Motion Picture Herald (Apr-Jun 1933)

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42 Better Theatres Section April 8, 1933 regular power lines, on an individual circuit separate from the emergency circuits. Century Electric Co., 1806 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Delco Appliance Corporation, Rochester, N. Y. The Electric Storage Battery Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Fairbanks, Morse & Company, 900 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, m. Kohler Company, Kohler, Wis. Universal Motor Company, Oshkosh, Wis. Weir-Kilby Corporation, Station H, Cincinnati, O. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa. A Lights, Aisle Refer to AISLE LIGHTS A Lights, Exit Refer to EXIT LIGHT SIGNS A Lights, Spot ARE MADE in arc and incandescent types for use on stage — in the booth — in cove lighting, and for head spotting. Most spotlights on the market can be used for spot lighting and for full flood. The arc types are made in sizes of 3 ampere up to 150 ampere. They come complete with stand and attachment cord and connecter. Within the last year, the high intensity spot has appeared. It is an adaptation of the high intensity lamp to spot and flood lighting. The incandescent spotlights are in sizes of from 250 watt to 2,000 watt. The sizes usually used are 250, 400, 500 and 1,000 watt. The small head spots of 250 watts are used for cove lighting or spotting the head of a singer or organist. The incandescent spotlights come either with floor standard or pipe hangers for border lighting batons. In stage work spotlights are frequently banked one above the other on a stand and used for flood-lighting from the wings. Prices range from $12 to $500. Frank Adam Electric Company, 3650 Windsor Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Belson Manufacturing Company, 800 Sibley Street, Chicago, 111. Best Devices Company, Film Building, Cleveland, O. Brenkert Light Projector Company, 7348 St. Aubin Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Chicago Cinema Equipment Company, S736.1754 N. Springfield Avenue, Chicago, 111. Chicago Switchboard Manufacturing Company, 426 S. Clinton Street, Chicago, 111. Crown Motion Picture Supplies, 311 W. 44th St., New York City. Hall & Connolly, Inc., 24 Van Dam Street, New York City. Hub_ Electric Company, 2225 W. Grand Avenue, Chicago, HL Kliegl Brothers, 321 W. SOth Street, New York City. lenses from the finest theatres come to us for resurfacing: condensers, lenses and reflectors of all kinds. Among our customers are the most particular and critical managers and projectionists. We can give 24-hour service. The cost is less than one-third the price of a new condenser or onesixth the price of a new reflector. All work like new. Write for particulars. G. 0. Hansen & Brothers Optical Company 4021 AKMITAGE AVENUE CHICAGO Major Equipment Company, 4063 Fullerton Avenue, Chicago, III W. G. Preddey, 187 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. Reflector & Illuminating Company, 1431 W. Austin Avenue, Chicago, 111. Westinghouse Laynp Company, ISO Broadway, New York City. Wm. Wurdack Electric Manufacturing Company, 4444 Clayton Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. A Lobby Decorations Refer to INTERIOR DECORATIONS A Lobby Display AN ATTRACTIVE lobby is a boon to business. To conform to the beauty in lobby decoration, colorful and attractive lobby displays have been created. Automatic poster displays in polished bronze are constructed for convenient display of standard stills and photographs, featuring current and coming attractions. Art glass today is advantageously used, making a striking and effective display. Many artistic endeavors have been directed toward the lobby with the result that today few shoddy lobbies greet the patron. American Display Corporation, 475 10th Avenue, New York, N. Y. Davis Bulletin Company, Lock Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Igoe-Roemer Corp., Chicago, 111. S. Markendorflf' Sons, Inc., 159 W. 23rd Street, New York City. National Studios^ Inc., 226-232 W. S6th Street, New York, N. Y. A Lobby Display Frames LOBBY ADVERTISING is an obviously effective business stimulant and in this connection the use of lobby display frames easily ranks first in appearance. With the effective display frames now available it is possible not only to obtain a maximum advertising value from their use but also to add materially to the appearance of the lobby. The front of the theatre may now be "dressed up" in excellent fashion with these frames. In the case of new theatres it is common practice to design lobby frames in conformity with the architectural style of the house. American Display Corporation, 475 10th Avenue, New York, N. Y. Igoe-Roemer Corp^ Chicag-Q, 111. Libman-Spanjer Corporation, 1600 Broadway, New York City. S. Markendorff' Sons, Inc., 159 W. 23rd Street. New York City. Northern TTieatre Supply Company, 19 Glenwood Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. A Luminous Signs Refer to SIGNS, DIRECTIONAL Machines, Pop Corn Refer to POP CORN MACHINES A Machines, Ticket A MOTOR driven device for dispensing tickets which are automatically registered as to the number of each denomination sold. These machines are made in two unit, three unit, four unit and five unit sizes. A two unit will dispense two tickets of different denominations such as children and adults. Each unit is controlled by a series of five buttons, making it possible to sell from one to five tickets. Arcus Ticket Company, 348 N. Ashland Avenue, Chicago, ni. General Register Corporation, 81 Prospect Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Standard Ticket Register Corporation, 1600 Broadway, New York City. U. S. Ticket Company, Fort Smith, Ark. Marquees Refer to CANOPIES, THEATRE A Mazda Lamps Refer to LAMPS, MAZDA A Mazda Regulators THIS IS an electrical device for changing 110 volt or 220 volt current to 30 volt, 30 amperes current for use with 900 watt incandescent projection lamps. The Garver Electric Company, Union City, Ind. International Projector Corp., 88-96 Gold St., New York City. A Motor Generators Refer to GENERATORS, MOTOR A Motors, Projector . MOTORS for projection machines are usually 110 volts, 25 to 60 cycles and of 1/10, 1/8 or 1/6 horse power. They may be obtained with variable speed adjustments giving a range of speed of from 150 r.p.m to 4,000 r.p.m. Bodine Electric Company, 2254 W. Ohio Street, Chicago, HI. Fidelity Electric Company, 331 N. Arch Street, Lancaster, Pa. A Music Publishers APPRECIATING the important part played by music in the theatre several companies have recently compiled special music for the guidance and assistance of theatre organists and orchestras. In this music and orchestral arrangement has been so scored that the numbers can be played with maximum effect by any combination of instruments, large and small. Special books or organ music have also recently been available. These comprise classic, modern, characteristic, marches, opera selections and sacred numbers, making a valuable addition to every organist's library. D. Appleton & Company, 35 West 32nd Street, New York City. De Sylva, Brown & Henderson, Inc., 745 Seventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. Speed y/^J^I^^V Silence Accuracy /^/blTJl^l^Sv Efficiency / ^— SVSTEM s — TRADE MARK A GENERAL!' Leads Again! There must be a reason why RADIO CITY-ROXY THEATRES and the Chicago's WORLD'S FAIR are equipped 100% with the latest AUTOMATIC GOLD SEAL TICKET REGISTER. GENERAL REGISTER CORP. 81 Prospect St. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1018 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 172G S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles 113 Albany St., Boston 112 North 12th St., Philadelphia