The Exhibitor (1959)

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Now... from 20th. . . for every kind of theatre THE IDEAL IMPACT BOX-OFFICE SHOW! WUV buwunsi GmmwuRE Rods Amuck ! VINCENT PRICE BRETT JOHN HALSEY SUTTON FRANKHAM SEYMOUR Produced by BERNARD GLASSER • Directed from his Screenplay by EDWARD L. BERNDS Based upon George Langelaan’s Short Story "The Fly" • Produced by Associated Producers, Inc. starring BEVERLY BRUCE LON GEORGE GARLAND BENNETT CHANEY MACREADY and FRIEDA INESCORT • RICHARD CRANE • DOUGLAS KENNEDY From 2a CENTURY-FOX ' in Cl I N E N/l £5 <“ O £3 1 Produced by JACK LEEWOOD Directed by ROY DEL RUTH Screenplay by Orville H. Hampton Produced by Associated Producers, Inc you deserve THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. . . 20th will give it to you!