The Exhibitor (1959)

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SERVISECTION THE CHECK-UP of all Features and Short Subjects as reviewed and compiled during the past 12 months Published every second week, as a separately bound and easily saveable section of MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR, this exclusive 24 year old service lists by (1) Distribution Source and by (2) Al¬ phabet, all professional motion pictures offered for dating by the nation’s theatres, plus all those that are In production. Each new Issue Is a complete, carefully checked reference index, brought up-to-date • from the best available sources. Complete and detailed REVIEWS are published as separately bound and easily saveable pink paper sections, on the*altemating every second week throughout the film season (September to September), and are cumulatively numbered. It Is recommended that readers save this SERVISECTION reference for only the two week interval between issues, and then discard it as anti¬ quated data. The pink paper REVIEWS, however, should be permanently saved and assembled into com¬ plete files, by seasons, and the last issue of each August will always contain a complete annual Index. Combined, the yellow paper SERVISECTION and the pink paper REVIEWS represent a unique In¬ formative service to theatremen that is unequalled In either accuracy or completeness. Please address all Inquiries or suggestions about these two service features to the Editors of MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR. 246-48 N. Clarion St.. Philadelphia 7. Penna. AUGUST 19, 1959 FEATURE INDEX ... by DISTRIBUTION SOURCE: KEY . . . Features are arranged alphabetically under each distributor's name. Number preceding title is the Production Number assigned by the produoer. Abbreviations following title indicate type of story, such as CComedy COMP-Cempilation M DMelodrama CAR-Cartoon D-Drama MUMusical DOCDocumentary W-Weetern NOV-Novelty TRAV-Travelogue Number, followed by m. Is running time on day of screening. If a feature has been cut, or had censorship difficulties, check local exchange for possible running time ehange. Abbreviations following running time indicate projection and color processes, such as C8-CinemaScope MC-MetroColor SS-SuperScope VV-VistaVision DG-DeLuxe Color NA-Naturama TC-Teohnlcolor WC-WarnerColor E C-Eastman Color RERe issue TE-Technirama C-Other color RS-Regalscope TR-Truoolor Under the cast heading are only the two or thre e most important names. Next ie the cumulatively numbered page and date of issue when MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR published the complete analytical review, plus an evaluation of the particular picture's box-offloe worth. ALLIED ARTISTS DISTRIBUTED DURING THE PAST IS MONTHS 5828 5905 5904 6907 5914 6902 5916 5824 6903 6901 6833 5839 6813 5911 6831 6830 6826 6837 5910 6819 6822 6836 -59) — Colorful, entertaining ACCURSED, THE— MD-78m.— Donald Wolfit, Jane Griffiths— 4533 (11-26-68)— Okay programmer— English AL CAPONE— MD-104m.— Rod Steiger, Fay Spain— 4561 (2-25-59)— Well-done crime entry ARSON FOR HIRE — MD-88m.— Steve B rod to, Lyn Thomas — 4561 (2-25-59)— Routine lower half filler BATTLE FLAME — M D-78m.— Scott Brady, Elaine Edwards — 4593 (6-3-59)--Okay war programmer BIG CIRCUS, THE — 108Mm. — (CS; TC)— Victor Mature, Red Buttons, Rhonda Fleming — 4601 (7-1-! circus yarn has names COSMIC MAN, THE — MD-72m. — Bruce Bennett, Angela Greene — 4553 (1-28-59)— Science fiction entry for the supporting slot CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, U. S. A.— D-96m— George Hamilton, Mary Murphy— 4605 (7-15-59)— For the art and specialty spots FACE OF FIRE — MD-83m. — Cameron Mitchell, Bettye Ackerman — 4605 (7-15-59) — Interesting programmer — Swedish-made FRANKENSTEIN— 19TO— MOS3m. — (C8)— Boris Karloff, Jana Lund — 4526 (10-29-58) — Aduii horror programmer has Karloff name GIANT BEHEMOTH, THE — MD-79m. — Gene Evans, Andre Morell— 4573 (4-8-59)— Good science fiction — England HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL— MD-76m.— Vincent Price, Carol Ohmart— 4545 (12-24-68)— Okay ghost, horror entry IN-BETWEEN AGE — MU-78m. — Terry Dene. Mary 8teele — 4505 (9-3-68)— British rock 'n* roll dualler — England JOHNNY ROCCO — MD-84m. — Richard Ever, 8tephen MoNally, Coleen Gray — 4541 (12-10-58)— Good programmer JOY RIDE — D-84Hm. — Rod Fulton, Ann Doran — 4533 (11-26-58) — Interesting programmer KING OF THE WILD STALLIONS— 75m.— (CS; DC)— George Montgomery, Diane Brewster— 4609 (7-29-59)— Okay horse opus LEGION OF THE DOOMED— 76m.— Bill Williams, Dawn Richard— 4533 (11-26-68)— Foreign Legion entry for lower halt LITTLEST HOBO. THE — D-77m. — Buddy Hart, Wendy Stuart — 4513 (9-17-58)— Good show foi the younger set QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE — M D-79 Wm. — (C8; DC)— Zsa Zsa Gabor, Eric Fleming— 4513 (9-17-58)— Okay science fiction entry REVOLT IN THE BIG HOUSE— MD-79m.— Gene Evans. Arlene Hunter— 4529 (11-12-68)— Good prison story SPEED CRAZY — MD-75m. — Brett Halsey, Yvonne Lime — 4593 (6-3-59) — For the lower half SPY IN THE SKY — MD-74m. — Steve Brodie. Andrea Domburg— 4505 (9-3-68) — International intrigue programmer SURRENDER, HELL — MD-85m. — Keith Andes, Susan Cabot — 4613 (8-12-59) — Good action yarn for program UNWED MOTHER— D-74m.— Norma Moerec Robert Vaughn— 4533 (11-26-68)— Well-made program entry WOLF LARSEN— MD-83m.— Barry 8ulllvan, Gita Hall— 4529 (11-12-68)— Good programmer -COMING FEATURES IN ORDER OF RELEASE May LITTLE RASCALS VARIETIES— Compilation July THE REBEL SET — Gregg Palmer, Kathleen Crowley — COMING ATOMIC SUBMARINE— Arthur Franz, Dick Foran BAT, THE — Vincent Price, Agnes Moorehead CALLING NORTH POLE— (CS; C)— Curt Jurgens, Dawn Addams WEB OF EVIDENCE— Van Johnson, Vera Miles AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTED DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS Aooursod, Tho, . A2 AA Affairs of Julie, Tho, , . . For. Al Capone, , „ . A3 AA Alaskan Passage . B Fox Alias Jesse James . Al UA •All God’s Children • . WB Alligator People, The.-. . A2 Fox Anatomy of Love, 'The . SC For. Anatomy of a Murder , , ■ . . . Col. Angry Hills, Tho, . A3 MGM Anna Luoasta . A3 UA Apache Territory . Al Col. Appointment with a Shadow . A2 Ul Arson for Hire . A2 AA As Young as We Are . A3 Par. Ask Any Girl . A3 MGM •Atomic Submarine . AA Attack of the Jungle Women . Mi sc. Auntie Marne . A3 WB BRAIN EATERS. THE — MD-60m. — Edwin Nelson, Joanna Lea— 4541 (12-16-58) — Routine soience fiction COOL AND THE CRAZY — MD-76m. — Scott Marlowe, Glgi Perreau — 4521 (16-15-68) — Teenage dope mailer DADDY-lO’ — MD-74m. — Dick Contino, Sandra Giles — 4609 (7-29-59) — Dualler for teen-age trade DRAGSTRIP RIOT — MD-87m. — Gary Clarke, Yvonne Lime — 4521 (16-16-68) — Teenage dualler HEADLESS GHOST, THE — MD-63m. — Richard Lyon, Liliane Scottane — 4609 (7-29-59) — Mild horror for teen-agers HELL SQUAD — MD-64m. — Wally Compo, Brandon Carroll — 4617 (10-1-68) — Program war meller HIGH SCHOOL HELLCATS— MD-70m. — Yvonne Lime, Bret Halsev— 4526 (10-29-68) — Teenage problem programmer HORRORS OF THE BLACK MUSEUM— MD-95m.— (CS; EC)— Michael Gough, Juno Cunningham— 4577 (4-22-59 )Well made H OT fRO D *C»A NGr^() M U — 72m. — John Ashley, Jody Fair, Gone Vincent — 4525 (16-29-68) — Rock ‘n ' roll programmer HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER — MD-76m. (Partly color)— Robert H. Harris — 4541 (12-10-681 — Okay horror meller NIGHT OF THE BLOOD BEAST — 65m. — Michael Emmet, Angola Greene — 4533 (11-26-58) — Minor science fiction entry OPERATION DAMES — MD-74m. — Eve Meyor, Chuck Henderson — 4593 (6-3-59}— For the duallers PARATROOP COMMAND — D-83m. — Richard Bakalyan, Carolyn Hughes — 4565 (3-11-59) — Effective war programmer ROAD RACERS — MD-78m. — Joel Lawrence, Marian Collier — 4609 (7-29-59) — Auto racing meller for teen-ager market SCREAMING SKULL. THE — MD-70m. — John Hudson, Peggy Webber — 4545 (12-24-68) — Okay for the horror program SHE GODS OF SHARK REEF— MD-63m. — (C) — Don Durant, Lies Montell — 4534 (11-26-58)— Okay novelty programmer— Mtde jn ^ SPIDER, THE— M D-72m. — Ed Kommer, Juno Kenny— 4525 (16-29-58) — Average horror entry SUBMARINE SEAHAWK — D-77m. — John Bentley, Brett Halsey — 4565 (3-11-69) — Typical sub story for program TANK BATALLION — MD-80m. — Don Kellv. Barbara Luna — 4517 (10-1-58) — For the lower halt TANK COMMANDOS — MD-81m. — Robert Barron, Maggie Lawrence — 4593 (6-3-59) — Program war meller TEENAGE CAVEMAN — MD-65m. — Robert Vaughn, Leslie Bradley — 4641 (12-16-68) — For the lower half TERROR FROM THE YEAR 6,006— MD-74m. — Ward Costello, Joyce Holden— 4541 (12-10-58)— Lower half horror thriller . . . By ALPHABET: Provides an sasy way to locate a feature when the distributor is not known. If the particular feature has not yet boon released and reviewed, It Is preceded by a small dot. Legion of Doceney classifications of A1 — Unobjectionable for Gen¬ eral Patronage; A2 — Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents; A3 — Unobjectionable for Adults; B— Objectionable In Part for All; C — Condemned ; SC — Separate Classification, follow each title as they become available. For all other data refor to the much more complete information under the distributor headings. • • • PLEASE NOTE This yellow paper SERVI¬ SECTION is corrected, reedited, and brought up to date every second week; — and will always be found as a separate saveable SEC¬ TION TWO of the particu¬ lar issue, punched for short¬ term filing in a ring binder. Before using, always check the publication date to be certain that data is current. Out-dated issues should be used with great care, because titles and running-times are often changed. It is best to dis¬ card out-dated issues as new ones are published. THE EDITORIAL STAFF l