The Exhibitor (1959)

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“SHOULD FLY HIGH IN PURSUIT OF BOXOFFICE BUCKS! ...backbone-freezing elements to satisfy younger ticket buyers and will attract hordes of oldsters ... the grand daddy of all horror properties gives promise of being both popular and profitable!” -IVAN SPEAR “A PRODUCT AS SOLID, SAFE AND SURE OF BOXOFFICE AS SATURDAY NIGHT! ...combining best elements of the spook, monster, haunted house and sudden-death schools of fright fiction..!” “THE AUDIENCE WILL BE PLAYING ‘WHO-DONE-IT’ ROULETTE! ...good boxoffice potential ... surefire situations and suspense to satisfy thrill-seekers ... a new treatment of a proven property evolved from Mary Roberts Rinehart’s classic mystery novel..!” SAMUEL D. BERNS starring VINCENT PRICE • AGNES MOOREHEAD with Gavin Gordon • John Sutton • Elaine Edwards • Darla Hood • Lenita Lane Produced by Directed by Screen Story & Screenplay by Based on the Wagenhals-Kemper Play by C. I. TEVLIN • CRANE WILBUR • CRANE WILBUR < MARK ROBERTS RINEHART ... AVERY H0PW00D Corporation Production Set Your dates for this BIG ONE! Phone or wire your Allied Artists Branch today!