The Exhibitor (1957)

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'^Vvat, ill CANDYDLY SPEAKIN« In the Motion Picture Exhibitor June 19 issue, Extra Profits will appear again after an interval of three, instead of the customary foul*, weeks as it will be com¬ bined with its companion monthly sup¬ plement, Physical Theatre, on that date. Because the theatre refreshment opera¬ tion is becoming more and more closely allied with the actual physical design and maintenance of the theatre itself, the editors have reached the conclusion that readers will be served best by a bigger and better monthly department which will embrace all facets of theatre opera¬ tion, in one handy form. Thus, the ex¬ hibitor interested primarily in the theatri¬ cal structure will have at his fingertips also the refreshment stand features and information which in many cases influ¬ ence the design or modification of the existing house. Those more interested in the concession operation will have the opportunity, on the other hand, to acquire new ideas in that direction from Physical Theatre, which frequently has trespassed on Extra Profits, especially where driveins are concerned. With respect to food and refreshment equipment emphasized by Extra Profits, we believe that most readers will agree that consideration of the physical plant in relation to the kind of unit they are able to install is essential. This week, review¬ ing ice cream and cold drink installations, it is obvious that the confection stand of old is growing into a major and special¬ ized operation which can no longer be separated from the theatre in the vast majority of cases. The identity of neither Physical The¬ atre nor Extra Profits will be swallowed up by the enlarged department. On the contrary, your editors will endeavor to cover more ground and to offer more down-to-earth, practical suggestions and features than ever before in an effort to be of greater service to almost 10,000 interested readers. -Bill Haddock This attractive refreshment stand emphasizes ice cream and cold drinks, always dependable extra profit builders in summer and winter alike. (Candy) is Delicious Food eAr,J2. mm . .-'.>3 Popcorn Is A Nutritious Food Cooperating with the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CONCESSIONAIRES Dedicated to serving the popcorn and concession industries. Cooperating with THE COUNCIL ON CANDY OF fHE NATIONAL CONFECTIONERS' ASSOCIATION