The Exhibitor (1959)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fifteen cents per word (include name or initials, box number and address in count). Minimum 10 words. No cuts or borders. 4 insertions for price of 3. Cash with copy. Closing date: Wednesday noon preceding date of publication. Advertising orders, and replies to box numbers should be addressed to: Motion Picture Exhibitor, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. (Help and Situations Wanted advertising not accepted. See "A-Man" CORNER on this page.) BUSINESS BOOSTERS BINGO CARDS, DIE CUT! 1, 75-500 com¬ binations. 1, 100-200 combination. Can be used for KENO. $3.50 per M. PREMIUM PROD¬ UCTS, 346 West 44th St., New York 36, N. Y. COMIC BOOKS. Write for free samples show¬ ing how you can give away 3,000 comics at no cost to the movie house. BOOK NOVELTY COMPANY, 2031 N. 29th St., Philadelphia, Pa. NEW EQUIPMENT EVERYBODY’S BUYING ’EM! Masonite Let¬ ters, fits Wagner, Adler, Bevelite Signs 4" 40<?; 8"-60 10"-75<?; 12"-$1.00; 14"-$1.50; 16"$1.75; 17"— $2.00; 24"-$3.00 (10% discount 100 letters or over $60 list). Depi. be — S.O.S. CIN¬ EMA SUPPLY CORPORATION, 602 W. 52nd Street, New York 19. LOWEST PRICES EVER — Intermittent Movements DeVry $49.50; Simplex $59.50; Holmes $24.95 — -ail new surplus w/foxhole sprockets. Dept be— S.O.S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORPORATION, 602 W. 52nd Street, New York 19. THEATRES FOR SALE IN CLYDE, NEW YORK. Brick building, 695 seats, cinemascope with stereophonic sound, good income for family operation. Write to BOX 67, Naples, New York. STARLITE DRIVE-IN, posts for 500 car capacity, located in Trading Center of West¬ ern Colorado and Eastern Utah. URANIUM DRIVE-IN, posts for 225 car capacity. The only two theatres equipped with car heaters for year round operation in Western Colo¬ rado. Call CH 2-7860. Write STARLITE THEATRE, 2303 G Road, Grand Junction, Colo. THEATRE SEATING COMPLETE SEATING SERVICE. Sewn cush¬ ion and back covers. New cushion, parts. Chairs rebuilt in your theatre without interruption. MASSEY SEATING COMPANY, INC., 160 Hermitage Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee. USE D EQUIPME NT INCREASE YOUR LIGHT! Rebuilt Brenkert Enarc, Ashcraft D Arclamps $395.00 pr. (add $50 for pair new reflectors), Ashcraft Hydro¬ arcs, Forest Electronic 85A, excellent $495.00 pr. Rebuilt Generators w/panel, rheostats: 50/100A-$395.00; 65/130A-$450.00; 70/140A $495.00; 80/160A-$525.00. Dept. bc-S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corporation, 602 W. 52nd Street, New York 19. WINDOW CARDS WEEKLY THEATRE and DRIVE-IN CARDS. 100 — 14 x 22 — $6.00. All colors. Other prices and sizes on request. WINN PRINTING, 5809 Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia 43, Penn¬ sylvania. FORMS AND SYSTEMS For the Best in THEATRE-TESTED and APPROVED FORMS and SYSTEMS . . . EXHIBITOR BOOK SHOP, 246 N. Clarion St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. STILL AVAILABLE! "Pocket-Size" The NEW 12 Month Set of Booking Sheets for the full year starting JUNE 28, 1959 DATE BOOK Price: 70c per yearly set of sheets, without binder, including postage Actual sample sheets of the above, or of any of the practical and time-saving Theatre Operating Forms and Systems will be sent to any Theatreman who makes written request. theatre managers . . . assistant theatre managers .. . theatre advertising and publicity men . . . film buyers . . film bookers . . . circuit executives . . . maintenance and equipment engineers. If you* are looking for a job . . . or IF you* are looking for a man . . . just describe your needs in 25 words or less and send to "the A-Man Corner." Add your name and address. Name and address Will be published unless a box number is requested. All such "'classified ads" will be published in three consecutive issues and then dropped. If success does not crown an original effort, it can be repeated through a new application after a 60 day interval. This completely new EMPLOYMENT SERVICE is available to ALL theatres without reservation. It is not necessary to subscribe to MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR to avail yourself of this service. No other industry trade paper offers it! And it is completely FREE! *A (WO)MAN is also welcome . . . but in this preponderantly male business, she should specify her sex. MANAGER OR ASSISTANT AVAILABLE: four years ex¬ perience-exploitation, booking, advertising, mainten¬ ance, general operation. Single, sober, reliable and am¬ bitious. Twenty years old; finishing college. St. Louis, Missouri area. BOX A812, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. SMALL THEATRE OR DRIVE-IN Manager available. 35 years experience as owner and manager, buying, ex¬ ploitation, and all other theatre work. Prefer South. BOX C812, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. PROJECTIONIST, 27 years experience on most all makes of equipment, drive-in or conventional. Go any place. JOE OLIVER, Kimble Courts, Junction, Tex. Phone: 2535. (85) PROJECTIONIST AVAILABLE. 18 years experience on all types of equipment and sound, drive-ins and indoors. Dependable worker. References. JOHN HENRY McKEEHAN, 515 S. Broadway, Siloam Springs 4, Ark. (85) MANAGER WANTED for theatre in Northern Illinois. Heavily populated area. Good opportunity for a show¬ man. Answer by letter only. McFARLAND THEATRES, State Theatre Building, Sycamore, Illinois. (85) CONTINUED EXPANSION h as created openings for experienced and responsible managers for drive-ins and indoors. Send resume to Personnel Director, SMITH MANAGEMENT COMPANY, 480 Boylston St., Boston 16, Mass. (819) MANAGER OR ASSISTANT Available. 12 years experi¬ ence indoor and drive-in theatres. Single, sober, reliable. Contact DON WARNER, 109 Welcome Lane (B), Ridley Park, Penna. (819) TOP MANAGER, booking, exploitation rep., Phila., L.A., N.Y.C. Experience includes Roxy. Relocate. Top salary and security musts. Give a real showman opportunity before final curtain. BOX A819, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. LET PARKHURST Get The Lead Out Of Your Ads! idea theatre executive-manager available. 20 years experi¬ ence. Exploitation minded. Showmanship plus. Hard worker. Prefer Florida. PEARCE PARKHURST, 601 N.E. 2nd St., P.O. Box 815, Dania, Florida. WAbash 2-6650. (819) HELP WANTED— MALE: Theatre Managers, experienced for large New York Circuit. Write BOX B812, c/o M. P. EX¬ HIBITOR, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. HANDY SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Yes, start sending MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR plus Showmen's Trade Review TO: Name . Title . Address . ★ □ Enclosed □ Or bill me □ $2.00 for one year □ $3.50 for two years □ $5.00 for three years (Outside Western Hemisphere) □ $ 5.00 one year □ $ 8.00 two years □ $11.00 three years CLIP and MAIL TODAY TO 246 N. Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. Address all correspondence to— The A-MAN Corner t Motion Picture Exhibitor 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa.