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Motion Picture Herald (Oct-Dec 1931)

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December 19, 193 1 MORRIS ROSENTHAL WAGED A SPLENDID CAMPAIGN IN MASS. When a showman has been used to giving big city treatment to his picture campaigns and suddenly finds himself transferred from a large city to a small one, it is only natural that the small city will find out that there's a new citizen in town. That's what happened up in Holyoke, Mass., when Morris Rosenthal, late sensation of Wilkesbarre, Pa., put over "Spirit of Notre Dame." Two weeks in advance he contacted the local schools (Holyoke is a college town) and arranged to put on a special night for one of the football teams. Cheer leaders were induced to do their act on the stage and the story was played up on the front page of the school paper. Consent of the school was also obtained for the placing of bulletins on regular boards. Another stunt resulted from a tie-up made with the Sears-Roebuck branch, whereby some 200 newsboys participated in a parade which wound up in front of the theatre on opening day with an attempt to capture footballs kicked from the roof of the theatre. The company donated the balls and also gave a window for a special display tying up with picture. Many Tie-ups Other featuers of the campaign consisted of a book store tie-up on the Rockne books ; a window tie with Rockne record dealer ; use of empty store window for loaned football equipment ; the sending of telegrams to Civic Clubs, timed to reach them at dinner ; spotting of cards at Y.M.C.A. ; letters to all school principals of grade and high schools ; mammoth banner strung across street in front of theatre ; the placing of windowcards in downtown stores not in habit of using them ; posting of 75 three-sheets and 100 window one-sheets, and some striking cut-out displays in theatre lobby. Newspapers also came through with some fine stories. All of the above, with excetpion of billing paper and the banner, was promoted at no cost to theatre which, to our way of thinking, proves that Rosenthal hasn't taken very long to adapt himself to a new and vastly different community. Holyoke, not being used to such extensive campaigns, is already awake to the fact that an enterprising showman has arrived and we'll predict that Morris will get all there is to get out of the Victory. Revives an Old Gag Oh, yes ; before we forget, he revived an old advance gag on "Five Star" that clicked in great shape. Just before the house trailer went on all the lights were stepped up and a gang of newsboys began to yell "Extra ! Five Star Final, Extra !" Then, they passed out the dummy newspapers used for this picture. A check-up showed that only a dozen or so were thrown away. The balance were carried out and read. Alright, now that we've got that off our chest we'll sign off until we get a further line on this Round Tabler's activities. E. E. Bair says: "When you think you are at the end of your rope, TIE A KNOT IN IT AND HANG ON." Annerican Theatre, East Liverpool, Ohio MOTION PICTURE HERALD 61 DICK KIRSCHBAUM'S LOBBY LAFFS! Are We Coming To This? Anything Is Possible In These Trying Days! FLANNAGAN BROUGHT BORNEO ATMOSPHERE TO GREENFIELD. MASS. Asiatic island atmosphere was imported for the edification of New Englanders when L. G. Flannagan, manager of the Garden Theatre in Greenfield, Mass., played "East of Borneo." For three days in advance of showing, a display of curios from Borneo were on exhibition in the lobby, including skins, spears, stuffed animals, etc. A special trailer on the screen informed the patrons about the display and urged them to examine this authentic collection brought backwhile the picture was in the making. When the picture opened the curio display was used for atmosphere in a junglelooking lobby. The box office was enclosed with bamboo sticks and the sides contained thick shrubbery such as one would expect to see in a jungle. On the evening before the picture opened, a portion of the Borneo display was transferred to a department store window and remained there until termination of engagement. An additional novelty consisted of placing a boy in the outer lobby, dressed in white overalls, frock and wearing a jungle hat and carrying in his hands a street sweeper's broom. This also created more atmosphere and the boy further helped by passing out information about the picture. COLLINS GAVE FILM SPECIAL TREATMENT WITH A MAGNASCOPE The magnascope screen treatment given "Palmy Days" by E. E. Collins, manager of the Metropolitan Theatre, Houston, Texas, was received so enthusiastically by patrons that the idea was passed along and used by Publix houses in Dallas and San Antonio. Following is a brief description of the manner of presentation : In the "Bend Down Sister" number song by Charlotte Greenwood, the screen was used with a lavender gelatine tint in a frame in front of the lens, thus tinting the entire screen and giving it added production values. Later in the picture, when Eddie Cantor sang "There's Nothing Too Good for My Baby," the magnascope was again used but in addition to the lavender gelatine, a yellow or straw-colored gelatine was used on the F-7. In other words, the picture was shown on a magnascope size with a purple tint from the machine plus a straw tint from the F-7. In line with Collins' statement that the use of the above greatly enhanced entertainment values of certain scenes, we are passing the idea along for others to try out and will be interested to learn if this also meets with successful reception in other theatres.