Motion Picture Herald (Apr-Jun 1931)

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April 4. 19 3 1 Theatres Ottawa (Cont'd) CcHtre 1,200— isc-eoc Imperial 1,200— 10c-60c Regent 1.125— Uo-7Be MOTION PICTURE HERALD 55 Current Week Previous Week High and Low Gross Picture "Little Caesar^' (F.N.) 6 days "The Painted Desert" (Pathe) 6 days "East Lynne" (Fox) 6 days GroM Picture 4,100 "One Heavenly Nighf (U.A.) 6 days 2,500 "The Seas Beneath" (Fox) 6 days 5,100 "The Criminal Code" (Col.) 6 days Gross 5,500 3,000 5,600 (Tabulation covers period from March, 1930to March, 1931) Hieh 1-24-31 "Madam Satan" 3 days and "Dn Barry, Woman of Passion" 3 days 8,800 L,ow 12-13-30 "Remoto Control".. 2,400 High 8-» Mid B-80-30 "Byrd at Sontb Fol«" and "Chtldrea of LeUnre" 8-»: "All Qnle« on Western Front" 8-80 4.1M Low 12-20-30 "East Is West" 2,080 HiKh 5-24-SO "Hlch Society Blues" 8.600 Low 12-20-80 "Scotland Yard"... 8,200 Philadelphia Arcadia 600— 60c Boyd t,40»— SSc-76o Chestnut 1,860— 60C-I1.60 Earle 2,000 — 26c -OSo Erlanger 2,000— 60C-I1.00 Fox 8,000— 36c-16c Karlton 1,000— 40c-50e Keith's 1,800— 36c-76e Mastbaum 4,800— S60-760 Stanley 8,700— 36C-760 Stanton 1,700— 26c-66« 'The Seas Beneath" (Fox) 6 days 'Behind Office Door^' (Radio) 6 days "Trader Horn" (U.A.) 6 days 6th week "The Great Meadow" (MGM) 6 days "City Lights" (U.A.) 6 days 5th week "Don't Bet on Women" (Fox) 6 days "The Royal Bed" (Radio) 6 days "Unfaithful" (Par.) 6 days "Strangers May Kiss' (MGM) 6 days "Reaching for the Moon" (U.A.) 6 days 2nd week "The Last Parade" (Col.) 6 days 2nd week 3,000 "The Gang Buster" (Par.) 6 days 19,000 "Kiki" (U.A.) 0 days 9,000 "Trader Horn" (C.A.) 6 days 4th week 23,000 "Cohens and Kellys in Africtf' (U.) 6 days 14,000 "City Lights" (C.A.) 6 days 4th week 26,000 "Along Came Youth" (Par.) 6 days 4,500 "Resurrection" (U.) 6 days 19,000 "Honor Among Lovers" (Par.) 6 days 52,000 "Ten Cents a Dance^' (Col.) 6 days 18,000 "Reaching for the Moon" (U.A.) 4 days 1st week "DracuM' (U.) 2 days 15,000 "The Last Parade" (Col. 6 days Ist week 9 cflA Hlch 11-1 mad ll-tt-SO "Animal Craekera" U-lj "Anybody'* Woman" 11-tS S.SM L,ow 2-21-31 "No Limit" and 228-31 "Scandal Sheet" and 3-1431 "Finn and Hattie"; 3-28-31 ISnnn "Seas Beneath" 3,000 10,0UU High 10-11 and 11-1-30 "Whoopee"; "Check and Double Cliet k" 11-1 ; 2-21-31 "Illicit" 28,000 Low 9-9 and 13IS -SO "Big Boy" 8rd week) »-6s "Sin Takes a Holiday" IVIS U.OM 11,500 18,000 HIgrh 9-6-80 "Sap from Syracuse" 26.000 Low 2-14-31 "Ex-Flame" 16,600 18,000 9(; Ann High 2-7-31 "Man Who Came M,VW Back" 40,000 Low 3-7-31 "Girls Demand Excitement" and "East Lynne" 23,000 Q Ann High 10-26-30 "Whoopee" 10,000 0,UUU 11-15-30 "For the Love of Lil" and 3-21-31 "Resurrection" 3,000 15 000 ™Kh 1-3-31 "Tom Saw.ver" 24,000 Low 3-7-31 "It Pays To Advertise" and "Stolen Heaven" 8.000 44 nnn 1-3-81 "Going Wild" 68.000 44,UUU anfl 10-18-80 "Maybo It's Love" 10-11 s "Madamo Satan" 10-18 8S.0M 16,000 High 8-23-30 "All Quiet on Western Front" and 2-14-31 "Clmar 4,500 26,000 Low 12-27-30 "The Lash" 3 days; and "Abraham Lincoln" 8 days 11,600 16,500 High 3-21-31 "The Last Parade" 16,500 Low 2-28-31 "Beau Ideal" (8 days) 7,500 Portland, Ore. Fox Broadway 1,912 — 26c-60c Fox Paramount 3,068— 26C-60C Fox Rialto 1,498— 26C-60O Hamrick's Alder 1,000— 25C-50C RKO Orpheum 1,700— 26C-60C United Artists 945— 25c-85c "Unfaithful" (Par.) "Body and Soul" (Fox) "Great Meadow" (MGM) "Ex-Mistress" (W.B.) "Ten Cents a Dance" (Col.) "City Lights" (U.A.) 2nd week 7,000 "East Lynne" (Fox) tnd week 15,500 "Gentleman's Fate" (Par.) 6,000 "Trader Horn" (MOM) (at 60c-$L60) 4,000 "It Pays to Advertise" (Par.) 12,500 "Kept Husbands" (Radio) 5,700 "City Lights" (U.A.) Ist week 6,000 High 1-10-31 "Min and Bill" 21.000 Low 3-38-31 "Unfaithful" 7,000 "•e'' 1-3-31 "Paid" 26,000 14,900 Low 4-20-30 "Ladles Love Brutes" 9,456 High 10-18-30 "Bead to Para 12,000 dise" 12.800 Low 3-14-31 "Fair Warning" 3,500 5,500 9,000 High 2-14-31 "Cimarron" 20.000 Low 3-7-31 "Dracula" and 3-21-31 "Kept Husbands" 9.000 10,200 High U-13-S0 "HeU's Angels" 19,400 Low 3-16-30 "Lummox" 7.125 Providence Loew*8 State 8,800— 10c-60c Majestic e,40O— 10c-60c Paramount 2.400— 10c-60c RKO Albee 2,300 — 10e-60G RKO Victory 1,600— lOc-600 "The Prodigal" (MGM) "Kismet" (F.N.) "June Moon" (Par.) "Ten Cents a Dance" (Col) "Dracultf' (U.) 18,500 "City Lights" (U.A.) 10,000 "Once a Sinner" (F.N.) 10,500 "Honor Among Lovers" (Par.) 11,000 "Draculte' (U.) 5,000 "The Painted Desert" (Pathe) 24,000 High lS-18-30 "HeU's Angels" <8,0M Low 10-25-30 "Dn Barry, Woman of Passion" 1C,500 12 000 High 3-7-31 "Little Caesar" 18,000 i^.uuu 7-26-80 "Golden Dawn" 7-10; "Adventure of Dr. Fn Manchn" 7-26 ....9,000 13,000 High 7-19-30 "Son of the Gods". 18.000 Low 3-7-31 "Range" 8,000 High 8-2-30 "All Quiet on West 12,000 em Front" 20,000 Low 9-27-30 "Santa Fe Trail" and 12-20-30 "Boudoir Diplomat"... 8.000 6 000 High 4-6-20 "Golden Cair* 18,500 ' Low 3-28-31 "Dracula" 5,000