The Exhibitor (1966)

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Extra wide spacing, excellent sight lines add to auditorium seating appeal All-Purpose Theatre For Cleveland The Stanley Warner Great Northern Theatre is located at Lorain and Brookpark Roads in North Olmsted, Ohio, just minutes away from the Cleveland area. The 8,000 parking spaces of the Great Northern Shopping Center pro¬ vide ample parking for the new the¬ atre’s patrons. PHYSICAL THEATRE Vol. 2h No. 5 May 18, 1966 The theatre has been designed as one of the first in the country capable of providing for projection in every proc¬ ess available today on the same deeply curved screen. The major advantage is that its flexibility permits the showing of 35mm, 70mm or Cinerama without a change of screens, through adjust¬ ments done automatically from the pro¬ jection booth. The decor of the auditorium and spa¬ cious lobby is in colors and patterns designed to relax patrons from the min¬ ute they enter. The lobby can accom¬ modate hundreds of people, eliminat¬ ing long lines outside. The theatre has a richly appointed interior highlighted by the use of gold fabric with accents of walnut woodwork. Luxurious gold draperies encircle the auditorium and sharply contrasting deep red seats and carpeting — are used. Perfect visibility from any of the the¬ atre’s 1,350 extra-wide “living-room seats’’ is an outstanding feature of the theatre. Extra width between rows per¬ mits seating patrons with a minimum amount of disruption during perform¬ ance. The wall-to-wall Cinerama screen is an unprecedented 90-feet by 30-feet high. Use of multi-channel, stereophonic sound capable of fine. high-fidelity reproduction and a bal¬ anced acoustical environment insures quality sound. Electrically controlled temperature and humidity also assures the theatre patrons a constant, com¬ fortable environment. All-purpose concept with posh decor In addition to its luxurious decor and furnishings, the new theatre embodies many new innovations for patron com¬ fort, convenience and movie-viewing enjoyment. The theatre was designed by Drew Eberson of New York City, and built by Phillip Neskin Construction Co., Cleveland. It is the newest of Stanley Warner’s growing chain of shopping center theatres. May 18, 1966 PHYSICAL THEATRE • EXTRA PROFITS DEPARTMENT of MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR PE-5