The Exhibitor (1960)

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0)0 10\\ ASHCRAFT F1.5 PROJECTION LAMP for medium and small theatres Compare these 10 points of superiority and see why Ashcraft is the only Lamp that has everything! THE ONE LAMP which will project maximum light for both 35mm or 70mm film at less carbon and current cost than ever before. THE ONE LAMP having a true F1.5 optical speed which increases light output at decreased operat¬ ing expense. THE ONE LAMP of the “35/70 Special type” having pure silver water cooled, one piece carbon contacts. THE ONE LAMP having “Man sized” lamphouse door that projectionists prefer. THE ONE LAMP having such an extremely precise carbon feed mechanism that arc-length and crater position are maintained exact without neeessity of troublesome thermostatic devices. ASHCRAFT MANUFACTURING CO., THE ONE LAMP that has both high screen intensity and up to 100% screen light distribution. THE ONE LAMP having 3 point suspension for mir¬ ror (no rings) allowing unrestricted mirror ventila¬ tion prolonging mirror life. THE ONE LAMP which will accommodate up to 20 inch carbons and give up to 2 hours of brilliant illumination. THE ONE LAMP having positive chain drive feed and carbon rotation— uses no roller feed whatever. THE ONE LAMP for which a new— high qualityhigh reactance— low cost Rectifier has been spe¬ cifically designed. INC. 36-32 38th STREET, LONG ISLAND CITY 1. N Y. PE6 PHYSICAL THEATRE • EXTRA PROFITS DEPARTMENT of MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR July 13, I960