on page 33) December 12, 1956