The Exhibitor (1960)

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COMING ... in the issue of Nov. 2 CLIFF KNOLL, Manager Slate Theatre, Sioux Falls, S.D. fells how he would sell . . . Paramount's "G.I. BLUES" A different line used daily will create a certain intrigue over the title. Let the people put their own connotation to it. Let them be teased! For the expense of small display cards reading: SOON— DORIS DAY in “ MIDNIGHT LACE” have every ladies’ store feature a piece of black lingerie draped over a chair or display, in their windows, complemented by your card. If this isn’t teasing— what is? Print up a quantity of business cards reading: I’ll be seeing you soon in “MIDNIGHT LACE” —Doris. Plant these in men’s suit pockets at dry cleaning stores in return for a few guest tickets. This one should be lots of fun, especially if you write the word “Doris”! CO-OP MERCHANDISING Doris Day and Myrna Loy, plus the title “MIDNIGffT LACE” is a NATURAL for a full page cooperative ad with your leading fashion or department store. Universal has some OUTSTANDING fashion stills which will be in great demand —so make sure you get yours by ordering NOW! Rex Harrison, John Gavin, Roddy McDowall, and Herbert Marshall can do the same for a full page in Men’s Fashions. C’mon fellers— you’ve never had it so good. SHOCK MERCHANDISING In addition to your charity bit— here’s a guaranteed “spaceand-time getter” for you two weeks in advance. Place an ad in the Female Help Wanted columns for a brave woman who will view, alone, “MIDNIGHT LACE” at midnight. The gimmick? To have the editorial staff or radio station pick this ad up and bally-hoo it. Have a D.J., and/or reporter interview her BEFORE and AFTER, and if she wasn’t frightened to death— she’ll rave about Doris Day’s clothes! Not taking anything away from “Psycho”— our “MIDNIGHT LACE” packs a wallop during the last 30 minutes; so much so, that anyone coming in at this time has his or her complete enjoyment ruined. To offset this, Universal will carry strong copy in all their ads and radio spots to the effect that no one will be admitted during the final 35 minutes of “MIDNIGHT LACE.” I would like to point out that this is NOT being done to capitalize on ‘Psycho’— but to aid in bringing complete enjoyment to your patrons. SO PLEASE COOPERATE AND PUT UP THE BARRICADES 35 MINUTES BEFORE THE END. (There’s nothing like a line-up to cause talk!) NOW, FEAR POSSESSED HER... AS LOVE ONCE HAD! DORIS DAY REX HARRISON JOHN GAVIN in Eastman COLOR THE WOMAN IN THE MIDNIGHT LACE... TARGET FOR, TEMPTOTION...OR, TERROR? DORIS DAY REX HARRISON JOHN GAVIN MYRNA LOYRODDY McDOWALL HERBERT MARSHALL • NATASHA PARRY JOHN WILLIAMS w.thHERMIONE BADDELEY Screenplay by IVAN GOFF and BEN ROBERTS Directed by DAVID MILLER • Based on the Play "MATILDA SHOUTED FIRE" by Janet Green Produced by ROSS HUNTER and MARTIN MELCHER A Universal-International Release TM EASTMAN COLOR THE SHOCKING MIDNIGHT THREATS... THE UNEXPLAINABLE 'ACCIDENTS'... THE MENACING VOICE IN THE FOG... HAD SHE INVENTED THEM. ..OR WAS SHE LIVING TWO lives. ..Without KNOWING it? THIS AD concentrates on the almost unbearable suspense, hinting at the complicated web that comprises the plot line. FASHION MERCHANDISING Remember Doris Day’s wardrobe in “Pillow Talk”? Wellit’s even greater in “MIDNIGHT LACE. The fabulous gowns are the work of Irene, one of America’s foremost designersand should be a cinch for a fashion splash on the W oman s Page. Order your art and copy now! PRESS BOOK MERCHANDISING It only remains for me to say, that there is a wealth ot promotional ideas, plus a tremendous range of excellent ads, radio spots, and free accessories listed in the Universal press book, which, when added to the preceding promotions can only bring you the bonanza of business “MIDNIGHT LACE deserves. TOTAL MERCHANDISING If you are wondering why I haven t made mention of many promotions, such as Street bally with lace-gowned girls; Doris Day double contest; special marquee cut-outs; “Doris Day” day at radio station; overprinted place mats/heralds, etc.; “Midnight Lace” fashion show-it’s only because I didn’t want to waste my energy and your time dealing with the elemen¬ tary things that all showmen do on every BIG picture! If you want a record-breaker, “MIDNIGHT LACE is your baby —but, only if you carry out “TOTAL MERCHANDISING. Good luck and good selling. October 26, I960 MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR 17