The Exhibitor (1957)

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SEE FOR YOURSELF corp°r iiiciR'c »arV WteroSu16 STRONG U-H-I . . <»“ up t» f 75 feet wide. screens up to For drive-in matte screens up 120 feet wide and high gain | to 140 feet wide. carbons. Burns full 20-incn i f l f) wlth Overall optical p, s and prof 1.5/1. 6 projection lenses , jection cleared forfl^^^^^^ lsiiThr^.rs.'st^o >1 feFo^drive-in matte screens up to 50 feet wfdTand high gain screens up to 65 feet wide. 14" dia. reflector. STRONG UTILITY 1 KJ , For indoor matte screens up to Mieei wide and high gain screens up to 25 | trim of carbon. “ STRONG PORTABLE (D C. Low Intensity Arc for 35 mm Projection) „ ■or screens up to 12 feet wide. 6/S liBufrnsre7flmmrnegatives and 10 mm Jtivecarbons at 17 amperes. STRONG SUpERh (75 to 135 Ampere H g ^ 5Q feet | ^e^ThTgh^n screens up to 65 \ feet wide. matte screens up to \ For dnve-in matte gCreens 1 100 feet wide and mgn s l |UP16^1”°d^t reflector for use ' wUh f L9 or f 2.0 objective system ^ {1 J dia. reflector for use w delivers i and fl-5 ^'ThThSer illumina-l l approximate ^ i ci/ " reflector. I tion than the ^ 10 mm 1 Models for to 105 amperes, \ \ positive carbons a & mperes, ^1 mm positives at U0 to ii24 tQ l35 kand 10 mm Hitex ai _ ■amperes. STRONG UTILITY HIGH (46 Ampere Mode ■ ) ° ^ f f^einadnThTgrgainesecreens up to 30 fe6F or' drive-in screens up to 40 fee j |^jecU9400lff«-grtn5.t^ [ to 46 amperes 1 1 flector. Consider that there are man^ and types — ONE of which is your theatre. Don’t be misfed by claims based on laboratory tests which were made under ideal conditions. See for yourself just how your new lamps will perform in YOUR theatre. Remember that Strong manufactures the only complete line of projection arcs ....lamps which are particularly suited to every condition. STRONG JUNlORhHlGH.ty For indoor fcre®"® UJ?' negative and a ®rri^m^ppA-/ted posltl 1014 ' We will, without any obligation on yap part to buy, install the lamps we believe to be best for YOU ... .you can actually run shows with these and be the judge. If you buy, your Strong dealer will give you TOP MONEY FOR YOUR OLD LAMPS. I 7 mm dia" f 2.3 reflector. STRONG roffiS" (16 mm Pr°J?"10:ntensity arc [This 30 ampere high noW white projects 2600 « r. the maximum j llight, T^ftbatcan be projected] s.iiv”“pp" ~»“d Pear I lex. f 1 .6 reflector. A ll screen width values are for CinemaScope maximum width of screen for regular projection 90% of given value .