The Exhibitor (1956)

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30 MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR Theatre managers . . . assistant theatre managers . . . theatre advertising and publicity men . . . film buyers . . . film bookers . . . circuit executives . . . maintenance and equipment engineers. IF you* are looking for a job, ... or IF you* are looking for a man, . . . |ust describe your needs in 25 words or less and send to "The A-MAN Corner." Add your name and address. Names and addresses will be published unless a box number is requested. All such "classified ads" will be published in three consecutive issues and then dropped. If success does not crown an original effort, it can be repeated through a new application after a 60-day interval. This completely new EMPLOYMENT SERVICE is available to All theatres without reservation. It is not necessary to subscribe to MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR to avail yourself of this service. No other industry trade paper offers itl And it is completely FREEI *A (WO)MAN is also welcome . . . but In this preponderantly male business, she should specify her sex. MANAGER AVAILABLE. Drive-In, conventional ex¬ perience. Exploitation, maintenance minded. 3 years' college. Age 30, wife and son. Presently employed, available on notice. Prefer Los Angeles vicinity. BOX B1226, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Philo. 7, Pa. MANAGER-PROJECTIONIST AVAILABLE. Age 47. Married. Conventional, Drive-In experience over 30 years. Exploitation, promotion, maintenance. Will go anywhere. Best of references. K. L. DICKSON, 909 Indiana, Neodesha, Kansas. (12) DRIVE-IN MANAGER AVAILABLE. Experienced all phases drive-in, conventional theatres. 25 years in business. Excellent employment record. Resume and references furnished. Relocate anywhere for good opportunity. BOX El 9, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. AVAILABLE, DRIVE-IN MANAGER, or small-circuit head. All phase experience including projectionist's license. Prefer eastern half Pennsylvania. Write for brochure describing this unusual man. CHARLIE POORMAN, 1300 Mt. Hope Ave., Pottsville, Pa. (19) EXPERIENCED MANAGER AVAILABLE. Experienced in film buying, booking and supervision. Prefer Midwest area. Can furnish excellent references. 35 years in business. Married, one child. BOX A19, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. MANAGER, age 34, 15 years' experience. Former independent theatre owner, manager for large New York City circuit. Available January 5. Anywhere in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio. BOX A12, c/o M.P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. THEATRE MANAGER AVAILABLE. Age 29, married, 12 years' experience in all phases of management, exploitation. Best references. Midwest preferred. BOX A1226 c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. NEED DRIVE-IN MANAGER, middle of February, pos¬ sibly another shortly thereafter. Want live wire, ad¬ vertising, exploitation. No buying, booking. Eastern Virginia. Write salary expected, full information. BOX BI9, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. MANAGER WANTED FOR CITY DRIVE-IN operation. Capable doing hand art, ads. State experience, age, family status, salary expected. Include sample ad. BOX Cl 9, e/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. DRIVE-IN MANAGER, 5 years' experience seeks drive-in or first run conventional. New York State area preferred, not necessary. Single, twenties. Top salary (please state). Exchange references. BOX D19, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa Addres $ all correspondence to— Tha Am An A Al | ( Motion Picture Exhibitor MUG rt IrlriMW KUUlCf j 246 N Clarion St., Philadelphia 7, Pa from Evergreen Theatres, with which he had been associated for 14 years, to take the post as assistant manager, Civic Audi¬ torium. To fill his spot, Del Larrison moves over from the Fifth Avenue as manager, and Joe Furfaro comes in from a suburban theatre to take over the Fifth. . . . Leo Lanz was to leave for Mexico City to survey the Spanish entertainers PROGRESSIVE ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 240 N. 13th STREET • PHILADELPHIA 7, PA Theatre Installations and Maintenance HENRY FRIEDMAN Realtor and Insurance Specializing in Theatre Real Estate and Insurance (Member Main Line Board of Realtors) 17 W. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore, Pa. GR 7-5730 THEATRE SEAT COVERS Hayco seat covers for all makes and models of theatre chairs. JACK HAYES SEATING SERVICE ONE MONICA PLACE, BALDWINSVILLE, N. Y. now popular in the southern part of the U.S. . . . Hildegarde Peterson, secretary, Portland branch of Northwest Releasing, is back on the job after having taken time off to become a mother. . . . Bob Cleveland, former RKO salesman, and his wife, Mercedes, who has been working at Favorite Films of California, have left for Anchorage, Alaska, to join the Chris Paulsen organization. Washington Harry Bachman, 53, Circle Theatre Cor¬ poration president, died early last month. He was a Variety Club member; past Theatre, PR Executive Dies Of Heart Attack SEATTLE — Hall Baetz, 56, promi¬ nent public relations and theatre ex¬ ecutive, died suddenly of a heart attack last fortnight while attending a Lion's Club meeting in the Stewart Hotel. He was dead on arrival at The Doctors Hospital. Baetz was a member of the Com¬ munity Service Department of Joint Council 28, Teamsters Union. He also operated his own public relations firm and was the owner of a Ballard dis¬ trict theatre. At one time, he was associated with Fox Intennountain, Denver. Survivors include his widow, Jean, and four children. Virginia Exhibitors Set Convention Plans Richmond, Va. — Harry Goldberg, di¬ rector of advertising and publicity, Stan¬ ley Warner Theatres, will be one of the principal speakers at the annual winter meeting of Virginia Motion Picture The¬ atre Association, to be held in the Jef¬ ferson Hotel here on Jan. 16. Parke Rouse, executive director, Jamestown Festival, will share the platform with Goldberg during the morning session, according to Seymour Hoffman, Association president. A special promotion session will be held in the afternoon, a two-hour forum with a panel of top exploitation men from Vir¬ ginia theatres relating their own experi¬ ences and asking for reports from the other members on their best promotion stunts and advertising during the past two months. Cash prizes will be awarded those who report the best results from the special project, as announced at the October meeting. Olen Martin, Bucvrus Outdoor Theatre Corporation in Ohio, will be a special guest, with Dave Garvin, Paramount, Newport News, acting as moderator. Detailed information on a state-wide theatre contest that has been in the formation stage for several months by a special committee headed by Syd Gates will be discussed during the day-long session. The regular quarterly board of directors meeting will be held the eve¬ ning preceding the winter session, Hoff¬ man stated. secretary and treasurer, Motion Picture Theatre Owners of Metropolitan Wash¬ ington; and 1954 local campaign chairman, Cerebral Palsv Association. . . . Joseph B. Walsh. Exhibitor Service, was married to Ethel Long. . . . New officers of Local F-13. IATSE, include Norville Price, president; Walter Donahue, vice-presi¬ dent; Ethel Curtiss, recording secretary; Agnes Turner, financial secretary; Walter Banes, treasurer; Hazel McCarthy, guard¬ ian; and George Sullivan, business agent. J. Carmody, drama editor. Washington Fvening Star, has joined the drama panel of the International Exchanee Program. . . . Jay Perri, station WEAM, was named as the voice with the most “Friendly Persuasion” in a recent contest in con¬ nection with the Ontario’s eneaeement of the AA picture. . . . The Capitol Hill has inaugurated a policy of Friday “family nights.” One 90-cent ticket will admit an entire family. . . . Jack Susman, salesman at Columbia, has transferred to the Vari¬ ety Club of Washington, Tent 11, from the Albany Tent. . . . Installation of Va¬ riety Club officers and board of gov¬ ernors for 1957 will take place on Jan. 14 at a luncheon. Alvin Q. Ehrlich is chair¬ man of the affair. Jake Flax and J. E. Fontaine were recently elected as hon¬ orary life board members of the Variety Club of Washington. The appointment marks the first in the 22-year history of the club. Gilbert F. Newman, Theatre Advertising Company, has been accepted as a regular member of Tent 11. . . . RKO Theatre, Inc., announced the sale of the Albee Building and Keith Theatre for $1,550,000 to Morris Cafritz. RKO will continue to operate the theatre. January 9, 195 7