The Exhibitor (1959)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fifteen cents per word (include name or initials, box number and address in count). Minimum 10 words. No cuts or boraers. 4 insertions for price of 3. Cash with copy. Closing date: Wednesday noon preceding date of publication. Advertising orders, and replies to box numbers should be addressed to: Motion Picture Exhibitor, 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. (Help and Situations Wanted advertising not accepted. See "A-Man" CORNER on this page.) BUSINESS BOOSTERS BINGO CARDS, DIE CUT! 1, 75-500 com¬ binations. 1, 100-200 combination. Can be used for KENO. $3.50 per M. PREMIUM PROD¬ UCTS, 346 West 44th St., New York 36, N. Y. HOLIDAY ITEMS for tricks or treat, Free Catalog. HECHT MFG., 184 W. Merrick Road, Merrick, N. Y. DOOR CLOSERS DOOR CLOSERS REPAIRED: One-day service. Like new, guaranteed. MINNESOTA FIRE EXTINGUISHER COMPANY, INC., 2480 University Avenue, St. Paul 14, Minne¬ sota. NEW EQUIPMENT BEST VALUE ANYWHERE! Masonite Let¬ ters, fits Wagner, Adler, Bevelite Signs 4"40c; 8"-60d; 10"-75<f; 12" -$1.00; 14"-$1.50; 16"$1.75; 17"-$2.00; 24"-$3.00 (10% discount 100 letters or over $60 list). Dept, be — S.O.S. CIN¬ EMA SUPPLY CORPORATION, 602 W. 52nd Street. New York 19. THEATRE SEATING COMPLETE SEATING SERVICE. Sewn cush¬ ion and back covers. New cushion, parts. Chairs rebuilt in your theatre without interruption. MASSEY SEATING COMPANY, INC., 160 Hermitage Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee. SENSATIONAL SEATING SAVINGS! Amer¬ ican, Hjywood, Ideal chairs from $3.95. Send for Chair Bulletin. Dept be — S.O.S. CINE¬ MA SUPPLY CORPORATION, 602 W. 52nd Street, New York 19. THEATRES FOR SALE FOR SALE: Theatre Building. CinemaScope equipment. Good family operation. Small town. MELVIN RAMBO, Lowry City, Mis¬ souri. LARGE MODERN THEATRE in S.E. Penna.; built 10 years; fireproof, steel and brick; parking lot frontage on main street; pros¬ perous fast growing community. Write BOX 207, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 N. Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. 750-SEAT fully equipped theatre North¬ west Florida in thriving industrial area. Ideal family operation. Sale or percentage lease. BOX 206, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 N. Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. USED EQUIPMENT LET THERE BE LIGHT! Strong 1KW Arcs/ Rectifiers, excellent, $475.00; rebuilt Brenkert Enarc, Ashcraft “D” $395.00. Rebuilt motor generator sets w/panel, rheostats; 50/100A-$395.00; 65/130A-$450.00; 70/140A $495.00; 80/160A-$525.00; New 100/200A $895.00. Dept be— S.O.S. CINEMA SUPPLY CORPORATION, 602 W. 52nd Street, New York 19. Hertner 70/140 Generator $375.00 w/panel, reheostat. Simplex, Strong Lamps, E-7 Heads, RCA Sound, Perey Turnstiles, other equip¬ ment. Write: CARL TURNER, 206y2 Union St., Nashville, Tenn. PRACTICALLY BRAND NEW complete equipment, including 800 seats, CinemaScope, carpeting, etc., from Grand Theatre, Norris¬ town. Contact NORRIS THEATRE, Norris¬ town, Pa. BRoadway 5-4760. WINDOW CARDS WEEKLY THEATRE and DRIVE-IN CARDS. 100 — 14 x 22 — $6i00. All colors. Other prices and sizes on request. WINN PRINTING, 5809 Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia 43, Penn¬ sylvania. Have you tried "Plus Service No. 9" of EXHIBITORS THEATRE FORMS and SYSTEMS > DRIVE-IN THEATRE BOXOFFICE STATEMENTS © A daily record of: ( I ) Number of Cars; (2) Number of Adults, (3) Number of Children; (4) Passes and Complimentary Admis¬ sions; (5) Cash Refunds; (6) Confection Gross; (7) Title, distribu¬ tor, rental basis, actual cost, and percentage of admissions income of the Show; (8) Record of the weather and average temperature; (9) Hourly Ticket Sale Record; (10) Opposition Attractions; (ll) Price: 30c Checker and Hours Checked; (12) Total Cash Receipts and Totals Deposited. o All on a handy 5'/2 x 9 inch sheet punched for filing in a post or ring binder an d padded 50 to the pad. o Here is a professional form never before designed for drive-in operation. per pad theatre managers . . . assistant theatre managers . . . tneatre advertising and publicity men film buyers film bookers . . . circuit executives . . . maintenance and equipment engineers, f you are looking for a |ob or IF you* are looking for a man . . . iust describe your needs in 25 words or less and send to the AMcm rner " Add your name and address. Name and address will be published unless a box number is requested. A -h "classified ads" will be published in three consecut ve issues and then dropped. If success does not crown an ainal effort it can be repeated through a new applica Son after a 60 day interval. This completely new EMPLOYMENT SERVICE is available to ALL theatres without reservation. It is not necessary subscribe to MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR to avail yourself of this service. No other industry trade paper offers it! And it is completely FREE! * A (WO)MAN is also welcome . but in this preponderantly male business, she should specify her sex. POSITION WANTED: Managing or projection or combina¬ tion manager and projectionist. Over 19 years of ex¬ perience. Will consider anything worthwhile. References can be furnished. C. B. RUTHERFORD, St. Charles, Vir¬ ginia. ' ’ WANTED: Semi-retired Theatre Manager as House Man¬ ager for small Northeastern Ohio town. Minimum salary with secure position. Write seating age, experience and minimum salary expected. BOX A923, c/o M. P. EXHI¬ BITOR, 246 N. Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa DRIVE-IN THEATRE MANAGER Wanted— fully experienced in management, promotion, bookings, etc. Unusual op¬ portunity and proposition. Outline complete background, exoerie^ce, status, age, etc. Write BOX A 930, c/o M. P EXHIBITOR, 246 N. Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. YOUNG MAN, 35, now managing indoor and outdoor theatre, desires location change. South or West. In¬ terested in concession field or management more than one theatre. BOX A107, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 N. Clarion St., Philadelphia. 7, Pa. HIGHLY EXPERIENCED Theatre Manager available, 15 years experience, publicity and exploitation. Preferably in Los Angeles area. Now employed in New York. Reply with full particulars only, please. BOX B107, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 N. Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. WANTED: MANAGER, experienced, honest and reliable. No Sundays Wood Theatre, Woodbury, N. J. Apply ATLANTIC THEATRES, 1612 Market St., Phila 3, Pa.J930) HELP WANTED— Motion Picture Theatre Managers. Ex¬ perienced. Give full qualifications. Write BOX C930, c/o M. P EXHIBITOR, 246 N. Clarion St., Phila 7, Pa MANAGER for small theatre, or house-manager of deluxe h ure available for Richmond, Vallejo, Sonoma, Santa Rosa Calif Now employed by major circuit in Santa Barbara, Calif. BOX B930, c/o M. P. EXHIBITOR, 246 N. Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. PROJECTIONIST AVAILABLE, licensed, 18 years of ex¬ perience on all types of equipment and sound, conven¬ tional and drive-ins. Philadelphia and vicinity. BOX B923, c/o M P. EXHIBITOR, 246 N. Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. Address all correspondence to The A-MAN Comer ! Motion Picture Exhibitor 246 North Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa. i want my own personal copy of MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR every week! □ $2.00 FOR ONE YEAR □ $5.00 FOR THREE YEARS Name Title Address Clip and Mail Today to 246 N. Clarion St., Phila. 7, Pa.