The Exhibitor (1959)

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# # # UNSOLICITED • The letters from readers which appear on this page are not solicited. MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR does not suggest questions to readers in order to provide a flow of letters. From WASHINGTON, D. C. Thank you for your generous response to our request for 20 copies of MOTION PIC¬ TURE EXHIBITOR, and also for the 20 copies of back issues of THEATRE CATA¬ LOG. They have arrived in satisfactory con¬ dition and shortly they, together with the 1,000 other leading U.S. publications which comprise each Trade Mission library, will be prominently displayed at various international trade fairs all over the world. Trade publications serve as valuable re¬ ference material for the Trade Mission mem¬ bers in their consultations with foreign businessmen. They provide the foreign bus¬ iness community with commercial data which can be utilized in expanding trade with the United States, and in picture and print they relate the story of our free enterprise society. Your cooperation and interest are greatly ap¬ preciated. E. PAUL HAWK, Director Trade Mission Program U.S. Department of Commerce EDITOR'S MOTE : It is our pleasure to be helpful. From COLOMBO, CEYLON We have constantly seen advertisements in your valued trade paper for National Screen Service. We have on many occasions written to them reouesting them to forward us a full list of available trailers, with a description thereof, but it is our regret that we have not received any reply to our numerous requests. May we inquire whether it would be possible to use the good offices of MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR to arrange that such a list be forwarded to us as soon as possible. The same remarks apply to Filmack, 630 Ninth Avenue, New York, and to Motion Picture Service Company, 125 Hyde Street, San Francisco. We would be grateful for anything you can do. B. K. BILLIMORIA General Manager of Theatre Operations Cevlon Theatres, Ltd. EDITOR’S NOTE: Failure to answer letters is not new in this business, nor is it restricted to the three companies mentioned. However, each company is being alerted, and we do hope that Mr. Billimoria gets better service in the future. From PHILADELPHIA, PA. While passing by a news stand, I happened tc see a copv of the Tulv 8 issue of MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR. What captured my attention was the picture of a handsome, affable, kind, considerate, wonderful gentle¬ man on the front cover. I immediately bought it. I’m sure if you used this subject matter more often, your sales would increase im¬ measurably. BARRY R. MINSKY EDITOR'S NOTE. Milton Berle and Liberace had mothers. It looks as though H oward Minsky has a son. From CLEVELAND, OHIO I am seeking to reestablish the Mayfair Art Theatre as a going concern. Would you be so kind as to send me a list of distributors of so-called art pictures in New York City, such as Realart, Harrison, Davidson, International Films, etc. ROD R. MASTANDREA, Attorney EDITOR'S NOTE : Each May and November, as an integral part of the saveable pink REVIEWS section, AIOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR pub¬ lishes a list of names, addresses, execu¬ tives and types of films, under the heading "FOREIGN AND SPECIALTY PICTURE SOURCES’. This is a service that is exclusive with this one trade weekly. In addition, we carry more REVIEWS of such pictures than any other trade paper. 437 LETTERS from interested industry execs were published on this page last year. Each and every one con¬ tributed to our readability and interest. We're grate¬ ful to their writers! MORE LETTERS than any other trade paper are published here -Jiecause MORE LETTERS are received here. It's as simple V as that! uyi 7 see for YOURSELF! From VICTORIAVILLE (QUE.) CANADA My copy of the luly 1 issue had the save¬ able pink REVIEWS and EXPLOITATION sections pasted and stapled into the news sections, and they were not punched. I had quite a hard time getting them out and putting them in proper order for my book file. What’s the matter? And please advise whether this is just an error or whether you will continue sending these sections in this manner? U. S. ALLAIRE, Proprietor Victoria Theatre EDITOR'S NOTE: By mailing mis¬ take yotc apparently got one of the bound file copies. We have no inten¬ tion to change the saveable features of these two sections. Properly punched duplicate copies of July 1 sections are being sent under separate cover. From RICHMOND, VA. Regarding your series of Father and Son I photos, why don’t you take the pictures of □ the producers, together with their sons, wives,® daughters, grandchildren, dogs, horses, boats,® automobiles, or anything else in the world® that they would like you to publish, providing I® only that they make more good pictures for® consumption? After all, you and I know that exhibitors are giving their best efforts without your publishing of their pictures. Maybe, two maybes, three maybes, if you publish a picture of the production giants who do such stu¬ pendous, tremendous, magnificent things, we might get more pictures. Anyway, there is no charge to you for this valuable suggestion. MORTON G. THALHEIMER, President The Neighborhood Group of M.P. Theatres EDITOR’S NOTE: Surprise! Surprise! You didn’t think we”d publish it, did you? Let that be a lesson to you. Never trust a publisher! From GIRARD, OHIO I would appreciate your sending as many past issues of the pink REVIEWS sections as you have available. In case you don’t recognize my name in connection with the purchasing of the New Mock and Wellman Theatres from Peter M. Wellman, I am originally from Philadelphia ! where I spent 13 years with Warners and Bill Goldman as manager of the News Theatre. The past 14 years I have been with Jack Beresin and his Berio Vending Company. ALBERT GARFIELD Girard Theatres Co. EDITOR'S NOTE: While supplies of the complete 1954-55 season are running low, we still have ample supplies of the 1955-56, 1956-57, 1957-58, and 1958-59 season to date. The new 1959-60 season will start with the first issue of next September. These back seasons are avail¬ able to subscriber purchase at 52 cents per season. And good luck in Ohio, Mr. Garfield! JWV From MEXICO CITY, MEXICO Az*eca Films, Inc., 1743 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, Cal., has the distribution rights to "NAZARIN” in the U.S. A. and Mr. Anciola of Cinematographica Mexicana Exportadora here has requested them to com¬ municate directly with you in order to give . you all available data requested by your subscriber. ROBERTO CERVANTES CASAUS Luis Montes Circuit EDITOR'S NOTE: We are very grate¬ ful for this very nice help relating to the letter from Burgettstown, Pa., and published in the July 1 issue. In this way, one subscriber helps another with their trade paper as the medium be¬ tween. May we hope that our Latin friends give us a chance to reciprocate. From SEA ISLE CITY, N. J. MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR has al¬ ways been very useful, and your constant striving to improve, and to better serve the industry, has been of benefit to all exhibitors. LOUIS BRACA, JR. Braca Theatre From GOODING, IDAHO MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR is much help to me and I enjoy it immensely. Thank you! SOPHIA BURROWS, Manager Gooding Theatre