Motion Picture Herald (Oct-Dec 1931)

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November 21, 1931 Motion Picture Herald 7 FIVE miles from your theatre a trolley jumps the track. Crash!! Down go power wires. Out go lights. Your show is stopped. Patrons demand their money back. Accidents like this may be interesting news on a News Reel but they're bad news for you, if your theatre is not protected against sudden current failure. Current failure may seldom occur, but once may be too often. You never know when it will come swooping down on your theatre. The power company can't be blamed. It does everything possible to give A crash like this can ruin your show . . . make you hand out refunds. This particular smash-up cut off service for 30 minutes in a large area near Atlanta, Ga. It so happened house lights in a hospital were cut off . . . that operations were being performed but were not interrupted, because an Exide Emergency Lighting Battery System kept lights in the operating room burning until current was restored. you dependable service. It can't predict accidents any more than you. Guard against such risks. Protect patrons and profits with an Exide Emergency Lighting Battery System. Then, the instant electric current fails, Exides take over the entire emergency load automatically . . . without a hand touching a switch. Silent projector can be operated. Your show goes on. This protection is not expensive to maintain. Write for information on Exide Emergency Lighting Battery Systems. Better yet, have one of our technical men call and talk this matter over with you. No obligation either way. £xi5e EMERGENCY LIGHTING BATTERY SYSTEMS THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphia THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF STORAGE BATTERIES FOE EVERY PURPOSE Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited, Toronto