Motion Picture Herald (Jun-Sep 1934)

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In lobbies . . . aisles ... on the stairs of leading theatres all over the country, Bigelow carpet helps to make the show successful. Night after night, year after year, Bigelow helps to give the right feeling of luxury . . . keeps its fresh beauty in spite of the crowds that trample it ! There's a Bigelow grade for every theatre space . , . a wide range of standard patterns ... a design staff to create special fabrics to your order. All Bigelow carpets are woven of Lively Wool that springs back underfoot . . . resists matting ... is easier to clean. Result: Bigelow keeps maintenance costs low ... is most economical in the long run. If you're planning a new theatre or thinking about recarpeting an old one, why not let Bigelow' s Contract men serve you as expert Carpet Counsel? They're trained to give you a beautiful job at a price that fits your budget. CODE BIGELOW-SANFORD CARPET GO. inc. 140 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. BRANCH OFFICES AND SHOWROOMS IN 25 CITIES