The Exhibitor (1959)

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EX152 MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR These youngsters cringe in fear at the sight of "The H-Man" on a recent visit to the "H-Man Horror Trailer" to New Haven, Conn., to promote the film. This photo taken inside the trailer is said to be the only one ever shot by a photographer to emerge alive from "The Home Of The H-Man." COMPANY ASSISTS UNITED ARTISTS announced that the pro¬ motion campaign on “The Fugitive Kind,” both here and abroad, will place particular emphasis on national magazines and news¬ paper supplements. Special color art will be used extensively in these layouts. Key elements of the campaign include extensive use of off-the-amusement page advertising in 30 major markets including a full page ad in the New York Times far in advance of release, in fact, the day the film started film¬ ing in New York City. Other facets of the campaign include special screenings for se¬ lective audience segments and opinion-mak¬ ing groups; star tours and interviews; a major book promotion; tie-ins with schools, colleges, libraries, literary clubs and dramatic societies, TV featurettes and news clips; and national and local radio-TV saturations. COLUMBIA has arranged a three-way cross¬ promotion between two of its subsidiaries, Screen Gems and Colpix, to exploit “Have Rocket, Will Travel,” the full length feature starring the Three Stooges. It involves the TV packages of Three Stooge comedy shorts and the Stooges’ Colpix recording of the title song from the film. A letter has been sent by Screen Gems to over 200 TV sta¬ tion managers advising them of the forth¬ coming feature release and of the Colpix recording. Pointing out that “both picture and record will be accompanied by a fullscale advertising and publicity campaign,” the letter urges the station managers to arrange tie-ins with exhibitors and record distributors. PARAMOUNT’s “But Not For Me” will enter release supported by an extraordinary pro¬ motional asset, a title song that has been a popular favorite for 15 years. Eighteen re¬ cord companies since 1945 have waxed a total of 59 discs of the George and Ira Gershwin hit. Verve will issue the latest recording of the number; Capitol has in release four records of the tune; RCA Victor has 10; ABC Paramount has five; London two; Columbia 10; MGM four; etc. “You Make Me Feel So Young” by Mack Gordon and Joseph Myrow, another time-honored favorite, also is featured in the picture, as is Leroy Anderson’s classic novelty number, “The Typewriter.” 1959 EXPLOITATION INDEX A CIVIC-CLUBS 19. Art Films Helped By University Benefit . 1X89 20. Natural Childbirth Sells "Dr. Laurent" . 8X89 21. Local Marching Band lends Hand . EX93 22. Charity Benefits Are Like Money In The Bank . EX93 23. Selling A Religious Pic To Churches . EX105 24. Aiding Local Charities Pays Off In Good Will EX109 25. Police Cooperation May Come In Handy . ...EX121 26. Reaching The Intelligentsia . EX137 27. Selling The Ladies On "Separate Tables" . ...EX141 28. An Eye-Glasses Tieup On "Compulsion" . ...EX145 29. Ties Hospital Pic In With Hospital Aid . EX149 B KID’S MATINEES 23. A 13 to 16 Movie Club . 8X90 24. "Miss Pigtails" Contest . EX97 25. A Premiere Just For The Small Fry . EX101 26. Theatres Act As Baby Sitters For 104 EX101 27. Stresses Cheap Baby Sitting To Boost Kids Shows . EX109 28. Contest For Kids On "Sinbad" . EX113 29. Children's Safety Program . EX117 30. A Dog Show For A Dog Film . EX121 31. TV Show Guests Kid Screening . EX125 32. Easter Egg Hunt At Drive-In . EX125 33. Keeping In Pace With Kiddies' Tastes . EX129 34. Treasure Chests For Kids . EX129 35. Politician Sponsors Kid Shows . EX133 36. Reporter Visits Kids' Show . EX137 37. Shaggy Dog Given Away For "Shaggy Dog" . EX141 38. Benefits From Scouts' Benefit . EX145 39. Kids Really Go For 'Lone Ranger' Masks . ...EX145 40. Newspaper Carriers "Hercules" Tieup . EX149 41. A TV Tiein Gets Teen-Agers . EX149 42. Midsummer Hallowe'en . EX149 c MASS MEDIA 6. How To Crash A TV Program . 8X90 7. Record Number Of Radio Plugs For Record Star EX93 8. Newspaper Cooperation Always Help* . EX117 9. The House Is Really Haunted . EX121 10. "Imitation Of Life" Radio Contest . EX125 11. You Have To Sell The Big Ones, Too . EX129 12. Eight Page Co-op Newspaper Supplement . ...EX150 D MERCHANTS 46. Appropriate Tours Tie-Up . 8X91 47. Concession Item Prize Boosts Sales . . . EX97 48 Artificial Snow, Wild Animals Used As Bally EX106 49. Happiest Secretary Contest . EX106 50. The Ghosts Are Stirring Again . EX106 51. A Cat Contest EX106 52. The largest Family Contest . EX106 53. Weekly Program Gratis . EX109 54. Breakfast Food Samoles . EX110 55. No Cost Pamphlet Give-Aways . EX110 56. local Gal Makes Good Angle . EX118 57. A Birthday Cake Tieup . EX118 58. Latches On To Department Store "Summons" EX126 59. Shoe Tieup For "This Happy Feeling" . EX130 60. Grass Roots Stunt For Grass Cutters . EX141 61. Summer Festival Contest . EX150 E SCHOOL TIE-UPS 10. Co-op Window Cards . EX101 11. Welcome School Personnel . EXlfO August 12, 1959 12. An "Off Hours" School Idea . EX126 13. Preview For Teenagers On "Gidget" . EX122 14. Educators Help "Tempest" . EX133 15. Gets In On Nurses' Graduation . EX137 16. Ideal Nurse Contest . EX141 F ARMED SERVICE 10. The R.C.A.F. Cooperates On "High Flight" .. 8X91 11. The Navy Cooperates On Sub Film . EX113 12. A Perfect Furlough Stunt . EX118 13. The Coast Guard Lends A Hand . EX126 a STUNTS-BALLY 42. French Gifts Promote "Olgl" . 8X91 43. A Valentines Day Idea . EX94 44. Midget Helps Sell "tom thumb" . EX94 45. Latches On To Other Fellow's Slogan . EX95 46. The Circus Angle Helps . EX97 47. What A Bride (and groom) Should Be Contest EX1 01 48. Friday The 13th Stunts . EX110 49. American History Contest . EX110 50. Selling An Opera Film . EX111 51. The Monsters Bally Things Again . EX113 52. Cat Contest For "Bell, Book and Candle" . ...EX114 53. Baby, It's Cold Outside . EX114 54. Local "Miss Gidget" Contest . EX114 55. A Real Haunted House . EX127 56. 'Teen Age Recording Contest . EX127 57. A "Tall" Contest For "Watusi" . EX133 58. Elephant Is A "Gidget", Too . EX138 59. "Hot" Campaign On "Some Like It Hot" ... EX138 60. Some Drive-In Business Builders . EX142 61. Selling An Opera Film . . EX142 62. "Fractures 'em" With "Fractured Jaw" . . . EX146 63. Horses, Horses, Horses For "Horse Soldiers". .EX150 H LOBBY DISPLAYS 14. Real Thing As Front Display . EX102 15. Home-Made Theatre Fronts . EX106 16. Animated Lobby Display Always Good . EX107 17. An Adaptable Lobby Display . EX115 18. Home Made Monster Dresses Lobby . EX122 19. Sea Scouts Lobby Exhibit . EX127 20. Home Made Display For 40<f . EX133 I INSTITUTIONAL 25. Swap Night For Drive-Ins . EX92 26. Model Airplane Contest At Drive-In . EX95 27. Free Kleenex For Three Handkerchief Pies . . . EX97 28. "Miss Big Beat" Contest . EX98 29. Old Fashioned Showmanship . EX98 30. How To Make Friends and Influence Movie Patrons . EX102 31. No Intermissions For Showmanship . EX103 32. Go Carts Racing At Drive-In . EX103 33. Save Ticket Stubs Like Savings Stamps . EX107 34. House Cleaning Giveaway For Drive-Ins . EX107 35. A Drive-In Anniversary, Etc . EX111 36. Giant Pass Idea . EX111 37. Backing Academy Awards . EX111 38. Asking For Patrons' Help . 8X112 39. Some Novelty Ads . EX112 40. A Theatre Comes Of Age . EX119 41. Amateur Revue Always Good . EX123 42. A 50th Anniversary . EX130 43. Bonus For Displaying Bumper Strips . EX130 44. "Fair" Promotion From Merrie England . EX130 45. Movies Are A "Life-Saver" . EX130 46. Art Gallery Gets Prestige and Good Will . ...EX134 47. Never Sell A "Short" Short . EX134 48. Toy Giveaways Help Snack Bar Biz . EX134 49. Get Those Tourists! . EX134 50. Some Drive-In Business Builders . EX135 51. Silver Wedding Anniversary Party . EX138 52. Celebrating A Tenth Anniversary . EX142 53. Drive-In Helps Motorists . EX146 54. Utilizing Idle Space . EX146 55. Real Old Time Film Draws Biz . . . EX147 56. Get Acquainted Idea . EX148 MGM has an art exhibit consisting of selec¬ tions from the more than 10,000 final sketches used in filming “Ben-Hur” which will soon be on display at every MGM exchange throughout the world. Grade schools, col¬ leges, libraries, churches and other interested organizations have requested sets of the re¬ productions and they will be supplied to these instutitions in the months ahead. The sketches were done in pencil and reproduced in sepia for exhibit. They are approximately two feet by five feet in size and each set of five has an 11x14 inch explanatory card with it. 20TH CENTURY-FOX has budgeted more than three quarters of a million dollars on “The Blue Angel.” The national magazine idea, based upon conceptions by the advertis¬ ing and art departments are unprecedented in motion picture advertising. Publications such as Life and Look carry multi-page layouts on the film. Another facet of the campaign is the second in a series of new star featurettes produced at the studios and starring “Blue Angel” newcomer May Britt. This star will make a most extensive tour, one which encompasses a period of months and bringing the star across the nation.