The Exhibitor (1961)

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ST. LOUIS ( Continued from page 16) Louis Symphony Fund to produce a style show Feb. 9 at the Chase Club. In a meeting recently he and Arthur McManus of 20th conferred with Mrs. Wallace R. Persons, president of the Symphony Society’s Wo¬ men's Association, and Mrs. William Vincent Rabenberg, chairman of the event. The show and luncheon will feature 24 gowns worn by Jennifer Jones, Joan Fontaine, and Jill Join the NEW MARCH OF DIMES! Help prevent the crippling diseases of . . . Birth Defects Arthritis Polio ★ NEW JERSEY MESSENGER SERVICE 1018-26 Wood Street PHILADELPHIA WAlnut 5-3944, WOodlawn 4-7380 MEMBERS NATIONAL FILM CARRIERS, INC. PROGRESSIVE ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO INC. • — 240 N. 13th STREET • PHILADELPHIA 7, PA. Theatre Installations and Maintenance Shown in Miami at a promotional plans meet¬ ing for Universal Pictures' "Lover Come Back," are left to right, Ralph Puckhaber, assistant ad-pub director, Florida States Theatres; Harry Botwick, southeastern regional director for Florida States; Philip Gerard, Universal's east¬ ern ad-pub director; and Howard Pettingill, ad-pub director, Florida Stags' southeastern region. Botwick is receiving a "VIP" symbol from Gerard. St. John in the movie. . . . For another pro¬ motion, Columbia exploiteer Irving Shiftrin arranged for student reporters for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat’s “Spotlight on Youth” page from 75 local high schools, plus mem¬ bers of the Metropolitan St. Louis High School Editors’ Association and Prom Maga¬ zine reporters, to meet and have a press con¬ ference with actor Charles Laughton. Laugh¬ ton is to launch his 1962 “Reading and StoryTelling” tour by visiting St. Louis for an evening with the “Friends of the Museum” at the St. Louis Art Museum. He will also be promoting “Advise and Consent.” . . . Ronald Reagan was also slated to visit St. Louis and speak at the opening lecture of the Y.M.C.A. Dynamic Citizen Forum at Kiel Auditorium. . . . WOMPIs held their monthly meeting and announced that 50/50 club tickets were ready. They made plans for an Easter project. Each member will make stuffed toys which will be given, along with Easter eggs, to chil¬ dren at Cardinal Glennon Hospital. WOMPIs are also asking that everyone give old clothes, especially men’s socks, for the ben¬ efit of St. Louis Chronic Hospital. Marcella DeVinney and Mary Sauerwein won the at¬ tendance prizes. . . . The extreme cold weather broke the sprinkler system at Para¬ mount, considerably dampening spirits there for awhile. . . . George Phillips at Realart announces that he has concluded a franchise with Seven Arts Associated Corp. of New York City to be the local distributor for 18 20th-Fox pictures including “Love Me Ten¬ der,” “Bernadine,” “The Lieutenant Wore Skirts,” and “The Wayward Bus.” . . . Local FI of the IATSE held its election with Woody Cole being named president. Other officers elected are Henry Zach, vice-presi¬ dent; Marcella DeVinney, business represen¬ tative; Mabel Schmidt, financial secretary; Fan Krause, treasurer; Mary Sauerwein, re¬ cording secretary; Jo Clyburn, correspond¬ ing secretary. Those on the executive board are Mary Braun, LaDonna Pruitt, Richard Kloges, Pauline Wozier. On the board of trustees are Eve Wassem, Jean Dolan, Jackie Marcellania. Guardian is Helen Guion and guide is Henry Zach. SALT LAKE CITY Frank Sinatra has negotiated to buy radio station KNAK here, it was announced by the Granite Broadcasting Corporation, owners. . . . “This Is Cinerama,” the first Cinerama i film, ended its run at the Villa with “Seven Wonders Of The World,” another Cinerama picture, opening with a March of Dimes ben¬ efit. ... A total of $29,289 in attorney’s fees and court costs were allowed in U.S. District Court by Judge A. Sherman Christenson as a result of the Pioneer, Provo, winning its anti-trust suit. SAN ANTONIO A premiere benefit performance of “El Cid,” with proceeds going to the Children’s Hos¬ pital Foundation, Santa Rosa Medical Center, will be held Feb. 8, at the Woodlawn. Ar¬ rangements for the performance were made at a meeting of hospital and entertainment executives. Allied Artists is donating the film with the Cinema Arts Theatres of San An¬ tonio donating the theatre. A general admis I sion price for all seats has been set at $5. I . . . Two popular Mexican singing stars were married on the Stage of the Alameda. Amelia Mendoza, vocalist, and Jose Luis Segura, tenor with the “Dandy” Victor recording group, appearing in a stage show, were mar¬ ried. The couple decided to be married at | the Alameda since Miss Mendoza made her first appearance in the United States there about five yea^s ago. Miss Mendoza is also a close friend of Henry Rosenberg, president, : Jack Cane Corp., which purchased the the¬ atre several weeks ago. . . . Funeral services were held here for Miss Imogene Stanley who j was a movie writer in Hollywood in the early 1930s. . . . San Antonio’s Pedro Gonzalez Gon¬ zalez flew in from Hollywood to appear on a March of Dimes Telerama on KONO-TV. Also appearing on the program was Virginia Graham. . . . With remodeling completed, the Alameda, one of three local theatres featur¬ ing Spanish language films sold to a new owner for nearly $1,000,000, was open for business. The Alameda, along with the na I cional and Guadalupe and other properties, were purchased bv the Jack Cane Corp., a I New York firm. The property was sold by Mrs. Lula V. Lucchese, who has managed the property since the death of her husband in 1957. Plans call for a maior renovating proiect at the Nacional. The Guadalupe also will be redecorated. Improvement plans were : announced by Henry Rosenberg, president of the New York firm. Maurice Braha, vicepresident, will manage the local property. Ig ■ nacio Torres, manager of the three theatres for many years, will be named as general manager for the new owners. . . . Eight big prizes— ranging from a $69.50 bicycle to three sets of men’s cufflinks worth $15 — and 26 free | passes are being offered to south Texas resi ; dents in connection with the showing of the movie version of the Rogers and Hammerstein’s “Flower Drum Song” at the Maiestic. SEATTLE The $750,000 reproduction of the “Bounty” may become a sightseeing attraction at the Seattle World’s Fair, if tentative plans an¬ nounced bv MGM materialize. The ship, built in Nova Scotia for filming of the new version of “Mutiny on the Bounty,” is now anchored in Los Angeles harbor. The plan is to tour the ship to maior seaports as a sightseeing attraction and to publicize the film. . . .Ches¬ ter Nielsen, Starlight, Tacoma, is rebuilding the concession bar in preparation for a Feb¬ ruary opening. . . . Emerson Scott, wildlife photographer, showed his film, “Rocky Mountain Rambles,” at one of the Audubon Screen Tours series. . . . Ferrante and Teicher, duo-pianists who recorded “Exodus” and “Theme From the Apartment,” will be heard for a single performance Jan. 30 at the Moore. . . . Reserved tickets are now on sale for “West Side Story.” 18 MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR January 3 1 , 1962