Motion Picture Herald (Apr-Jun 1931)

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MILWAUKEE Leader — The most exciting of them all. This is a picture not to miss. Wisconsin Nem — It is going to be just too bad for the company making any animal films after Trader Horn. Journal — One of the most interesting natural scenery tales to come from Africa. Sentinel — Tremendously exciting entertainment. NEW YORK American — There has never been a picture like it. Eagle — Trader -Horn is a picture you simply can't afford to miss. New York Times — Thrilling realism is spliced cleverly with rugged fiction. Mirror— A picture among pictures. Packed with thrills and beauty. Herald-Tribune — Entirely successful— handsome to look at. MINNEAPOLIS Tribune — Trader Horn is an unusual picture from the standpoint of entertainment. Many will revel in its thrills and its stark realism. And action! Every turn of the jungle brings .a new adventure. Star — Trader Horn is a sensational filmization of the famous book on African adventure. Journal — Trader Horn is the greatest of Africain pictures. Incomparably the greatest. It keeps you constantly in a condition of apprehension. NEW ORLEANS States — The fame that preceded this film to New Orleans is justified. In Trader Horn M-G-M has a film that is one of the most spectacular in history. Tribune — Trader Horn has everything that goes to make a stirring picture. Times-Picayune — So tense and dramatic it held the first night audience in silence for practically the entire two hours required for its presentation. y/orlci— The most hardened moviegoers squirmed in their seats. Difficult to imagine a more thrillingpicture of savage beasts. News — Replete with breath-taking jungle shots; cast excellent. Journal — Thrilling atmosphere — an effective production of jungle life. SALT LAKE Tribune — It is never to be forgotten. Deseret News — No one who sees it can possibly be disappointed. Telegram — The most engrossing adventure film in history. NEW HAVEN Evening Register — Biggest undertaking in the filming of adventure. W.S.Van Dyke put infinite artistry in his direction. The picture will live long as the last word in a drama of gorgeous adventure. OKLA. CITY Daily Oklahoman — Trader Horn is excitement from the opening shot to the fadeout. PHILADELPHIA Daily News — Packs a tremendous kick. Will thrill the most hardened. Record — Most exciting picture. Even more so than the book. Ledger — Trader Horn has all the features which make a jungle film interesting. Journal — It is a supreme picture. Its plain and rugged story makes it a wholesome picture for young people. From the adult standpoint there are wonders upon wonders to behold. Telegram — Start to see it in your most critical mood and the reviewer is willing to bet that before the film is a third run that you will have surrendered to the effectiveness of the production and will come out of the theatre gone completely "superlative" in your efforts to describe it. The Morning Oregonian — One of the most fascinating pictures in years. Patrons come away with the eerie throb of primitive drums and the menacing-roars of lions still ringing in their ears. The picture leaves an indelible impression of wild adventure. SEATTLE Post-lntelligencer — It fascinates. It fires the imagination. It quickens the pulse. Seattle Star — Trader Horn is one picture which can be recommended regardlesof age or taste. Daily Times — Trader Horn is a triumph for its producers — it combines romance and adventure with amazing wild animal sequences that will chill your blood. ST. LOUIS Globe-Democrat — Trader Horn requires more than two hours and will hold you spellbound all of that time. Times — The public has never before seen a picture like this. It packed a house where drama and musical comedy has been languishing. St. Louis Post-Dispatch — Amaz? ingly real — thoroughly alive. Star — Trader Horn opened with a a bang. A better expression would be a cannon shot. Not a dull moment. WASHINGTON Post — Even without the engrossing narrative, Trader Horn would be one of the finest travel pictures that ever graced the silver sheet. Star — Entertainment with informative value — arrestingly beautiful. Times — A most exciting and uniformly interesting picture — the hunter for thrills will find a solid delight. Daily News — Know all about films? Read Trader Horn? Seen lions and crocodiles at the Zoo? You don't know nothing yet.