The Exhibitor (1964)

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^ BRISTOL BEACONS are self-contained, truly portable brilliantly lighted and most modern advance in safety signs in the last 50 years. The world’s only portable battery operated flashing neon signs. Weight with batteries only 12 pounds. Uses two Eveready #520 batteries available at all hard ware stores. Life approximately 750 hours. Flashing rate adjustable. -fa Outdoor theatre sizes 12" x 24” apd 18" x 24" available. Legend— including form of letters or symbols (raised or flat) at discretion of purchaser to deliver any message. ■fa BRISTOL BEACONS are weatherproof and waterproof. PARKING SODA CANDIES 4 USE NEXT ENTRANCE * si • : PARKING NEXT AREA 1 PARKING PARKING THIS AREA FOLLOW ARROW J RBShmS . , rowMBilaB lid to l leetnnied BRISTOL EH KACORS WRITE FOR BROCHURE 666 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. 10019 TEL. AREA CODE 212 581-3546 581-3547 October 14, 1964 PHYSICAL THEATRE • EXTRA PROFITS DEPARTMENT of MOTION PICTURE EXHIBIOR PE1 5