The Exhibitor (1956)

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MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR 27 Court Views Films During Obscenity Trial Scranton, Pa. — Films seized in a police raid on the Ideal Drive-In, Newton Lake, Pa., in October were shown here in court last week before about 35 spectators as Martin Blumenstein, Binghamton, N. Y., went to trial before Judge M. J. Eagen on a charge of presenting obscene and indecent motion picture exhibitions. Judge Eagen first heard oral testimony in his court room and then had the case transferred to the Grand Jury room where the films, including “Uncover Girls,” were shown with Gerald Lafferty serving as projectionist. Counsel had agreed that the case could be heard by the Court without a jury. Judge Eagen said the record will be kept open until today (Dec. 19). Attorney William P. Farrell, counsel for the defendant, raised the ques¬ tion whether the Pennsylvania Board of Censors might have approved the films before the Board was ruled unconstitu¬ tional. Warner assistant zone manager, is sus¬ pected by his family of being a magician. His wife and Jimmy and Bobby, his two sons, can’t figure how a duck egg grew so much overnight. . . . The U-I sales force joined others in the eastern district at a conference held in Pittsburgh last week. . . . Milgram Booking Service an¬ nounced it is handling the Orient, Dunmore, Pa., and the Weller, Athens, Pa. . . . The Carman dropped burlesque stage shows. . . . The Tacony-Palmyra Bridge Drive-In announced it would open shortly. . . . It was announced that “Around rihe World In 80 Days,” in Todd-AO, would follow “Oklahoma!” in the Midtown on Dec. 27. Charles Judge, Trans-Lux, was in Woman’s Hospital; and Alex Stiefel, Up¬ town, was in Lankenau Hospital last week. They would like to hear from their friends. SCRANTON, PA., NEWS— After exten¬ sive remodeling, the Globe has been re¬ opened with Bill Kays serving as man¬ ager. . . . Veteran Comerford employee Harry Speigel, who has undergone treat Women chairmen in the Mother's March on Po!io from every section of Philadelphia were guests of honor at a recent tea given by March of Dimes officers at Gimbel's Restaurant. Above, left to right, are Mrs. Kathryn Sura, chairman, Women's Activities for the local polio chapter; Edward Emanuel, Philadelphia chairman of the drive; Mrs. Beatrice Wright Fuerst, veteran polio worker; Postmaster Raymond A. Thomas, vicechairman of the campaign; and Ralph W. Pries, Pennsylvania state chairman of the polio appeal. ment for a slipped disc, has returned to his post. . . . Lloyd Hause has succeeded the late Bud Beck as manager, Capitol, Williamsport, Pa., which is undergoing refurnishing. . . . Manager Ed McGovern was host to area superintendents of schools and principals at a special screen¬ ing of MGM’s “Lust For Life” in the Comerford. Pittsburgh The Evans, Evans City, Pa., operated by Louis Rothenstein, reopened for a weekend change of program. . . . The Strand, Dunbar, Pa., has reopened for weekend shows, operated by Mrs. Laura DeMichelis. This community has been without a theatre for many months. . . . Tony Semplice, MGM shipper, suffered $1,100 damage to his home when vandals broke in. . . . At the Shadyside, robbers carted away a safe which contained be¬ tween $300 and $500. . . . The Hippodrome, dropped by the Associated Theatres Cir¬ cuit, is now being operated by the Mervis Brothers. . . . The Emlen, Emlenton, Pa., has been closed. . . . Final operation of the Gable, Sharon, Pa., operated by John Lemos, was last month. . . . Joe Mazzei, Millvale, Pa., exhibitor and former undercover agent for the FBI, was scheduled to fly to Oakland, Cal., to appear as a witness in an alleged Communist plot hearing. . . . The Re¬ public shipping and inspection depart¬ ments have been taken over by the Pitts¬ burgh Film Service. PFS, which took over the RKO service department, has moved it to the present service depart¬ ment of Republic. . . . The Hollywood, California, Pa., has changed hands from M. Goldman to Julius and Harry Friedlander and M. Reuben. M. Knip is licens¬ ing and booking. During this Holiday Season You can help us serve you , Mr. Theatre Manager! And you can do this by not putting your return film in the lobby until all your patrons have left after the last show! HIGHWAY EXPRESS 829 North 29th Street Philadelphia 30, Pa. LO 4-3450 LINES, INC. 1638 Third Street, N. E. Washington, D. C. DuPont 7-7200 PROGRESSIVE ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 240 N. 13th STREET • PHILADELPHIA 7, PA Theatre Installations and Maintenance bjjbmk wvaaamamaBmmsiamaawmBimai T)avid 6. BRODSKY a Associates THEATRICAL INTERIOR DECORATORS 242 N. 13th St. LO 4-1188—89 Philo. 7, Pa. PAINTING • DRAPERIES • MURALS STAGE SETTINGS • WALL COVERINGS THEATRE SEAT COVERS Hayco seat covers for all makes and models of theatre chairs. JACK HAYES SEATING SERVICE ONE MONICA PLACE, BALDWINSVILLE, N. Y. HENRY FRIEDMAN Realtor and Insurance Specializing in Theatre Real Estate and Insurance (Member Main Line Board of Realtors) 17 W. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore, Pa. GR 7-5730 December 19, 1956