The Exhibitor (1961)

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contestant doesn t need to buy a camera. He can rent one for his own sereen test.” Since the eontest is open to ANYONE, the winner could be from your theatre. After all, Hollywood is erying for new faces. Use the National Screen Serviee trailer weeks in advanee. A lobby display of photos of those who enter the eontest aceording to the rules could be a “plus” and “attentiongetter.” We eould even set up a special contest studio in our own lobby with the eooperation of the loeal Fairehild Camera Dealer. I urge everyone who will play “PARRISH” not to negleet this well-thought-out contest. I am sure it will pay off. A special teaser trailer is available at the Warner Bros, exchange. Use it, and use it at least three to four weeks in advanee. Baby Photo Contest— Very simple. It has been done before but so has most everything. What might be old in one spot is new in another, and it never hurts to try. This is sure to attraet attention. Door panels— These new panels are the best ever. They are available from National Screen. I am sure you will write immediately after just one look. Cigar band collectors— Sounds like nothing much but you’d be surprised how much free mileage you can get from radio and newspapers who will help you look and locate cigar band collectors. You can award passes or other suitable prizes for the person presenting the largest collection. Connie Stevens Records— Play the Connie Stevens records and the “PARRISH” sound track album in your lobby and over your public address system at least two weeks in advance of picture. Teenage fashions— The one thing that impressed me very much after I saw “PARRISH” was the beautiful young teen¬ age stars and the dresses they wore. With the emphasis on “PARRISH,” local dress shops who deal with teenagers would be interested in window displays emphasizing teenage fashions. They could be illustrated with scene stills. Warner Bros. “PARRISH” records, with music from the sound track could be sold in our theatre concession stands— also played in our lobbies. Not only would you profit by extra commission income but it most certainly will help “PARRISH” itself. I am sure that Warner Bros, can give you the name and address of distributors in your area. The book— Local bookstore tie-ups are mandatory since the pocketbook with proper credits is on sale at most book dealers. We can have small stickers made and affixed on books, and also window card along side all book displays, with the cooperation of the local dealers. Newspaper Ads— I have looked over all the ads. They are excellent. When you get your pressbook, you will then see for yourself what I mean. I won’t try to select any particular ones because every situation is different. However, I am certain that the pressbook contains ads that will fit every situation. Warner Bros, will supply us with a radio interview record featuring all the stars in “PARRISH”: Troy Donahue, Connie Stevens, and Diane McBaine. I have listened to them, and honestly, the radio stations would jump at permission to use this star interview record. It is a natural and makes it appear as if the star is right there at the station being interviewed by a local personality. Just a few more thoughts: Look-Alike Contest; tie-ups in discount houses and supermarkets using the free Hollywood screen tests; compare “PARRISH” with some of the great love stories in areas where it will do some good, such as a beauty parlor and other places where women gather. A unique radio or newspaper contest for guest tickets or prizes would be to match REAL names against REEL names such as: Tulle Elice Finklea (Cyd Charisse), Alfred Morris (Tony Martin), Marion Morrison (John Wayne)— they’d never get that! Doris Kappelhoff (Doris Day), Ira Grossell (Jeff Chandler), Bernie Schwartz (Tony Curtis) (Troy Dona¬ hue), Claudette Chaunson (Claudette Colbert) Etc., Etc. Warner Bros, is to be congratulated on giving us a pic¬ ture like “PARRISH,” one that I believe is built-in profit. Use your “PARRISH” pressWORKbook just as a lawyer refers to his volumes of legal books on his shelf, as the druggist looks to his Pharmacopoeia, as the doctor looks to his medical references. WIN GUEST TICKETS to the RKO Keith’s Theatre for your comment on: "PARRISH" HERE IS MY COMMENT: Starting NAME . ADDRESS Drop your comments in box or mail this self-addressed card. Permission is hereby granted to use my comment in the RKO Keith's Theatre Advertising. ABOVE, a contest whereby word of mouth early in the run can result in quotes from viewers that can be used in the lobby or newspaper to build audiences. BELOW, the four young stars.