The Exhibitor (1959)

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SPECIALIZED IN ORGANIZATION (cont.) (Continued from page ABC -22) resenting an original cost of some $19 million, against which there was a reserve of over $13.7 million at the close of 1958. Expenditures for new equipment in recent years have averaged $1.5 million annually. The principal executive offices of ABC Vending are located in Long Island City in a new building built in 1956. In addition to this property, the company also owns buildings in Philadelphia, Detroit and Nor¬ folk, containing warehouses and offices — all clear of debt. With these exceptions, the subsidiaries occupy warehouses and branch offices under leases at distribution centers in various areas served. Over 6,500 employes are required to operate and maintain the business. Why has ABC grown so prodigiously? Why are more and more operations turning over their concession business to the com¬ pany? Let’s center the discussion around the theatre customers providing the bulk of ABC’s business. ABC lays out and de¬ signs every stand or installation, especially in drive-ins. Each major division headquar¬ ters has a planning department for layout and design. Indoor concession area invest¬ ments range from $3,000 to $15,000, and drive-in operations from the same starting figure to as high as $50,000. Special pro¬ motional material is made up by the thou¬ sands and distributed to theatres, and na¬ tional manufacturers also provide pointof-sale promotional pieces. Concession stands are renovated periodically for the maximum seasonal appeal. Here is one ABC executive’s “philosophy of success’’: “The success of our operations depends on the success of our customer’s operation. We must prove to his satisfaction that we can return him from concession operations a greater net profit for himself than would be possible if he operated it himself. To do this we must increase business to a point where it is profitable for us as well as for him. “We treat the patron at our stands as though we owned the theatre. We are there as a privilege and therefore provide skilled, courteous help, and quality merchandise at a reasonable price. We are successful in this business because we concentrate on it, just as the exhibitor concentrates on the multi-faceted ins and outs of his the¬ atre operation. “We investigate everything new. We test all equipment that appears to be suitable for our various needs. When we find no suitable piece of equipment, we design one ourselves, and have it made up by local manufacturers. After a thorough trial pe¬ riod, a piece of equipment or a sales item either proves itself or is discarded. By doing this, the public is always sure it is getting the best. “We are specialists in concession opera¬ tion and vending. We expect our customers to be equal specialists in theatre operation. Success crowns this combination of knowl¬ edge and specialization on both our parts.’’ THE BIG, BALANCED CANDY BAR LINE PRE SOLD . . . COAST TO COAST ... via Captain Kangaroo on 127 stations of the CBS-TV Net¬ work and Dick Clark's American Bandstand on 115 stations of the ABC-TV Network . . . 242 stations in all, reaching practically every kid from 2 to 20, plus millions of approving parents. Also national advertising in all media. Stock up now! ^ -llolluuuood i ' 010/111000 BRANDS, INC. Manufacturers of the nationally advertised Balanced Line of Best Sellers CENTRALIA, ILLINOIS Finest Quality Since 1886 SUGAR TOASTED AND SALTED NUTS FOR THE CONCESSION TRADE! 5c, 10c, 15c & 25c CELLO BAGS IMZZII Cll., II. 108-116 PARK PLACE New York 7, N. Y. Tel. BArclay 7-6242-3-4 July 1, 1959 MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR ABC-29