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Motion Picture Herald (Jul-Sep 1931)

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70 MOTION PICTURE HERALD August 2 2, 1 9 3 1 GROWING STRONGER EVERY DAY! J. FRED CROSSON is the manager of the Majestic Theatre, Stuttgart, Ark., and in addition to forwarding his apphcation for Club membership Fred displayed the proper spirit by enclosing a few samples of his activities in the show-selling business. We will hope to receive many more from this new member whenever he can find the time to send them in. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! HERBERT L. GOLLADAY manages the Fox-Rockhill Theatre in Kansas City, Mo., and admits that he's been following Round Table pages for some time. He sends his application for membership in this Club and intends to become an active contributor to these pages in the future. Let those showmanship yarns come right along, Herb, and we'll see that they are passed along to your fellow members. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! ■ HERBERT C. BROWN is the assistant manager of the Maryland Theatre, Hagerstown, Md., Round Tabler Frank Boucher's stronghold in the South. Frank's assistants have a habit of branching out for themselves on account of his able coaching and it probably won't be long before we'll be hearing about Brown's promotion to the post of manager. In the meantime we would like to hear about what he's doing to help manage the Maryland. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! J. LAWRENCE PILEGARD is .-in charge of the Fox Theatre, a West Coast Theatres link in Hanford, Calif., and his recent application for membership helps swell the steadily growing ranks of this organization out in his state. Now that you've become an active Round Tabler, Lawrence, tell the rest of the boys what you're doing to keep seats filled at the Fox. And send alon£ a photo of yourself with that next letter and we'll give you a regular introduction. C. M. MOREHEAD doesn't know why he put off the act of joining this Club as long as he did because he admits reading everj^thing that is published in this department. But he's quite a busy manager for he has charge of the Fox-Peoples and the Fox-Plaza Theatres out in Chanute, Kansas, and maybe supervising these two houses has taken up just about all spare time. However, he's in the organization now and we believe he will make up for lost time by sending along some good live show tips in exchange for those he''s received from his brother members. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! CARL N. JONES hails from below the Mason Dixon line — in Durham, N. C, to be exact, where he manages the Wonderland Theatre. We're glad to have you with us Carl, and as there are a lot of other Club members down your way give them our hello when you meet. Now that you've become an active Round Tabler don't forget that the prevailing spirit among all members is to let one another in on all good show-selling ideas. Might send along that photo of yourself so we can use it with your next story. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! HOMER MARVEL is the manager of the Fox-Plaza Theatre out in Mt. Vernon, 111., and if we can judge him by his name that's all to be said on the calibre of material we may expect to receive from this new member. What was that last live example of showmanship you put over. Homer? Why not take off the first few moments you can spare and shoot it along for the edification of your fellow members? Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! R. C. CANNON manages the FoxCalifornia Theatre in San Diego, Calif., and he's the second manager to be welcomed to this organization from this city in this week's issue. His house is a first run and seats over 2,000' and we will be very interested to hear how he keep." all these seats filled. However, he'll be sending along some live show tips in the near future and then his brother Round Tablers will have an idea of the way he goes about it. If you have an extra photo of yourself handy, R. C, include it with your next letter. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! — J. EARL HAYES is at the helm of the Mattoon Theatre, a Fox house out in Mattoon, III, and we are glad to welcome this new member of the Round Table Club. In order that we may give you a more fitting introduction in this department. Earl, sit down to your typewriter the first chance you get to spare a few minutes and knock off a little yarn about that last successful campaign you put over in your town. Your fellow members win be interested in hearino" about it. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! EDGAR HART is in charge of the Liberty Theatre, a Fox first run house out in Astoria, Ore. He is an old subscriber to this publication and has been following this department for a long time. Now he's going to do some contributing himself. Just as a sample he sent along a little story on what happened during a campaign he made on "Daddy Long Legs" and we can promise his fellow members that this will soon make its appearance. In the meantime, we will look forward to further accounts of what this new member is doing to sell his shows. T. S. YEOH is located a long ways off from many members of this Club for he manages the Capitol Theatre, in Malacca, S. S.; but no place is too far away to find representatives of this organization unless it's some place that cannot boast a motion picture theatre. He also shows the Club spirit by requesting a Round Table emblem and we will hope to be able to soon present a story and photos in reference to theatre activities in his community. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! — ■ — ■ • KERMIT CARR is the assistant manager of the Garden Theatre, Des Moines, Iowa, and his name is endorsed for membership in this Club by his manager, F. C. Pierson, Carr is 19 years of age and has been connected with the Garden for three years. He was formerly connected with the Strand Theatre in Des Moines, as assistant manager. We are glad to welcome this new member and predict that he's on the way toward a managership of his own. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! ■ FRANKLIN ELLEDGE states that he is the youngest manager in the city of San Diego, having been appointed manager of the Fox-Fairmount on Jan. 20, 1931. However, he failed to include his age when writing in so we'll just have to take his word for the claim he sets forth. Young or old you're welcome in this organization, Frank, and now the proper thing to do is to let us all know what sort of showmanship the youngest manager of San Diego is using. And how about one of your photos? Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! F. H. BATES is the manager of the Apollo Theatre, Hollywood, Calif., and we take this opportunity to extend the Club welcome to this new member. Being right out in the film capital where there's always a lot of exceptionally live exploitation stunts constantly pulled ofif, we will anticipate hearing about what he'"s contributing in the way of live-wire stunts. Shoot along some stories. Bates, and we'll do the rest. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! ALVIN M. HAMMEL is in charge of the Capitol Theatre, Frankfort, Ky., and we are in receipt of his application to become a member of this organization of showmen. Now that you are in this army, Alvin, be a good soldier and carry on. And what we mean by that is not to forget that the Club slogan is "all for one and one for all.''' So let your fellow members in on what's taking place in show business down your way. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! CARL A. MAHNE is the manager of Egyptian Theatre, a second run suburban house in Seattle, Wash. He's been following the activities of his brother showmen for some time and now he's become a full fledged member of this Club; meaning that from now on his contributions will make their appearance among the many accounts sent along by his fellow members. So shoot them in, Carl, and we'll see that they get in print. Wear Your Club Pin! ! ! REX BROWN has the task of managing the FoxValencia, a West Coast Theatre link in Walsenburg, Colo. Please accept our cordial welcome of your application to become a member of this organization, Rex, and we'll be looking forward to receipt of some interesting accounts of what you are doing to put shows over in your community. Here's the Blank Application For Membership In "MANAGERS' ROUND TABLE CLUB" Hey, "Chick": Please enroll me in the Club and send me my framed certificate. Name Position Theatre Address City State (Mail to Managers' Round Table Club, 1790 Broadway, New York)