The Exhibitor (1966)

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NATO Awards Go To Loren, Disney WELCOME TO THE NATO CONVENTION The initial convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners must surely be classified as a milestone in the progress of our industry. We all know that the goal of establishing one great trade organization to represent the theatre owners was accom¬ plished only through dedicated and determined efforts on the part of both TOA’s and Allied States’ leaders. No less formidable has been the subsequent task of setting up the mechanics of organization and of implementing policies for the collective benefit and protection of exhibition as a whole. Discussion of the accomplishments and challenging problems of our first year will be heard at the convention. So, too, will be our plans for the future. Rather than review or prophesy, I would like to use the forum of your pages to shout the praises of the trade press. The highest kudos must go to you for the intensive and perspective coverage of NATO activities and for the encouragement given our projects such as National Movie Month, to name just one. I believe that all branches of our industry are indebted to your publication, and your fellow journalists. Undeniable is the fact that the exhibitor’s first information regarding production usually comes via the trade press. And we have become somewhat educated to the propo¬ sition that when a distributor and/or producer uses your medium to advertise his forth¬ coming releases, it is an augury of his own appraisal of those attractions. Through your pages we learn of the latest developments in the theatre equipment and concession fields. And sometimes a theatre owner gets his first news about his competi¬ tors’ plans on those same pages. Yes, though united, we are competitive. I cannot envision NATO or the industry without the effective services of a strong trade press. Welcome to our first NATO convention! SHERRILL C. CORWIN "Star Of The Year" "Showman Of World" To Receive Exhibitor Plaudits at N.Y. Meet NEW YORK — Sophia Loren will be hon¬ ored as “Star of the Year” at the first con¬ vention of the National Association of The¬ atre Owners, NATO President Marshall H. Fine and president-designate Sherrill C. Cor¬ win announced. She will receive the sterling silver award from the nation’s theatre owners at the formal banquet in the Imperial Ballroom of the Americana Hotel on Saturday evening, Oc¬ tober 1. “Miss Loren is one of the world’s most beautiful women and the reigning international boxoffice star” Corwin stated. “She was the first and unanimous choice of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors for this signal honor of being designated NATO’s first Star of the Year. We are delighted that her distinguished husband Carlo Ponti will also be present at the Convention Banquet when Miss Loren accepts the award. Ponti has con¬ firmed that they will both come to New York from Rome for the presentation.” Sophia Loren is presently before the cam¬ eras in Ponti’s production of “A Likely Story” for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. She is currently appearing on the nation’s screens in Univer¬ sal’s “Arabesque” and in M-G-M’s “The Lady L.” Her next picture, recently completed, is “A Countess From Hong Kong,” Charles Chaplin’s romantic comedy which will be re¬ leased by Universal. Miss Loren won an Academy Award in 1962 for her dramatic performance in “Two Wo¬ men.” The Museum of Modem Art recently presented a unique photographic exhibit trac¬ ing Miss Loren’s film career, the first time such a display has been devoted to an individual performer. Fine and Corwin also announced that Walt Disney will be presented with a unique and unprecedented “Showman Of The World” award at the NATO convention banquet. This award was created by the executive committee and was conceived to dramatize the impact of Disney’s artistry and showmanship upon the entire world. It has never previously been con¬ ferred; and it may never again be bestowed. Disney has been the recipient of a total of 31 Academy Awards, 6 TV Emmys and scores of citations from many nations. More than 900 other accolades have been heaped upon him. Prominent among these honors are The Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation’s highest civilian recognition; decoration by the French Legion of Honor and Officer d’Academie France; honorary degrees from Harvard, Yale and Southern California University; Doc¬ tor of Fine Arts from the University of California; Brazil’s Order of the Southern Cross; and Mexico’s Order of the Aztec Eagle. Most recent citations are two of the world’s rarest: the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Dannebrog from Denmark’s King Frederik IX, oldest award of record anywhere, and a special once-in-a-century medallion specially struck for him by the century-old American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani¬ mals. Fun For The Ladies A varied and exciting social program for the women who will be attending the first convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners in New York on September 28 to October 1 has been announced by Mrs. Laurence A. Tisch. Mrs. Tisch heads the Ladies Committee of the Convention, assisted by Mrs. Bernard Myerson and Mrs. Philip F. Harling. Members of the Ladies Committee include Mrs. Sam Clark, Mrs. Irving .Dollinger, Mrs. Nat Fellman, Mrs. Salah Hassanein, Mrs. Bernard Levy, Mrs. Maurice Miller, Mrs. Martin Newman, Mrs. Leonard Pollock, Mrs. Matthew Polon, Mrs. Arthur Rosen, Mrs. Preston R. Tisch, Mrs. Arthur Tolchin and Mrs. Jack Yellin. On Wednesday afternoon, September 28, opening day of the Convention, the women will see the prize-winning musical stageplay “Man Of La Mancha” at the Anta Theatre on Wash¬ ington Square. On Thursday morning there will be a chartered boat trip on the Hudson River, New York Harbor and around the island of Man¬ hattan. A French Pique-Nique lunch will be prepared by the Brasserie. “Once Upon A French Holiday” will be the theme of the luncheon and fashion show on Friday in Imperial Ballroom A of the Americana Hotel. Saturday morning and afternoon will be left open for shopping or legitimate theatre matinee. The sparkling evening affairs will include the first screening of a major motion picture event on Tuesday evening, September 27; a dressy cocktail-party on Wednesday evening; and two formal dinner parties on Friday and Saturday evenings. Thursday evening will be reserved for “going out on the town.” Mrs. Tisch requested that the wives of NATO members be advised that because of the elaborate arrangements and reservations which must necessarily be made in advance, only those who have registered before the Con¬ vention starts can be accommodated for the women’s social activities. Col. Promotes Goldblatt NEW YORK — Nat Goldblatt, manager of the Columbia Pictures print department, has been named executive assistant to Milt Good¬ man, Columbia’s assistant general sales man¬ ager. Goldblatt, who assumes the newly created post immediately, has been head of the print department since January of this year after serving in various capacities in the print, playdate, and sales departments. The new post was created in line with the overall general revision of the domestic sales department begun earlier this summer under the direction of Mo Rothman, vice-president in charge of global distribution, and Norman Jackter, general sales manager. “Symbolizing the youthful spirit of enthu¬ siasm, optimism, and activity which now char¬ acterizes the motion picture business, MOVIES-A-GO-GO has been designated as the theme of the first NATO convention,” general convention chairman Laurence A. Tisch stated in announcing the full conven¬ tion program. “In keeping with the festive arrangements for this glamorous and historic motion picture industry event, two black tie formal affairs have been scheduled, on both Friday and Saturday evenings.” Tisch noted that there will be a convention session each morning of the four-day con¬ vention, concluding in a convention luncheon each day. The trade show will be open from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. each afternoon. Nominating committee, finance committee, executive committee and board of directors of the National Association of Theatre Owners will meet on Monday and Tuesday, prior to the opening of the convention on Wednesday morning, Sept. 28. 6 MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITOR September 14, 1966