Motion Picture Herald (Oct-Dec 1932)

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46 MOTION PICTU RE HERALD November 19, 1932 DICK KIRSCHBAUM'S LOBBY LAFFS! This one occurred to several dozen showmen at the same time, but Peterson was first, so he gets the credit. Just the same it does prove that many of the members are sending in their suggestions for the Lobby Laff series. Nice work boys, keep it up. LASHLEY CASHED-IN AS RESULT OF USING STUNT ON THRILLER The stunt of advertising for a woman to sit through the screening of one of those hair-raising mystery thrillers not only obtained a lot of word-of-mouth publicity and free space in the newspapers for Dick Lashley, manager of the Carolina Theatre, Greenville, S. C, but secured prominent mention of his theatre in a large display ad run by the newspaper that carried the classified item. The ad read, $5 Reward for a woman who can sit in the Carolina Thursday night alone and witness a special screening of 'Doctor X.' Apply Manager Carolina Theatre." Over 1,500 appeared at the theatre within the next eight hours to apply for the job and out of this number Lashley selected the victim. The classified department of the paper was so pleased with results that it ran a house ad featuring the original ad. The woman's own version of her experience alone in the theatre also rated stories in the news section. Apparently Dick and his newspaper boyfriends understand one another pretty well, for we also note that he tied up with them for a circulating building gag to boost "Bring 'Em Back Alive." A corking big three-column display ad announced — "Be the News-Piedmont's Guest to See This Picture !" Mats and copy on the picture dominated the entire ad, with a box at the bottom explaining how guest tickets could be obtained by sending in a six-months' subscription to the circulation department. All of which is further proof that Dick Lashley and his crew are still carrying on at their usual place at the Carolina. We'll be telling you all more about them in a future issue. Witson Wields the Axe W. W. Witson, Los Angeles lumberman, realtor, former showman and newly elected head of Pacific National Theatres, Inc., succeeding W. E. Ellington, signalized his return to active participation in showbusiness by making a drastic cut in overhead. Among those affected by the new policy is Dwight L. Hill, who will remain in the Los Angeles until his contract expires next spring, but whose district managership in San Diego is now taken by S. S. Blachy, former independent exhibitor. Two managers, Jack Rosenberg, of the Plaza, San Diego, and James Work, of the Seville, Chulu Vista, are replaced by Harry Lundberg and Earl Ranson, respectively. James "Jimmie" Bacon, doorman at the Mission Theatre, San Diego, for the past four years, is now at the helm of the house. Notice to Members: PLEASE be sure to notify the Chairman of any change of address. — THANK YOU. MANNY SHURE AND RCA MAN PUT OVER A GREAT "STOPPER" A strictly up-to-the-minute stunt was recently worked out in cooperation with the Radio Corporation of America by Manny Shure, manager of the Palace Theatre, Cincinnati, advises Clem Pope, city manager for RKO in that city. You've all heard of the much discussed marvel of science, the photoelectric cell, we take for granted. Well, when a patron enters the door of the Palace (when the stunt was on) a beam of light is broken, which, in turn, starts operation of the apparatus in a Thrift Book booth. A voice from within informs the patron that he can save 10 per cent on the RKO Thrift Books, and, consequently, the patron immediately stops to find out what all the monkey business is about. The only objection to the stunt, states Clem, is the blockade it causes in the lobby. On the other hand, Round Tablers, it's a brand new gag and one which ought to rate a lot of interest and publicity. Manny Shure worked the idea out with the help of a local RCA representative, who goes in for this sort of stuff in a big way. Get in touch with your local RCA man, if the idea appeals to you. If he can't rig the necessary gadgets, he'll probably be able to tell you who can. SAMS GAVE PATRONS REAL ATMOSPHERE ON "CABIN IN COTTON" Where could anyone find sweeter material to work with on "Cabin in the Cotton" than right down in Dixieland? They got cabins and they got cotton — all you need is the man to bring the atmosphere to town, and he was none other than our old friend, A. F. Sams, Jr., manager of the Playhouse Theatre in Statesville, N. C. The accompanying photo will show the interesting street bally he made for the picture. The cabin was built over the automobile for very small outlay of cash and the car was driven through the street during the entire engagement. Sams also had two three-sheets mounted on the front and back of the cabin. Real cotton was picked and attached to the lower portion of the bally. A large banner advertising the film was placed on each slope of the roof. For an inexpensive stunt the above greatly helped build business for the occasion and the word-of-mouth advertising it created was forcibly brought to Sams' attention. We are mighty glad to get a line on this Round Tabler's activities again and hope he'll see that his Club receives further news.